Thursday, June 16, 2016

'Justice League: Throne of Atlantis' DC Animated Movie

Justice League: Throne of Atlantis

This is a direct squeal to Justice League: War

There Is No Justice League

     At the Atlantic, in Marianas Trench, the U.S.S. California submarine is investigating an S.O.S. beckon. Picks up incoming human-like threats approaching the sub by sonar. The sub is attacked, leaving the entire crew dead by the invading hostiles.
     At S.T.A.R Labs, In Matropolis, (Justice League headquarters) Cyborg, now with environmental upgrades replacing his remaining human lung, but still has his heart and brain, is given news by Colonel Steve Trevor, government liaison over the Justice League, (initially form the first movie the name was Super Seven, given by Shazam. But Justice League tested better) on the sunken sub. Cyborg decides to check it himself, against Trevor's idea of calling in the other Leaguers. Cyborg doesn't think it needs to escalate that hi and that it never needs to. According to Cyborg "There is no Justice League" despite what the world thinks. Salis also calls, but Cyborg just ignores it. (Probably still has daddy issues.)
     At the sunken sub, Cyborg discovers hand prints on the hull, and that the missiles are missing. He is then attacked by the same hostiles that attacked the sub, and suffers damage with a weapon that gets stuck on his sholder while he is escaping.

Introducing Arthur Curry (Aquaman)

      Meanwhile at Mercy Reef, Main, Arthur Curry, Drunk over the death of his father, is talking with a lobster. Arthur has had these abilities that he's never understood why he has them. Like being drawn to the water, talking to marine life (But usually they don't listen), and strength much stronger than the average human. A group of tough guys want to eat the lobster, but Arthur doesn't like the idea of that and picks a fight with them to blow off some steam. As he is fighting them he notices one of the guys tries to stab him with a knife, which shatters on impact, in which he says "I was wondering about that". The fight ends with Arthur throwing the last guy a good distance off the harbor into the sea. In secret he has an audience from Mera (an Atlantean in disguise) and Dr. Shin (theoretical marine biologist who is trying to prove the existence of Atlantis).

Bring Back Together the League and Figure Out What Is Going On

      Back at their HQ, Cyborg decides to contact the League to get their help. Shazam and Flash are the only ones who show up. So they decide to get the others the old fashion way.
     At Ferris Air Base, Hale is flirting with one of the girls, that works at a desk job there, and gets her number. Flash speedily takes the paper with the girl's number on it, as he runs past him, and replaces it was a note saying "Out side we need you fast!!" In which Hale's reactions is "I'm going to disassemble you Barry" to almost sealing the deal with the beautiful girl. Flash tells Green Lantern what is going on then they head back to HQ.
      At Deli Greek Café Eats restraint, in Athens, Greece, where Diana and Clark are on a date. Clark is showing Diana how to blend in to not feel so alone as he has. Lois Lane shows up crashing their date. In the middle of them talking, Cyborg, Booms, himself and Shazam, to Wonder Woman's and Superman's location, being surprised the two are on a date.
     After the 4 of them go back to HQ, meeting Flash and Green Lantern there, they wait for Batman. In which Green Lantern says "If I have to be here, so does he". Then flies off to Gotham.
     Using the Batwing, Batman is chasing down some of Scarecrows thugs, who are in car. Green Lantern flies in trying to talk to Batman. As Batman is still in chase, Green Lantern says to himself how he hates Batman. Green Lantern takes care of Scarecrows thugs. Then the police arrive to take the men. Batman is angry with Green Lantern and asks him "Who is the supplier for the aerosol component for the fear toxin!?". (The fear toxin is Scarecrow's signature weapon that makes people see their worst fears). Batman continues saying "Who is he targeting at city hall!?" Green Lantern just looks confused. Then Batman says "No, then what about something simple! Where is the Scarecrow!?" Pointing out he needed the thugs scared to get information out of them, not caught. Then says "Next time you want to help! Do me a favor, don't!"
   With the hole team together, they examine the sub that they raised and brought back to HQ. With the data Green Lantern, Shazam, and Flash find examining it, Batman puts together, this attack wasn't Darkseid. Batman has Cyborg walk them through what happened. Cyborg is able to project a 3D video of what happened. (Whatever Cyborg sees or what is going on around him gets recorded in his system) It is suggested, that the ones who attacked him are skilled in under water combat. Wonder Woman looks at the weapon that Cyborg was attacked with that Cyborg has been holding on to. She suggests the weapon is Atlantean, from tails of Atlantis she read as a girl. She says "It sunk into the ocean, but it's people where saved by the magic of the king's trident, which turned them irreversibly into creatures of the sea".  Shazam suggests he saw an Atlantis show on TV about this professor. Cyborg looks up Dr. Steven Shin and finds he has some crazy theory's about Atlantis. Batman says he and Superman should go investigate Shin, with Superman's reaction being "When did we vote him team leader". Then suggests the others find Atlantis.

Deceiving Attach On Atlantis

     At Atlantis, Orm and Black Manta meet with Orm's mother, Queen Atlanna. They argue over declaring war on the surface world because of the damage during the events of Darkseid's attack. Collateral damage doesn't really comfort Orm. Orm says "surface dwellers kill their race, they poison our ocean, they will destroy our planet and take Atlantis with it!" (Orm has a pretty good reason for hating people and a good argument) Before more destruction happens he thinks Atlantis should attack. But Atlanna want's to resolve things peacefully. She yells "As long as I am queen there will be no attack!" She raises the trident and shows a glimpse of its power blowing the two away. After Orm and Manta leave the thrown room, Atlanna asks Mera to bring Arthur, her other son, to Atlantis. She claims Orm has always been a problem child and sees things the way his father saw them. She thinks Arthur, being from both worlds, would be better suited for the crown. Learning at her side.
    Atlanna then goes to a flashback when she tried to secretly visit Arthur when he was a boy. Arthur discovers her while swimming in the ocean, deliberately disobeying his father not to. She swims up to him, kisses him, then magically pushes him back to shore. Arthur's father gets him. After Arthur says, he saw his mother. His father claims, Arthur did not see his mother and that she went away and isn't coming back.
     At Dr. Shin's lab, Shin thinks he now has the proof he needs to get others to believe him. With the help of Black Manta secretly being an ally name David. After the phone call with Shin, Manta orders his Atlanean solders to kill Arthur and Shin. Manta then uses an Atlantean ship, clocked as a submarine, to attack Atlantis using the same stolen missiles to frame the surface for an attack.

Arthur Finds Out His Origin and Heritage

     Arthur answers the door, just enough with the door lock, at the light house he lives in, to Dr. Shin. Who tries to tell him that his father contacted him before his death. Claiming Arthur is the key to all of his research. Arthur had a rough night but is willing to let the Dr. in. Just so he won't have to talk through a door anymore. Just then Shin is killed by Atlantean soldiers. Arthur then becomes overwhelmed by the attack. He fights bravely but proves he can't take how many there are.  Mera then saves him. Using a water tornado that she is controlling that he lands on, after he gets knocked off the light house, as it comes crumbling down from the attack. She orders the men to leave Arthur alone. But they don't listen and fire at her. She then uses water arrows to kill them all. (interestingly they all have water colored blood) Mera then takes an unconscious Arthur to Atlantis.

     Batman and Superman enter Dr. Shin's home, discovering that his work is destroyed. Superman creates a photograph of Arthur Curry and a letter from his father, after retrieving torn up peace's of the photograph and letter from a small shark tank. Cyborg scans the pictures form Batman's batsuit eyes, revealing that Arthur is half-Atlantean,

     Arthur wakes up underwater next to Mera, who reveals the situation. Atlanna met Arthur's father and gave birth to him, her first born. But because of royalty, she couldn't be with him nor Arthur so she had to leave to be with her king and her second son Orm. Now Atlanna believes Arthur can help Atlantis be the bridge between the two worlds. Mera shows him ancient ruins, where the royal garb is that was the old kings. Arthur puts on the garb. (The Aquaman suit).
     At HQ Cyborg is searching through all the on line data about Atlantis. Green Lantern, with the help of Flash, is trying to guess where it could be, using his ring to project a map of the world. After not to long, Batman sends a message saying to dispatch a team to a light house in Mercy Reef to find Arthur Curry.
     Arthur can't take the news of becoming king of Atlantis after thinking there was something wrong with him and not knowing who was his who life and heads to the surface to get some air, with Mera following him. He soon realizes everything makes sense now and thanks Mera. They are then attacked by the Trench. (the same ones who invaded the sub) The battle is tough. Arthur getting injured and bleeding from the battle. The Justice League arrive in time to defeat the Trench. The hole Justice league comes in attacking the Trench one by one. When finally, Superman lands pounding the ground. With glowing red eyes he says "Retreat" all the Trench then run. Mera explains Trenchers are predatory creatures that scan the ocean floor before Atlantis sunk. The Trench where also sent to kill Arthur. Mera tries to explain why Atlantis needs Arthur to lead them. Superman tells him that he is the sole survivor of his planet. If he could help save them or meet one of his own, even for an instance, he would.


Orm Takes Over

     The attack on Atlantis, a secret trying effort by Manta, to get demand for war by Orm. But Queen Atlanna decides that they might need to reveal themselves after centuries of being hidden, and decides to get a counsel with the Justice League.
     Orm, after hearing from Manta that the Trench failed to kill Arthur. He and Queen Atlanna argue because he wants to start a war, as per his late father's wishes, and reveals his knowledge of Arthur Curry. Queen Atlanna reveals to him that she knows he attacked Atlantis. She has eyes and ears everywhere. Orm is then able to sneak a dagger through Atlanna, murdering her.
     Arthur, Mera, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Cyborg arrive at atlantis and learn from an Atlantean old woman that Atlanna is dead. The woman was told Atlanna was killed by a surface dweller. They find where Atlanna is lade and Arthur declares "who ever did this will pay!". Orm comes in calling Arthur someone who is born outside of marriage. Mera accuses Orm of being the murderer, to which Orm admits it. Out of rage Arthur attacks. Orm, using the trident, takes them all out. Putting them in these cocoon things. Even Superman is taken out, after trying to take the trident. (One of Superman's weaknesses is magic). Orm claims only royalty can wield the magical trident. Orm then sends them to the Dark Trench.
     While they are in the Trench, a giant monster comes out to eat them, Arthur remembers Orm saying "only royalty can wield the magic of the trident". He is then able to will the cocoon to crack, weakening it so he can break free. He then frees Superman, who takes out the monster, while Arther, with his newly found telepathic powers, calls a humpback whale to carry the others out of the trench. (personally I think what Superman does is a little much. First he punches the beast, then rams it into the side of the ledge, then drops part of the trench on it.) After the rest are free, they all decide to go back up to the surface to take out Arthur's half brother.

Attack on the Surface
      Meanwhile Orm uses the trident and sends a giant title wave on the eastern shore. Batman, Flash, and Shazam notice it at HQ. The title wave is coming for Matropilis. It's big trouble if Batman says people are going to die.
     The title wave comes close to the shore. Orm then stops the wave and shows his army. (the wave would have been more effective to his purposes) The United States Army greats them. Orm orders the Atlanteans to attack. The U.S. Army gets overwhelmed by the attack. Just then the Justice League comes in and are able to take on the Atlanteans. While Arthur is fighting, Black Manta attacks him. Manta beats down Arthur. As they get close to the sea shore, Manta reveals this was all his doing. While Manta is distracting himself by revealing his plan, Arthur summons a great white shark (but looks more like a megalodon) to kill him.

League VS Orm
     Mera confronts Orm. She attacks, but Orm's trident is more powerful and takes her out. Shazam comes in and attacks with lightning. Orm strikes him back with lighting, which transforms Shazam back into the child Billy Batson. Cyborg attacks, but Orm stabs him in the chest with the trident, badly damaging him. Wonder Woman takes away the trident, but it refuses her. She tries a valiant effort against Orm, but it's futile. Flash comes in. But Orm uses Flash's speed to his disadvantage. Green Lantern attacks. But the trident's power proves to strong. Superman uses his heat vision and attacks, knocking Orm back. But then Orm Stabs Superman in the chest, then shocks him.
     Batman goes up to Green Lantern asking for anything about the situation. Lantern says "he killed his own mother".
     Arthur attacks and is able to take Orm on for a while, but ends up being taken down himself. 
     Batman gets to Cyborg, finding him badly damaged and unconscious. Batman uses a taser on Cyborg's chest to bring him back. Batman then suggests Cyborg projects, around the city, when Orm admitted he kill Atlanna. The Atlantean army sees the projection and realizes they have been betrayed. In Orm's distraction trying to explain himself, Arthur socks him across the face, sending him flying into a car, knocking him out. 
     Arthur then gives a speech to the Atlanteans, becoming a beacon. After saying a few things Arthur continues "I was born of two worlds. Atlantean by birth, human my instinct. Join me and we will bridge those worlds in peace." The Atlanteans then start to bow to him.

The Justice League Becomes Official

     At S.T.A.R. Labs Cyborg is repaired by a woman that works there with him. They have flirted a little before. Cyborg finally asks her out for later that night, right before Shazam comes to get him to go see Arthur be crowned. 
     As Arthur gets crowned, Superman ask Wonder Woman out and Shazam geeks out over being in Atlantis. Batman suggests they need to consider solidifying the team. Cyborg responds with "Batman's right, threats are springing up daily". With Wonder Woman agreeing then saying "someone should be watching". Cyborg then mentions he has been working on plans for a watch tower. They all agree. Green Lantern sarcastically says "Great, we're a book club now." Superman suggests to invite Arthur to join. After Arthur excepts, Cyborg says "he needs a code name." Shazam mentions "they are calling him Aquaman on line." Arthur hates it. Green Lantern says "Aquaman it is". After that is settled, Mera comes in and says "Trenchers have been spotted." Then the two are off. When they meet the army of trenchers, Aquaman summons all marine life in the area to prepare to attack.

    In a post credit scene, Orm is jailed at Belle Reve Prison, and is approached by Lex Luthor who has a proposition for him to consider

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