Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cap 3 Super Bowl Trailer, BVS Final Trailer And More

This may contain spoilers

"Captain America: Civil War" Super Bowl Trailer


      I really enjoyed the new Super Bowl "Captain America: Civil War" trailer. In this shot we see Cap's team. As you can see Ant-Man has a new helmet. I'm hoping it's the Giant-Man suit helmet.


      Now on Iron Man's team we see Black Panther. I'm sure he has his reasons for being there, but it has been hinted at he is neutral. They do have Vision, who is a power house. But so is Scarlet Witch. In the comics, She is the most powerful mutant of all. She even wiped out almost all mutants, just by a single thought after saying "No more mutants" in the comic "House of M". Fortunately, she didn't kill them, just took away their powers.
     From the roster that we see it looks as if it will be Black Panther v Winter Solder, Iron Man v Captain America, Black Widow v Hawk Eye and Ant-Man, War Machine v Falcon and Vision v Scarlet Witch. A few of these we have seen in the trailer, but just by looking at the line up I think that is how the fight will go. It can be a good thing Hulk isn't here, because whoever's side he is on will win. For the record I'm on Team Cap's side.


     I liked this part of the trailer where Bucky, is trying to kill Tony Stark. Stark, just uses some kind of watch to use his Iron Man fist, to block the bullet. This poses the question, why is Bucky trying to kill Stark. Yes this hole movie is about a Civil War between the Avengers, but not to kill each other. Just goes to show Bucky, may not be a mercenary anymore, but is still willing to kill.

Here is a link to more images

Here is a link to the trailer


      Roomer has it according to "Collider Heroes" "Captain America: Civil War" shot 2 different endings. One where CrossBones, kills Captain America. Just like in the comics "Civil War". Not being in "Avengers: Infinity War Part 1" but being brought back to life by one of the infinity stones. Probably the Time or Soul Stone who knows, in order to come back for "Avengers: Infinity War Part 2". The second where Captain America, is alive at the end and is walking away with the new Secret Avengers. I am more for Cap walking away with the new Secret Avengers. But this could also mean Crossbones, still killed Cap. Then Winter Solder, took on the mantle of Captain America, leading the Secret Avengers.

Image result for captain america civil war crossbones and captain america


     This movie has been nick named Avengers 2.5 because of how packed it is with almost all the Avengers.
      In an interview for Disney twenty-three, a magazine available to D23 Gold Members, Chris Evens said (as quoted by Yahoo Movies):
     "Even though there are a lot characters, the focus is on Steve and his struggle. Especially his struggle with Tony Stark...It's exciting to see a guy who's as optimistic and as selfless as Steve be met with letdown, betrayal, frustration, and selfishness. There are events and people in his life that test him--that challenge him and force him to reevaluate who he is and what he wants out of life."

Collider article link

     Kevin Feige President of Marvel Studios, has also said "It is very much Cap's story. It's very much a sequel to 'The Winter Solder. I think one day you'll look back and watch - Captain America: The first Avenger, Captain America: The winter Solder, and Captain America: Civil war- and it'll be one of those unique and different trilogies ever around a single character."

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Final Trailer


     In the beginning of the trailer, we finally see Batman, being Batman. He easily takes down a group of thugs. Afterward Bruce Wayne tells Alfred, he is getting slow in his old age. Then Alfred says "Even you've gotten to old to die young, not for lack of trying". This seems to point out that Batman was never in retirement and was always awesome.


     In this part, we have scene before the Batmoble hitting Superman and just bouncing off of him. Before it was speculated Batman was trying to hit Superman. Maybe to test Superman's power. But in this trailer we see Batman trying to get out of Superman's way. Also with his facial expression, trying not to hit him. But this scene is still cool because we see the supposedly indestructible Batmobile, hit Superman, and just bounce off like a racket ball. From a privies trailer, when we see more extended of the scene. Anyone else who accidentally hits someone and bounces off of them would plead with the person that they were sorry or would be scared out of their mind. In this case Batman, being as awesome as he is, just says the now classic line "Tell me, do you bleed, you will".


     This was possibly the most WOW part of the trailer for me. Superman goes to punch Batman, in his battle armor. Then Batman blocks the punch. Superman looks very surprised about this. We now see Batman, being able to take on Superman. But the question is "how". One theory would be kryptonite. Superman trembles around kryptonite so I'm not sure about that. Whatever it is Batman, has made himself on more equal grounds with Superman.    

     According to John Campea, ex producer of "Collider Movie Talk" (he's just looking for new things to do) this trailer is better than the one from Santiago Comic Con. Which he considers to be the best trailer of 2015.

Here is a like to more images

Here is a like to the trailer



     After the new trailer blew up the internet with tones of positive reactions. According to "Collider Movie Talk" Now a report over at Hitfix, claims that the DC line up may be in trouble. Roth Cornet, a frequent guest and friend of "Collider Movie Talk" chatted with fellow hitfix writer June McWeeny, and his thoughts about the trailer which led to these comments from comments from McWeeny.
     "Warner is a little warred. This movie is starting to scare them. And it's scaring them because they're showing it to people now. People are actually laying eyes on the film and the response has not been exactly what I think they wanted... I would be surprised if Justice League starts shooting when they say it's going to. I would be equally surprised if Zack Snyder directed it... My guess is what is going to happen is the Justice League is going to get moved back and that Ben Affleck Batman movie, that's going to be what ends up in that spot."
    The big question, is this roomer true. Dennis Tzeng, production manager at Collider Video who appears on "Collider Movie Talk, says they got all sorts of tweets about this the night of the trailer. Hitfix is a credible source. June McWeeny, is a respected on line journalist. He's friends with Roth Cornet. Dennis texted with her about this. This blew up the internet, it went everywhere. When he texted with her, asking are you sure and she said her sources are reliable. Dennis says for them to truly run this story, they believe this case. Dennis claims to what was actually said, he doesn't believe it's as bad or as damaging. What was meant "Batman v Superman" might not be as good as what we are expecting. Maybe Warner Brothers were expecting it to crush it. Maybe the response was maybe people liked it but didn't love it. Dennis doesn't think the sky is falling yet but there's things to be talking in consideration. The quality of a movie doesn't always mean the box office success. Sometimes a movie can be great but have a bad box office. Or in the case like "Transformers" it can be a poor movie that does very very well and keep making them. He doesn't think this is the end of the world.
     I personally hope that it does well. For those of you who know me, would know that chances are I am going to love it, if not be blown away. Batman had his "Dark Night" trilogy. I WANT JUSTICE LEAGUE!

Here is a link to the Hitfix interview


    Ben Affleck went to George Clooney (Batman in Batman and Robin) and Christian Bale (Batman in the Dark knight trilogy) for advice. Clooney said something which is not repeatable, according to Affleck. (My guess is because of his bad casting reaction he got, and because "Batman and Robin" is said to be one of the worst Batman movies, although I liked it as a kid.)  Bale said to make sure there's a zipper on the bat suit. (Probably for those emergency bathroom breaks.)

Collider article link


      According to Collider, Marvel Studios and James Gunn, have announced the official start of filming of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" The original cast will be returning Chris Prat (Star-Lord) Zoi Saldona (Gamora), David Bautista (Drax), Bradley Cooper (voice Rocket Raccoon), Vin Diesel (voice Groot) as leads. With Micheal Rooker (Yondu), Sean Gunn (Kraglin), and Karen Gillan (Nebula) also to return. Along with some new faces Pom Klementieff (Mantis) Elisabeth Debicki (unknown character), Chris Sullivan (unknown character) and Kurt Russul (rumored Star-Lord's dad). GOTG Vol. 2, continues the team's adventures and unravels the mystery of  Peter Quill's parentage.

Image result for deadpool and colossus
      For those of you who have seen the movie "Deadpool" I hope you enjoyed. I really do. As for me though I have interest in seeing it because it's in the X-Men universe and Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men. But I will wait until I can see it edited. I have heard from different people that like superhero movies that they loved it. But from a couple of others they said they regretted it. It was BAD. It has lots of swearing, nudity and raunchy humor. That kind of stuff is not for me. This will be the first comic book based movie since the first "X-Men" movie that came out in 2000 that I have to wait on if I see it.

Here is a Collider "Deadpool" movie review video If you loved "Deadpool" this is for you.

Here is a link to a video about how it took 5 actors to make Colossus



      In an article on Collider, the first information about the plot of "Wonder Woman" came from DC’s TV special on The CW. Geoff Johns of DC Comics remarked that casual viewers don’t know the character’s origin as well as Batman or Superman. So this film will tell the tale of “who she is, where she comes from, and why she does what she does."
      Gal Gadot (who plays Wonder Woman)  said "we’ll see her coming of age as an Amazon on her homeland of Themyscira. While this race of super-powered women was created to defend man’s world, they have since abandoned it because, as Johns put it, man is “not worth it.” Diana, feeling the impulse to enter man’s world, does so during the era of World War I — not WWII, as is more common with her origin tale."
     Supporting roles are Robin Wright (unknown character), Danny Huston (unknown character), David Thewlis (unknown character), Ewen Bremner (unknown character), Said Taghmaoui (unknown character), Elena Anaya (unknown character), and Lucy Davis (unknown character.) Chris Pine (who plays Steve Trevor, a war pilot in the comics and Diana’s love interest.) Connie Nielsen (Queen Hippolyta, Diana’s mother and ruler of the Amazons.)
       When we first meet Wonder Woman in "Batman v Superman" she’ll be 5,000 years old. She’ll come in to help the other two battle Doomsday. Galot Says  “she’s seen it all, she has seen what humans can do, so it was very hard for her to come back and fight.”
     Here is a link to the Collider article

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