Saturday, February 6, 2016

Supergirl S1 E12, The FLash S2 E12, Arrow S4 E12, DC's LOT S1 E3 Recap

Spoilers spoilers spoilers
Sorry if these episodes aren't exactly as they go in the episodes. I mainly do these by memory and some help from Collider to help refresh my memory.

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 12 Bizarrow
Image result for supergirl vs bizarroImage result for supergirl                                                 
     Continuing from the last episode Kara (Supergirl) and her adoptive sister Alex, are shocked when they see a Supergirl, impostor on the news picking up and throwing a car. At Cat Co, Cat is asking her crew for a headline about the event. At first no one has anything good to say, but then Kara, says under her breath "An impostor". Everyone over hears her say this and Cat likes it. After everyone leaves, Kara and Cat talk about the headline a little more. Cat, names the impostor Bizarrow, because the impostor is making Supergirl, look really bizarre, or the opposite of who she is. Cat is also treating Kara really nice like. Something she has never done before. Kara, assumes because Cat's son Adam, asked her out at the end of the previous episode. While Kara and Adam, are on a date having drinks, Kara sees on the news a rail cart is malfunctioning and might fall endangering everyone in the cart. Kara then tells Adam, she needs a rain check and goes to save the cart. While in the process of figuring out the best way to safely save the people in the cart Bizarrow, shows up and attacks Supergirl. While Bizarrow, is hitting Supergirl, into the cart, the cart brakes free. Supergirl, then forgets about Bizarrow, and saves the cart. Bizarrow, goes back to Maxwell, very confused. Maxwell, has been telling Bizarrow, that supergirl, is evil and needs to die. Bizarrow, tries to tell Maxwell, speaking in first person, that she is confused. He told her Supergirl, is evil. Yet she saved those people. Maxwell, just tells Bizarrow, that Supergirl, is evil and needs to die. Bizarrow, only being able to speak in first person and seemingly not very smart, just believes him. Back at Cat Co, Kara apologizes to Adam, for the interrupted date and is asked out for that night. Later She talks to Alex, about it and thinks she shouldn't go on the date again, with Bizarrow out there. Alex, says the DEO will take care of Bizarrow, and to go on the date because it will be good for her. While on the date with Adam, the 2 share a kiss then suddenly Bizarrow, swoops in taking Kara. They land on a hill, then the 2 fight. The DEO. shows up and shoot Bizarrow, with krypotnite. This seems to strengthen her and deforms her face. Making her face look gray and her skin looking cracked with some peaces fallen off, looking like the picture above. Even though Bizarrow's power has increased, her body needs to adjust, then she fly's off. Back at Maxwell's, Bizarrow, explains how she and Supergirl, are the same and doesn't know how to kill her. Maxwell, then says they know who Supergirl is and that Bizarrow needs to attack Kara's heart by getting someone she cares about. Back at the DEO they discover Maxwell, has been experimenting on brain dead girls till he perfected his creation. This makes Alex, really angry and decides to bring in Maxwell, despite Hank's disapproval. Alex, just says she cares more about her family than the DEO. She tells Hank, he should understand because he has lost all of his family. Meanwhile Bizarrow, kidnaps James. James and Bizarrow, end up talking. James, finds out Kara loves him. During the episode James has been struggling with his feeling he has for Kara, while he is dating Lucy Lane. Meanwhile Alex, and some enforcers, take Maxwell to the DEO and lock him up. While James and Bizarrow are talking, James is able to hit his watch to alert Supergirl. She arrives and they fight again. Alex, arrives and shoots Bizarrow, with anti kryptonite, blue kryptonite, which takes her out. After freeing James, Alex and Supergirl then take Bizarrow, back to the DEO. At the end of the episode Supergirl, goes back to her place. While there she can feels something is wrong. After she finds some plant thing, some creature attacks her and the episode ends. 
     The creature that attacks her is a parasitic alien that appears in the animated series "Justice League". This creature attaches itself to you and makes you dream of your hearts greatest desire. That's what it feeds off of. From the image below, the parasitic alien has attached itself to Superman. This makes him dream Krypton was never destroyed, he is a farmer, married to Lois and they have a son. Go figure him mixing Krypton with what he wants from Earth as well. In the episode, Wonder Woman and Batman, while trying to get the creature off of Superman. The creature ends up attaching itself to Batman. The only way to get the creature off of you is to have the dreamer believe what they're dreaming isn't actually real. Batman, then dreams his parents were never kill. His father Thomas Wayne, beats the gunman instead. After Superman is free, he is very angry for having to give up what he had in his dream. He says giving up what he had in the dream was hardest thing he has ever done. Superman then fights the villain that put the creature on him in the first place, the alien warlord Mongul. Mongul can take on Superman and during the episode is able to take out Wonder Woman.   
Image result for superman for the man who has everything                        
      Collider has no rating for this episode, but here is the link to their recap

The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 Fast Lane
Image result for the flash
     At the beginning of the episode, 2 years ago, 2 guys are hanging a guy over boiling tar. The 2 hit-men want a bank account number. After he gives them the account number, they drop him into the tar anyway. Then it shows the particle accelerator explosion that happened at the beginning of season 1. In present day construction is being worked at the Tar Plant and shows some tar through the asphalt crust with an arm coming out of the tar. At Star Labs, Wells is very irritated while trying to help Team Flash, find a way to stop the breaches, going to and form Earth 2. He has made a device, with the blood he took from Turtle just before killing him, to steal the Flash's speed to give to Zoom, in order get his daughter back. Barry, now single again, tries to help Well's with the breaches problem. Wells is very reluctant about this, but accepts his help. While Barry is trying to make small talk with him, Wells gets very annoyed and tells Barry to leave. We find out the arm that was coming out of the tar is the same guy that was dropped into it 2 years ago. He kills one of the hit-men that dropped him into the tar by burning him, with his new found tar powers, as if he was scorched by lava. Cisco, shows Barry, an app he made to detect meta-humans, after there first encounter with the new meta-human, Cisco named Tar Pit. Wells puts the device he made, to take Flash's speed, in the Flash suit. Iris, is concerned her brother Wally, who is being reckless by still drag racing. She goes to the drag race trying to convince Wally, to stop with no avail. Turns out the other hit-man is also at the drag race. Tar Pit shows up, changes the consistency of the road as the race starts. The back of the 2 cars explodes and goes flying. Cisco's device goes off and Flash is sent to to scene. Flash rescues Wally. While he tries to stop flying glass from hitting Iris, his speed is getting stolen by Wells's device. Flash gets slowed down a little. Resulting in Iris getting hit and severely injured. Flash then tricks Tar Pit, into blasting a fire hydrant, which sprays him down turning him into tar. Flash ends up defeating Tar Pit with nitrogen grenades. At the hospital, Joe West tells his son, Wally, to be a brother to his sister. He's then tells Wally he's done trying to be buddy buddy with him and will be more of a father. After Wells gives Zoom, what speed he stole from the Flash. He asks if he can have his daughter back. Zoom says the speed is only a percentage of what he  wants and Well's can't have his daughter back until he gets all of Flash's speed. Cisco and Caitlin, with the devices they track Flash with, have concerns of the lost speed Flash shows in their devices. Caitlin says Flash lost 2% of his max speed. Later Barry comes across and shows Wells, the other Wells's plans for such a case with the breaches. After they construct the device they go test it and a breach gets closed. They go back to Star Labs and Flash's lost speed gets brought up again with Cisco, Caitlin and Joe around. Wells ends up telling them about the device he planted on Flashes suit to get his daughter back. Detective West punches him for it, then puts him in a cell that is meant for meta-humans at. The episode ends with the team deciding to help Wells get his daughter back by sending Wells and the team to Earth 2.

Collider rating: 3 stars good
Here is the like to the Collider recap

According to Collider, the rummer "Flash" and "Supergirl" having a crossover will happen on Monday, March 28. I am very exited about this. I just love the crossover episodes. Because it makes it feel more Justice League like.

Image result for arrow season 4 episode 12
     The episode starts out at the League of Assassins base. One of the women comes to feed Nyssa Raatko in her cell. Nyssa is refusing to eat, but the woman says the pepper came from the garden and should just try a bite. Nyssa takes the top off the pepper and a dagger is hidden inside. Nyssa and the woman are then able to break out. Mean while Team Arrow is chancing down a thief. This thief seems to be really skilled. Finally Red Arrow (Thea Queen) gets the thief down on the edge of a roof top. All of a sudden she passes out and the thief escapes. Back at the base Watch (Felicity Smoak) is able to find out what the thief stole, really hi tech. She discovers the thief's next target will be at Palmer Tech. The device there will be the last device the thief needs in order to make an internet bomb or nuke. Team Arrow meets the thief there, Arrow catches the thief and finds out the thief is his old friend and partner Roy Harper. Roy kicks Arrow then flees. Later Arrow runs into Roy Again and shoots him with an tranquilizer arrow. The team takes him bake to the base, then when he wakes up he he tells the team he was being black mailed into sealing the tech. Meanwhile Felicity is asked to do a presentation on a new battery Polmer Tech has created in order to save the company. During her practice presentation, she doubts herself being in a wheelchair yet again, but this time being Polmer Tech's CEO and the presentation is a wreck. We find Nyssa in Japan and confronts the skilled swords woman Tatsu (Katana) who helped Oliver get out of the League of Assassins, who is guarding the lotus flower. They face off and seem to be equally matched. Nyssa then makes a proposal and the flower involves Oliver Queen. Back at the base Felicity, is able to hack into the person's computer, who made Roy steal, who names himself Calculator. She then finds out Calculator is good with computers as well and they talk to each other. Calculator reveals the bomb is much more that Felicity thought and plans to destroy a city from on line by taking out everything electrical. Calculator then proves his skills by kicking Felicity out of his system. While Felicity is trying to figure out where the bomb will be located at, Oliver and Roy go visit Thea. We find out when Roy gets close to Thea, the old wound, that initially killed her before being resurrected by the Lazarus pit, starts to open. But when Roy backs away the wound heals itself. Oliver and Thea's Father (Malcolm Merlyn) talk about what they should do. Thea's blood lust, do to the Lazarus pit, went away but is now attacking her. The last time Damian Darhk tried to use his powers on Red Arrow, they didn't work and Thea's blood lust went away. Oliver proposes making a deal with Damian, since his wife is now running against him in the election, to try to help Thea's blood lust go away permanently. Malcolm disagrees and says if he had his way he would just bring someone in for Thea to kill and he is this close to putting a dagger in her hands to make her slit someones throat. But this can't be either of their decision, this needs to be Thea's. During the time Felicity is able to find out where the bomb is, she is convinced on how to have confidence on her presentation. The team is sent to stop the bomb. It so happens the bomb is needed to physically go off and blow up the building by manually setting it off. Roy (Red Arrow) is the one who decides to this. After shooting an Arrow at it, he is able to escape the explosion. After Felicity is able to nail her presentation, Calculator approaches her. Not knowing he is Calculator, she realizes he is her father. 
    In the past, Oliver is being tortured by his captive Baron Reiter, trying to get information about the maps he has to give him information about MacGuffin, who he's been looking for all season. Oliver  passes out and has a vision with an old love of his who was killed: Shado. Shado, convinces him he needs to face his inner darkness in order to go back home to his family. When he comes to, he confesses to Taiana, the woman he is captive with, that he lied to her. Telling her he killed her brother not knowing he was her brother at the time. He then tells her the circumstance on why he did it didn't matter anymore and asks for forgiveness, while she cries. At the end of the episode Roy says goodbye to Thea. Thea just tells him she understands why he needs to leave and to have a good life. Nyssa approaches Oliver, while at the hospitable do to Thea being in a coma, offering him the healing powers of the lotus. She will give it to him freely, only if he kills Malcolm.

Collider rating 4 stars: very good
Here is the link to the Collider recap

Image result for dc legends of tomorrow episode 3
     The episode starts with going back to ancient Egypt, where it shows Rip Hunter trying to kill Vandal Savage. Back in the 1970s, the team is trying to figure out how to save Kenda's (Hawkgirl)  life, while trying to figure out how to take down Savage a notch. (During this time Rip says one of my favorite lines that I have been waiting for in this series "I've seen Men of Steel die and Dark Knights fall" BOOM, Batman and Superman pun.) Just before Rip, feeling really stressed, goes to his room to try to think things out, he tells Jax (one half of Fire Storm) to take a look at the ships escape ship since he's a mechanic. Sara (White Canary) comes in to try to talk to Rip. All he can say is he just wants to be alone. Sara ends up convincing him they need to just weaken Savage in order to take him down by weakening his resources: his money. They find out his money is at one of the oldest backs in the world. Lenard Snart (Captain Cold) over hears this and ask about the highst. Rip refuses Snarts offer, which was expected to Snart, and is able to steal Rips key form him. While Rip and Sara go to the Bank, Snart and Rory (Heatwave) go to the escape ship to convince Jax to take them to Central City, so they can steal an emerald. Jax refuses to help, but gets convinced to be their getaway car. During this time Stien (the other half of Fire Storm) and Palmer (Atom) try to figure out how to save Kendra. Palmer then decides to use his Atom suit to shrink down in order to destroy the metal shards that are itching towards Kendra's heart. While destroying the metal inside of Kendra, Atom looses a peace of his suit, panics, looses his confidence, then gets out of Kendra. After Snart and Rory steal the emerald, Snart tells Jax they have one more stop. Rory, figures out their one more stop is where he and Snart grew up. Snart, explains his father, tries to steal the emerald they have 2 days from now. He gets caught and goes to prison for 5 years. Snart wants to stop his father from going prison, that's when he becomes abusive. At the bank, Rip and Sara find out the people at this bank are followers of Savage's cult and they have a richual for Hawkman (Carter). They tie up Rip and Sara, then take them to the richual. When Snart gets to the house he grew up in, he runs into his younger self as a boy. Snarts gives his younger self a pep talk about surviving on your own, then his father points a gun to Snarts head, asking him what he is doing here. After Snart talks to his father, he gives him the emerald so he won't have to steal it, go to prison and not have Snart's sister. On their way back, After Stein gives Palmer a pep talk about his confidence, Atom then is able to destroy the metal in Kendra. Kendra wakes up, starts ranting about what is happening to Carter through some vision, while Rip is communicating with them at the richual. Stein warns Jax about the richual, then Snart says they are on they way. At the richual, Savage slits Hawkman's throat and drinks the blood. He then has some of his followers drink. Savage explains drinking the blood adds 100 years or so to their life. This explains Damian Darhk, in the last episode, how he hasn't aged. Snart, Rory and Jax arrive and the fight starts. While the fight is happening, Rip says this is for his wife and son by name, then slits Sagave's throat . Savage then says he will survive this and he now knows those names. At the end of the episode the team barries Carter, then they go to 1986. Snart checks to make sure giving his father the emerald changed his future. But it turns out his father went to prison anyway for try to selling it to an undercover officer.
     I am enjoying this show, but a few complaints so far. When Captain Cold and Heat Wave use their guns not much to nothing is getting frozen or burns. And so far when they change events in the past, they are either able to fix it, which is excusable, but if not, like with Snart's father, it just says events ended up not changing. You would think something would have happened.                

Collider rating 4 stars: very good
Here is the link to the Collider recap


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