Saturday, March 26, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Spoiler Review

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Battle for Metropolis
In the beginning of the movie it says "Metropolis, mankind meets the Superman." The hole beginning was Bruce Wayne in Metropolis being a civilian in the middle of Superman fighting the Kryptonions from the prequel Superman: Man of Steel. It was a great scene. Just showing the fight and what was going on through Bruce's eyes and shows how angry he is with Superman. Then after the fight is all over it goes ahead 18 months.
Image result for batman v superman bruce wayne in metropolisImage result for batman v superman battle for metropolis

Senate Explosion
After an incident involving Superman saving Lois Lane. We find out Lex set up Superman making him look like he killed people. So he was asked by a Senator, who as a witness who lost his legs to the Superman incident in Man of Steel. While the Senator is trying to talk to Superman in the Senate building. I had know idea this was about to happen but the Senate house blows up. Another a plot by Lex Luthor to make Superman look bad. That was a WAW moment for me. Later they tell on the news that the explosion came from the witness's wheelchair.
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Batmobile Chase
By this point it has been found out that a green rock (kryptonite) can hurt Kryptonians. Through Lex testing things on the corps of General Zod from Man of Steel. Batman has found out there is a shipment of it being sent to Lex. So he decides to go steel it so he can use it against Superman. It's a really great scene with the Batmobile chasing these thugs. Then out of know where the Batmobile runs into Superman, hits him and bounces off of him. Superman then rips off the hood of the Batmobile and tells Batman to burry the bat and that his is a warning. Then Batman then says "Tell me, do you bleed. You will." Awesome line right there. As Superman flies off.
        Image result for batman v superman batmobile chase  Image result for batman v superman batmobile chase

Batman Dream Sequence
After Bruce has gotten his stolen data that he stole from Lex back from Diana Prince (Wonder Woman.) It takes a while for his system to decrypt the hole thing. He has a dream where he is in the Batsuit wearing an over coat and goggles. He comes out of an area and is looking over a destroyed city and between him and the city in a dessert like area we see a really big omega symbol from the ground. (The omega symbol hints towards DC's big bad named Darkseid, ruler of the planet Apokolips. Like Marvel's big bad is Thanos.)   Batman then meets up with some people thinking they have a rock that he wants. It turns into an ambush and some people attack that have the Superman S on their shoulder. Batman is awesome here. These flying creatures appear picking up solders and one of them knocks out Batman. (Those flying things are minions of Darkseid called parademons.) Batman then wakes up hanging by tied wrists along side 2 other people. Superman shows up. Kills the 2 other people and tells Batman it's his fault she's dead. Superman unmasks Batman and just shows how angry he is. After Superman is doing something to Batman's chest Bruce wakes up in the Bat Cave. All of a sudden a portal appears and someone who is possibly the Flash (Wearing a suit that looks like it is form the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game and comics) appears telling Bruce by name. Listen to me now. It's Lois, Lois Lane. She's the key. Am I too soon. Ahh, I'm too soon. You were right about him. You've always been right. Fear him. Find us Bruce. Find us now. Bruce then wakes up again in the Bat Cave.
Image result for batman v superman dream sequence       Image result for batman v superman batman dream
Justice League Cameos
During the movie Diana and Bruce Wayne get invited to something by Lex Luthor. Bruce plants a device in an area to download data from Lex Corp to find out what he knows about Meta Humans. After the download proses Diana steals the device before Bruce can retrieve it and downloads what he got onto a device of her own then returns it. This is also where Bruce flirts a little with Diana and he and Clark Kent meet for the first time and have a debate between Batman and Superman. Later Bruce looks at the data and he finds 4 different symbols. While I was watching I pointed out the 4 symbols to be for Wonder Woman, Cyborg, The Flash, and Aquaman. This scene just shows Bruce looking at the data for Wonder Woman and discovers the woman that stole the data he stole is this woman who is in a photo during WW1. Later Wonder Woman is looking at the data and sees Bruce emailed her telling her he knows she's the girl in the picture from WW1. She then looks at the other data of 3 different videos. One showing in a store a teenager shopping then uses his speed to stop a robber. Another shows in the depths of the ocean Aquaman in a wrechage, attacks an underwater camera then speedily swims away. The last shows a scientist with the upper half of a man. After he tries different things to save the mans life all of a sudden a device (most likely a mother box hinting towards Darksied) puts different parts together on the man and makes Cyborg. Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg will unite in the Justice League Part 1 movie next year.
   Image result for batman v superman flash aquaman cyborg

BvS Fight
Batman was motivated when the world first meet Superman. It made him very angry. With the kryptonite that he ended up stealing from Lex he made some bullets that were packed with kryptonite dust and made a kryptonite spear. Lex finds out who Superman is and kidnaps his mother and pushes Lois off a building to get Superman's attention. Lex tells Superman to kill batman within a time limit and to bring him Batman's head or else he will kill Superman's mother. So Superman decides to go to Batman to try to convince him to help him save his mother. When he gets to the Batsignal where Batman is waiting for Superman to fight him. Superman at first tries to tell Batman the situation about his mother but Batman is to angry and before Superman can utter a few words Batman attacks. Superman easily takes out Batman's defenses but Batman is ready for this and ends up shooting Superman. The kryptonite dust makes the playing field even and Batman kicks Superman's but. Batman ends up using another bullet and is about to put the finishing blow with the kryptonite spear. But then Superman tries to tell Batman about his mother again, who happens to have the same name as Batman's mother. And this confuses Batman. Lois ends up coming and helps Superman to convince Batman to help him.
Image result for batman v superman fight           Image result for batman v superman fight

Trinity vs Doomsday
After Batman does awesome at being Batman and rescues Superman's mother. Lex is confronted by Superman and tells him he's lost. Lex then shows Superman his Doomsday. A metamorphosis General Zod transformed into a monsterus creature. First Superman fights it and then takes it into space where the president orders a nuke on them both. The nuke knocks out Superman for a bit and Doomsday just shows the more its hurt the stronger it gets. Batman then gets the idea since it's a kryptonian, kryptonite might kill it (the spear). Batman then gets it's attention in the Batwing and has it follow him closer to where the spear is at. In the proses Doomsday hits the Batwing with it's laser eyes and the Batwing crashes. Just as Doomsday is about to laser Batman, Wonder Woman jumps in and is able to block the blast. Wonder Woman's theme just sounds awesome. After the 3 meet up Wonder Woman and Superman take on Doomsday while Batman tries to stay out of the way while finding an opportune time to shoot Doomsday with his last kryptonite bullet. Lois has the same idea with the spear and tries to get it. But she earlier through it in a pool of water. As she tries to swim for it the intensity of the battle causes things around the pool to brake and trap her under water. Superman hears her please and saves her. Superman then tells Lois he loves her then takes the spear then flies towards Doomsday. While he is flying towards the monster, Wonder Woman has her lasso around it and Batman has shot it. Superman then flies strait into Doomsday stabbing it with the spear. As Doomsday is being stabbed it stabs Superman through the chest with a spike that group out of it's hand. After Doomsday gets killed from the spear Superman, dies as well. It was an awesome battle. Batman couldn't really help much other than his last kryptonite bullet. But I think if he know what he was up against he would have helped more like when he was prepared to fight Superman.
Image result for batman v superman doomsdayImage result for batman v superman doomsday
Image result for batman v superman batwing

The Death of Superman
The world has a funeral for Superman. But Martha Kent has one with the body for Clark Kent. Bruce and Diana are there. Bruce tells Diana that they need to find the others like her so they can fight together for something that he feels is coming. Bruce feels like he failed Superman man in life but he won't in death. After the burial and Lois drops dirt on the coffin before it's buried you see some of the sand floating. Superman will be back for Justice League.

Final Thoughts
Although critics gave this movie a bad review. I really enjoyed it. But both critics and fans agree on Ben Affleck killed it as Batman. I really enjoyed Lex Luthor's scheming. I loved the Justice League cameos. There really isn't much more I could have ask for out of this movie. Maybe just a little more action. Some critics, through Collider Video, have said the emotion wasn't enough. I thought it was fine.

Why Kill Superman
In a like to a video below director Zack Snyder explains why he killed Superman. He explains that he wanted Bruce Wayne to put together the Justice League. In my opinion of what Zack says next he needed to take Superman out of the picture. Because if Superman is there, why do we need anyone else unless a threat arises proving that we need more than just Superman. Because Zack wanted Bruce to bring the Justice League together, if Superman were there why not just have him do it. Another reason why he was killed was to evolve as a character. To embrace his humanity. He says there is a plan to bring him back. But we will have to wait and see.

From one critic Grace Randolph, she had a really good review and here is a link to hers.

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