Friday, June 10, 2016

'Justice League: War': DC Animated Movie And 2017 'Justice League' Movie Theory

Justice League: War

Green Lantern Meets Batman

     The movie starts out with Green Lantern (Hale Jordan) in Gotham City investigating some video footage suggesting Batman (a wanted, costumed vigilante) is behind abductions. Green Lantern runs into a mysterious, cloaked kidnapper abducting a woman. After he saves the woman, the cloaked kidnapper revivals itself to be a monstrous flying creature not from this world called a Parademon. They fight and right as the Parademon is about to kill Green Lantern, Batman appears and attacks the Parademon trying to interrogate it. They are both then attacked by the Parademon. During the fight Green Lantern acknowledges and is surprised that Batman is real. Police helicopters find them due to Green Lantern's glowing power ring after Batman tells him to turn the light off. The police tell them to freeze. Batman mentions that the world is afraid of them and that it is necessary. The 2 heroes then chase the Parademon into the sewer (As Batman claims Gotham is his and wants Green Lantern to leave). After they talk a little bit, Batman sneaks Green Lantern's power ring off his finger to look at it without him noticing until Batman is holding it in his hand. (Green Lantern's ring has the power to create solid green objects of whatever he can think of through the power of will. The object remains until he stops focusing on them.) Shocked and surprised Green Lantern takes back his ring saying that won't happen again. Batman just says it will only happen again if he wants it to. After some questions it is revealed to Green Lantern that Batman is just a guy dressed up as a bat with no superpowers, which comes as a shock to him. They hear a noise and find the Parademon setting up some kind of device called a Mother Box on a wall. Green Lantern thinks it's a bomb and engages. The Parademon self-destructs, but before doing so it says "For Darkseid". Green Lantern was able to use his ring to protect himself and Batman. After Green Lantern examines the Box with his ring and is unable to identify what it is, the 2 decide to go to Metropolice. Batman has read up on the alien called Superman, who is there. Suggesting he might know what this is all about because the devise is alien.

Shazam Meets Pre Cyborg

     A teenage boy named Billy Batson (Shazam) is able to sneak into a high school football game to watch a hero of his, quarter back Victor Stone (Cyborg). Victor is uneasy because his father Doctor Silas Stone is deliberately missing his game to study another Mother Box at S.T.A.R. Labs supplied by The Flash (Barry Allen). (Flash is capable of move any part of his body at super speeds and is capable of running faster than the speed of light. He also has quick healing). Billy ends up sitting in Silas reserved seat to cheer his hero on. After the game, Billy sneaks into the locker room to say hi to Victor. After they chat a little, Billy steals Victor's jersey. But when Victor notices, it's to late.

Wonder Woman's Introduction

   Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) is in a limo accompanied by Steve Trevor pulling up to the White House, to speak with the president as a political convoy, surrounded by a bunch of protesters against superheroes for all the collateral damage they cause. One protester gets on top of the limo waving a dummy, looking like Wonder Woman, talking about regular people having to pay for all the damages. Diana gets out of the limo after Steve suggests not to. She yells "I am Diana of Paradise Island! Tell me who you speak of and by Zeus they shale taste my steal!" Then she notices the Wonder Woman dummy and is shocked that these protesters are against her. She asks why her? The man on the limo says she scars people waving that sward around. She then uses her lasso of truth, that compels anyone to tell the truth, on the man. The man then says he cross-dresses as Wonder Woman to feel powerful. (how convenient that he happens to do that).

Batman and Green Lantern VS Superman

     After arriving in Metropolis they find Superman fighting a Parademon. After defeating it, Green Lantern attacks Superman, supposedly to interrogate him. With Batman carrying the Mother Box they took from Gotham, Superman assumes Batman and Green Lantern are friends with the Parademon he fought because it had one to. Superman easily take them both on. Superman finally stops attacking after Batman calls him "Clark". Then Superman x-rays Batman to find out he is Bruce Wayne. Which Hale has no idea who that is. The three then begin to collaborate.
     On planet Apokolips, an evil powerful tyrant called Darkseid orders a minion Desaad to begin the invasion of Earth in response to the superheroes discovery of the Mother Box.

     The Creation of Cyborg and the Invasion Begins

     Victor arrives at S.T.A.R. Labs and argues with his father Silas, who believes that football has no importance in a world that is changing with the appearance of metahumans, and states that he will never come to one of his son's football games due to his devotion to his own work. Victor gets angry and grabs the Box his father is studying claiming his father thinks this box is more important to him than his own son. Suddenly the Box activates and explodes, creating a Boom Tube (a portal). The explosion fuses the technology inside the Box to Victor as he is blown back being badly injured.
     Boom Tubes start appearing around the world including where Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern are with their Box. Several Parademons come out of the Boom Tubes attacking everyone. Batman and Green Lantern are able to take them on, but are struggling with how many Parademons are attacking. Even Superman gets annoyed with how many there are. Suddenly, Superman hears with his super hearing "May day may day the capital is under attack" then rushes off to help. Leaving Green Lantern saying "Then there goes our big gun".
     Silas takes Victor into an emergency room. He loads Victor into a technologically advanced medical bed and uses experimental nano mechanical and tissue grafting technologies on Victor out of desperation. The Box's technology spliced with Victor's body fuses itself with the various technologies, as well as computers around the room, transforming Victor into Cyborg. (Victor/Cyborg, now has a body made from technology capable of transforming, adapting itself and obtaining new features, such as weapons.) Cyborg takes on the Parademons and is able to reasonably take them on but takes damage, making his new cyborg body look less alien and more human like. Flash also arrives to save the scientists.
     Meanwhile in D.C. Wonder Woman starts slaughtering the Parademons that have appeared there.
     At his foster home, Billy sees a Parademon outside. He says the magic word "Shazam". A lighting bolt strikes him which mystically turns him into the adult looking costumed superhero Shazam (who can fly, has super strength like unto Wonder Woman and Superman, and has magical electric looking currents going around his body).

What Are Parademons and Darkseid's Plan

     As Flash decides he is needed down town. Cyborg's systems reveal details of Apokolips (a hellish looking world), Darkseid, and the invasion plan. He sees that the Parademons are actually the inhabitants of countless worlds conquered by Darkseid. The inhabitants are captured and spliced with Darkseid's technology, allowing it to control and repurpose their genetics and physical makeup, transforming them into mind-controlled monsters and together serve as a highly expendable army for conquering other planets. Victor's body was affected by the same technology. But it had not been programmed to create a Parademon. Fused with other materials, instead allows Victor to become Cyborg. After Cyborg realizes what is going on, Shazam arrives from the trail of Parademons he has been attacking to the hole they came out of and realizes Victor Stone has become Cyborg and wonders what happened.
    Air Force One is attacked in the air, but is saved by the Amazon princess Wonder Woman and Superman. While they are saving Air Force One, Superman and Wonder Woman flirt a little when they see how strong each other are.


     Heroes VS Big Bad

      Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Cyborg, and Shazam all meet up (coincidentally) as the Parademons regroup. When Flash first gets there, he is met by Green Lantern. Telling him about Batman being there as well, as Batman is examining a dead Parademon. Flash is as shocked as Green Lantern was that Batman is real. Green Lantern tells Flash how much of a tool Batman is. Flash just acts like he just met a celebrity as he greets Batman. Batman tells Flash he has monitored him and that he does nice officiant work. After the others arrive, Cyborg reveals that the invasion is a prelude to the terraforming of Earth. Darkseid arrives with his Parademons. As the Parademons are attacking the heroes, Darkseid is proving to be a very powerful foe. After fighting them for a bit, he tells them to die and smashes the ground blowing them all away except for Superman and Flash. Flash happened to get behind Superman as he takes the blow.

New Battle Strategy  

     Darkseid uses his Omega Beams (a beam from his eyes that can lock on to it's target) on Flash and Superman. Then turns his attention towards the city and begins destroying it. (for what ever reason he seem to take his time doing it. Maybe he enjoys it and wants it to last.) Flash is able to run around obstacles with his speed to outmaneuver the beam as it looses power after it kills some Parademons making flash say "I've never had to catch my breath before". Superman ends up not being fast enough, gets hit, nocked out, and captured by a Parademon. After the other heroes get up from the last blow, Flash arrives saying they have Superman. Green Lantern decides to go after him. Batman stops Green Lantern from going after him by himself. They get into an argument then Batman says "We are fighting along side an alien, an Amazon, a human lighting bolt, a cyborg, and a speedster". Saying the 2 of them are the only ones, from what he can tell, who are normal among them. Batman then revivals to Green Lantern who he is, about his parents death and why he is Batman. He then says this is bigger than they both are and they need their big gun (Superman) if they are going to win this. Batman unmasked deliberately allows himself to be captured while Green Lantern goes back to the others to devise a new battle strategy. They decide they need to work together as a team to take out Darkseid's eyes so he can't use his Omega Beams.

Batman Saves Superman

    Bruce is taken through a portal and arrives on Apokolips. Proceeding to escape the Parademon and stop Dessad from turning Superman into a Parademon. Because of the brainwashing process being done on him, Superman becomes unstable and highly aggressive, resulting in him murdering Desaad by strangling him to death and attacking anything in sight, including other Parademons and Batman. Batman reasons with Superman, helping him reassert his own personality, with help of putting an electric current through him from a near by electrical wire.

Take Out Darkseid's Eye's

     Meanwhile as the team goes in to attack Darkseid, Shazam desides to showboat and attacks head on. But proves no match for Darkseid. As the others try to face him together, Wonder Woman punches Shazam and tells him he's a warrior and not a child, humbling him. (If only she knew that he actually was a child). This time they all attack as a team. Wonder Woman is able to block Darkseids Omega Beam with her bracelets, on each arm, and is able to take out an eye with her sword. (but just one). For what she did, Darkseid brutally smashes Wonder Woman. The others come to her aid. Not to long after they attack him as a unit. They are able to unleash devastating attacks. But Darkseid seems to be able to take it. During everyone's attack, Flash is able to sneak attack a crowbar and take out the other eye. But Darkseid just keeps coming. Cyborg suggests he might be able to send Darkseid and the Parademons back to where they came from if he can get a Mother Box to work. (Before hand at S.T.A.R. Labs he took the Box that was there and put inside his armor.) He is able to make the Box work and all the Parademons start getting suck in to different Boom Toobs all over the globe.

Final Battle: Send Darkseid Through the Boom Tube

     As they are trying to force Darkseid though a Boom Toob, that appears next to him, he screams "I am Darkseid!". Then Superman flies through it from the other side punching him knocking him back saying "I don't care!". Then starts attacking him. With Batman not to far behind. Both Wonder Woman and Superman start punching at him to get him thought the Boom Toob. As Cyborg tries to close, the box stops working and Darkseid forces his way back out. Cyborg says the Box needs more juice. Shazam takes Cyborg into the sky then says his magic word "Shazam" which sends lighting hitting them giving the Box the energy it needs. The others attack Darkseid together with one last long range attack. The Boom Toob starts to close with Superman giving Darkseid one last punch before it closes. It is revealed to Cyborg who Shazam really is, but they decide to keep it their secret.

Justice League No Longer Feared

    Cyborg is able to make the Box Boom one more time and frees everyone that was abducted. People start coming up to them, but rather than getting blamed for all the damage that was done (and there was a lot) they get praised like the heroes they are. At the White House the President honors them for what they did and coming together as a team. Superman is surprised they are called a team when they are not. But is pleased he found some people that get him. Wonder Woman agrees saying "It was good to walk among a pantheon again". Superman asks what she meant. Wonder Woman says "Hades, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Zeus each a god in their own right". Then mentions she has never met anyone like him Superman before, god or mortal. Cyborg is surprised to see his dad in the crowd, finally getting respect. The heroes all start debating on if they really are a team or not. Most saying no. But Batman points out some reasons why they should let everyone else think they are. Personally for him, to get the police off his back. And what if something like this happens again. The President asks what their team is called. Shazam says they are called the Super 7 and the rest hate of the team hates the name.

      In a post-credits scene, an Atlantean ship emerges from the ocean. An Atlantean appears carrying the dead body of his dead king. He believes that the surface dwellers on Earth are responsible for his death, calling it an act of war from the surface, for which he swears revenge.

Theory On the 2017 Justice League Movie 

       I have a couple of theories on the upcoming late 2017 Justice League movie. One that is similar to the Justice League: War movie that I just talked about. I think after the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Batman and Wonder Woman will gather Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash. If they aren't able to convince them to join at first they might be like "Whatever why should I fallow you?". Then Darkseid sends his uncle and captain of his army, Steppenwolf, to attack Earth. Possibly forcing Lex Luthor to help with the invasion. I think the League are able to fight valiantly but aren't enough. Then Superman arrives back for the dead. (In which he was just mostly dead and in the time line between Batman v Superman and Justice League his body has mostly recovered). With Superman's help they are able to push back Steppenwolf and his armies. Then at the end Darkseid re evaluates his plans.

       This is a picture from a deleted scene in Batman v Superman where Lex Luthor is supposedly speaking with Steppenwolf holding Mother Boxes. 

      Here is an article talking about Steppenwolf being the villain in Justice League 

     Another theory is Steppenwolf with come to Earth and revive Superman, making him evil. Brain washing him making him think he was raised by Darkseid. Possibly during the battle with the Justice League Lois Lane is able to bring Superman back to his normal self and tern the tide fighting back Steppenwolf.
     I am not a big fan of this theory. I don't like the idea of  making Superman evil. I've just heard that is what happens in the comics.



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