Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Flash: S2 E14, Arrow: S4 E14, DC's LOT: S1 E5

The contains spoilers for these episodes



      From the last episode Flash, is in the clutches of Zoom, in a glass cage. While imprisoned, Flash and Jesse talk. Flash tells Jesse, all her father could talk about is rescuing her. There is one other person in a cage, just he is wearing a metal mask and tries to communicate with the other two in mores code by tapping on the glass. Jesse just get annoyed with it and asks him to stop. Flash, on the other hand, get the idea the metal masked man in trying to communicate with them and asks for Jesse's help. They end up figuring out he is saying "Jay". Flash then says "Jay Garrick" is alive on his Earth. The metal masked man, then just gets frustrated (probably because it's hard to communicate). Zoom, shows up, tells the metal masked man to not talk to the other prisoners. Then fazes through the glass Flash is behind and beats him. Zoom then says once he has the Flash's speed he will kill Jesse in front of her father. After Zoom leaves Flash tries to faze through the glass but isn't able to.

Image result for the flash season 2 episode 14

     Meanwhile, Before Zoom went back to where he has his prisoners, Wells and Cisco release Earth-2 Barry and tell him to leave. Barry wants to know what is going on. Wells knows Zoom in now after him and they need to leave. Zoom get to STAR. Labs, but Wells, Cisco and Barry are able to trick him and not get found. Later they run into Barry's wife Iris, and they all decide they need to find Killer Frost, in order to find where Zooms is hiding his prisoners. Through Barry's computer tracking expertise, they were able to find where Killer Frost, hiding in the woods.
     When they get to the woods and find Killer Frost they all, except Barry who is tagging along trying to be brave, point some kind of gun to her. She attacks, they all scatter. Cisco is able to convince her to lead them to where Zoom is by telling her how their Earth's Caitlin is and how she was when her boyfriend died, just like her's. She leads them to where Zooms is holding his prisoners captive and unless you can fly, only Zoom could get there because it's in the side of a cliff. Frost helps them more by making an icy way to reach where the prisoners are at. They free Jesse but aren't able to free Flash for some reason. After Flash is able to get free, Zoom arrives. While Zoom is in the act to kill Jesse, Frost, frost blasts Zoom, making way for the rest to escape. But before they leave Flash tells the metal masked man, he will be back for him.

Image result for the flash season 2 episode 14

     On Earth-1, Jay is able to fix the Speed Cannon. Felicity is able to back velocity 9. Jay uses it to save some people from a collapsing building that Geomancer attacked. Velocity 9 may be better than the last one but it only lasts so long. After he gets back to Star Labs he decides to take a nap. While he is napping Geomancer, finds Star Labs and threatens Caitlin and Iris and attacks, using his tremors. Caitlin is able to sneak a shot from a device that knocks him out. After Detective West, takes Geomancer, away they find out the Speed Cannon was damaged in the tremors. Jay, uses velocity 9, with Joe's help, to use the speed to remake the breach. Not to long after they recreated the breach Cisco and Jesse come through it fallowed by Flash and Wells. Zoom was right behind them and Wells almost didn't make it. After they are all through Jay, stops the breach and while he is waiting for the breach to collapse Zoom is able to faze his arm through Jay and take him back to Earth-2.
Collider rating: 4 stars very good

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     This episode starts out with Oliver Queen and his opponent Ruve Adams (Mrs. Damian Darhk) is a political debate on who will be the new Star City Mayor. (Politics, so fun.) After their debate Ruve, leaves and is tailed by team Arrow, in order to try to find Damian. The team ends up getting caught and ambushed by the Ghosts. Ruve says her husband doesn't appreciate them stalking her. The team ends up getting attacked by the Demolition Team. Things don't go so well for Team Arrow in the fight as they are able to escape the building collapsing on them by the Demolition Team.
     Quentin Lance ends up finding himself in H.I.V.E.'s crossfire again. When he finds himself in a near death experience in a collapsing building. Lance, distances himself from Donna Smoke trying to protect her.
    While Thea is trying to find any dirt on Oliver to prepare for the upcoming campaign. She finds out about Oliver's son. He comes clean with Thea about his son after she finds a check that never got cashed from one of his old girlfriends.      
      During the last debate between Oliver and Ruve to determine who will be the next Mayor. Demolition Team attacks again. Aiming to kill everyone in the building except Ruve. Team Arrow are able to stop Demotion Team's explosives. Oliver ends up wining the debate. At Oliver and Felicity's pre wedding party Curtis Holt shows up giving Felicity her wedding present a spinal bio-stimulant implant that may be able to help her walk again in time for her to walk down the aisle. Lance also makes up with Donna, by telling her the truth about his activities with H.I.V.E.
      The episode ends with Damian at his house with his daughter introducing to her Oliver's son William. He claims William's mother Samantha asked him to look after her son for a while.
      In the past on Lian Yu, Reiter is forcing the prisoners to dig. One of the prisoners confronts Oliver about the murder of Vlad (Taiana's brother.) Taiana protects Oliver about the issue (seemingly she is over Oliver killing him.) The prisoners want proof of Oliver's loyalty. Reiter ends up talking to Oliver about the McGiffin. He needs be "granted passage by the Gods" in order to find the item for "untold power". While Reiter isn't in the room Oliver, end up attacking and killing Conklin (the one who originally tricked Vlad into attacking Oliver in the first place which forced Oliver kill him) in a knife fight. He is then warned by Reiter to never do anything like that again even if Oliver claims it was in self deference.

Collider rating: 2 stars fair

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     From the last episode Professor Stein, Mick Rory and Ray Palmer are captive at Gulag by Vandal Savage. Stein, is in a dream sequence where Valentina is trying get information about how to make Firestorm. But Stein sees through the dream. After he wakes up he refuses to give Valentina the formula. Savage then comes in and tells Stein about his interrogation methods that he learned over his life time. Stein just continues to say he will never give them the formula.
    Rip and Sara view a hologram of 2016 Star City under attacked by a munch of Russian Firestorms. In order to get a lead on where Stein is being held at Rip, Snart (Heat-Wave) and Sara (White Canary) go to a Russian Spa in order to try to get some Bratva mobsters to tell them where the Gulag is. Jax and Kendra, want to go rather than just sitting in the ship doing nothing. But Rip tells them he won't hand deliver them to Savage. They are the 2 people Savage want most. (Kendra to kill and Jax to complete Firestorm.) While at the Russian spa rip tries to just talk to a Bratva mobster but as expected a fight starts. Sara takes care of all the Bratva mobster's back up. Rip then ends up convincing the Bratva mobster to tell them where the Gulag is by saying they will destroy Savage's operation there.
     At the Gulag Mick and Ray, attempt to blend in. Mick tries to be friendly in order to find where Stein is held at. He ends up getting beat up and left for dead. Ray, tried to warn him not to talk to anyone but Mick wouldn't listen.
     Savage, decides to bring in Mick and, a beaten but alive Ray, to torture them to see if that will convince Stein. During their torture Ray, ends up taking a beating for Mick. Stein ends up telling Savage he will cooperate if they stopped torturing his comrades.
      Before Rim, Sara and Snart break into the Gulag, Rip tells Sara to take out Stein as a last resort. In the Gulag Rip goes after Savage, while the other 2 go after Stein. After Snart and Sara are able to make it past the guards Sara continues after Stein while Snart decides to rescue Mick. When Snart opens the cell Mick and Ray are in, Mick decides to carry, an unconscious Ray out, despite Mick's disapproval, in order to pay him back for taking his beating. Sara, hiding a way like a sniper, has her sights on Stein. But Mick, convinces her she in no longer an assassin, convincing Sara not to take the shot.
    Back at the ship Jax and Kendra decide they have had enough waiting around and go to the Gulag. Hawk Girl flies Jax into the grounds of the prison. Jax makes a mad dash to a circuit breaker, but gets shot in the leg in the process. But he is able to make it and turn off the power. During this time Rip finds Savage after setting explosives. After they talk Rip, just blows up the area as he walks away form the explosion.
     Valentina ends up figuring out the secret to Firestorm and merges with Stein to become Firehawk. Firehawk goes out to the grounds and starts attack people. Jax is able to split the 2 up with some encouraging words to Stein and tackles them. Valentina, still Firehawk, goes unstable and blows up. Rip picks them all up in the ship and they all leave 1986.
     The episode ends with the team celebrating their successful mission while in the time stream. Unexpectedly they get attacked by the Time Master's bounty hunger Kronos. After they loose Kronos and sustaining damage they crash land in a 2046 Star City that looks like it's seen better days. The team run into a Green Arrow look figure. Sara and Ray try to talk to him, thinking he is Oliver Queen. They find out this Green Arrow isn't Oliver and he attacks.      

Collider rating: 3 stars good

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