Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cap 3 Super Bowl Trailer, BVS Final Trailer And More

This may contain spoilers

"Captain America: Civil War" Super Bowl Trailer


      I really enjoyed the new Super Bowl "Captain America: Civil War" trailer. In this shot we see Cap's team. As you can see Ant-Man has a new helmet. I'm hoping it's the Giant-Man suit helmet.


      Now on Iron Man's team we see Black Panther. I'm sure he has his reasons for being there, but it has been hinted at he is neutral. They do have Vision, who is a power house. But so is Scarlet Witch. In the comics, She is the most powerful mutant of all. She even wiped out almost all mutants, just by a single thought after saying "No more mutants" in the comic "House of M". Fortunately, she didn't kill them, just took away their powers.
     From the roster that we see it looks as if it will be Black Panther v Winter Solder, Iron Man v Captain America, Black Widow v Hawk Eye and Ant-Man, War Machine v Falcon and Vision v Scarlet Witch. A few of these we have seen in the trailer, but just by looking at the line up I think that is how the fight will go. It can be a good thing Hulk isn't here, because whoever's side he is on will win. For the record I'm on Team Cap's side.


     I liked this part of the trailer where Bucky, is trying to kill Tony Stark. Stark, just uses some kind of watch to use his Iron Man fist, to block the bullet. This poses the question, why is Bucky trying to kill Stark. Yes this hole movie is about a Civil War between the Avengers, but not to kill each other. Just goes to show Bucky, may not be a mercenary anymore, but is still willing to kill.

Here is a link to more images

Here is a link to the trailer


      Roomer has it according to "Collider Heroes" "Captain America: Civil War" shot 2 different endings. One where CrossBones, kills Captain America. Just like in the comics "Civil War". Not being in "Avengers: Infinity War Part 1" but being brought back to life by one of the infinity stones. Probably the Time or Soul Stone who knows, in order to come back for "Avengers: Infinity War Part 2". The second where Captain America, is alive at the end and is walking away with the new Secret Avengers. I am more for Cap walking away with the new Secret Avengers. But this could also mean Crossbones, still killed Cap. Then Winter Solder, took on the mantle of Captain America, leading the Secret Avengers.

Image result for captain america civil war crossbones and captain america


     This movie has been nick named Avengers 2.5 because of how packed it is with almost all the Avengers.
      In an interview for Disney twenty-three, a magazine available to D23 Gold Members, Chris Evens said (as quoted by Yahoo Movies):
     "Even though there are a lot characters, the focus is on Steve and his struggle. Especially his struggle with Tony Stark...It's exciting to see a guy who's as optimistic and as selfless as Steve be met with letdown, betrayal, frustration, and selfishness. There are events and people in his life that test him--that challenge him and force him to reevaluate who he is and what he wants out of life."

Collider article link

     Kevin Feige President of Marvel Studios, has also said "It is very much Cap's story. It's very much a sequel to 'The Winter Solder. I think one day you'll look back and watch - Captain America: The first Avenger, Captain America: The winter Solder, and Captain America: Civil war- and it'll be one of those unique and different trilogies ever around a single character."

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Final Trailer


     In the beginning of the trailer, we finally see Batman, being Batman. He easily takes down a group of thugs. Afterward Bruce Wayne tells Alfred, he is getting slow in his old age. Then Alfred says "Even you've gotten to old to die young, not for lack of trying". This seems to point out that Batman was never in retirement and was always awesome.


     In this part, we have scene before the Batmoble hitting Superman and just bouncing off of him. Before it was speculated Batman was trying to hit Superman. Maybe to test Superman's power. But in this trailer we see Batman trying to get out of Superman's way. Also with his facial expression, trying not to hit him. But this scene is still cool because we see the supposedly indestructible Batmobile, hit Superman, and just bounce off like a racket ball. From a privies trailer, when we see more extended of the scene. Anyone else who accidentally hits someone and bounces off of them would plead with the person that they were sorry or would be scared out of their mind. In this case Batman, being as awesome as he is, just says the now classic line "Tell me, do you bleed, you will".


     This was possibly the most WOW part of the trailer for me. Superman goes to punch Batman, in his battle armor. Then Batman blocks the punch. Superman looks very surprised about this. We now see Batman, being able to take on Superman. But the question is "how". One theory would be kryptonite. Superman trembles around kryptonite so I'm not sure about that. Whatever it is Batman, has made himself on more equal grounds with Superman.    

     According to John Campea, ex producer of "Collider Movie Talk" (he's just looking for new things to do) this trailer is better than the one from Santiago Comic Con. Which he considers to be the best trailer of 2015.

Here is a like to more images

Here is a like to the trailer



     After the new trailer blew up the internet with tones of positive reactions. According to "Collider Movie Talk" Now a report over at Hitfix, claims that the DC line up may be in trouble. Roth Cornet, a frequent guest and friend of "Collider Movie Talk" chatted with fellow hitfix writer June McWeeny, and his thoughts about the trailer which led to these comments from comments from McWeeny.
     "Warner is a little warred. This movie is starting to scare them. And it's scaring them because they're showing it to people now. People are actually laying eyes on the film and the response has not been exactly what I think they wanted... I would be surprised if Justice League starts shooting when they say it's going to. I would be equally surprised if Zack Snyder directed it... My guess is what is going to happen is the Justice League is going to get moved back and that Ben Affleck Batman movie, that's going to be what ends up in that spot."
    The big question, is this roomer true. Dennis Tzeng, production manager at Collider Video who appears on "Collider Movie Talk, says they got all sorts of tweets about this the night of the trailer. Hitfix is a credible source. June McWeeny, is a respected on line journalist. He's friends with Roth Cornet. Dennis texted with her about this. This blew up the internet, it went everywhere. When he texted with her, asking are you sure and she said her sources are reliable. Dennis says for them to truly run this story, they believe this case. Dennis claims to what was actually said, he doesn't believe it's as bad or as damaging. What was meant "Batman v Superman" might not be as good as what we are expecting. Maybe Warner Brothers were expecting it to crush it. Maybe the response was maybe people liked it but didn't love it. Dennis doesn't think the sky is falling yet but there's things to be talking in consideration. The quality of a movie doesn't always mean the box office success. Sometimes a movie can be great but have a bad box office. Or in the case like "Transformers" it can be a poor movie that does very very well and keep making them. He doesn't think this is the end of the world.
     I personally hope that it does well. For those of you who know me, would know that chances are I am going to love it, if not be blown away. Batman had his "Dark Night" trilogy. I WANT JUSTICE LEAGUE!

Here is a link to the Hitfix interview


    Ben Affleck went to George Clooney (Batman in Batman and Robin) and Christian Bale (Batman in the Dark knight trilogy) for advice. Clooney said something which is not repeatable, according to Affleck. (My guess is because of his bad casting reaction he got, and because "Batman and Robin" is said to be one of the worst Batman movies, although I liked it as a kid.)  Bale said to make sure there's a zipper on the bat suit. (Probably for those emergency bathroom breaks.)

Collider article link


      According to Collider, Marvel Studios and James Gunn, have announced the official start of filming of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" The original cast will be returning Chris Prat (Star-Lord) Zoi Saldona (Gamora), David Bautista (Drax), Bradley Cooper (voice Rocket Raccoon), Vin Diesel (voice Groot) as leads. With Micheal Rooker (Yondu), Sean Gunn (Kraglin), and Karen Gillan (Nebula) also to return. Along with some new faces Pom Klementieff (Mantis) Elisabeth Debicki (unknown character), Chris Sullivan (unknown character) and Kurt Russul (rumored Star-Lord's dad). GOTG Vol. 2, continues the team's adventures and unravels the mystery of  Peter Quill's parentage.

Image result for deadpool and colossus
      For those of you who have seen the movie "Deadpool" I hope you enjoyed. I really do. As for me though I have interest in seeing it because it's in the X-Men universe and Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men. But I will wait until I can see it edited. I have heard from different people that like superhero movies that they loved it. But from a couple of others they said they regretted it. It was BAD. It has lots of swearing, nudity and raunchy humor. That kind of stuff is not for me. This will be the first comic book based movie since the first "X-Men" movie that came out in 2000 that I have to wait on if I see it.

Here is a Collider "Deadpool" movie review video If you loved "Deadpool" this is for you.

Here is a link to a video about how it took 5 actors to make Colossus



      In an article on Collider, the first information about the plot of "Wonder Woman" came from DC’s TV special on The CW. Geoff Johns of DC Comics remarked that casual viewers don’t know the character’s origin as well as Batman or Superman. So this film will tell the tale of “who she is, where she comes from, and why she does what she does."
      Gal Gadot (who plays Wonder Woman)  said "we’ll see her coming of age as an Amazon on her homeland of Themyscira. While this race of super-powered women was created to defend man’s world, they have since abandoned it because, as Johns put it, man is “not worth it.” Diana, feeling the impulse to enter man’s world, does so during the era of World War I — not WWII, as is more common with her origin tale."
     Supporting roles are Robin Wright (unknown character), Danny Huston (unknown character), David Thewlis (unknown character), Ewen Bremner (unknown character), Said Taghmaoui (unknown character), Elena Anaya (unknown character), and Lucy Davis (unknown character.) Chris Pine (who plays Steve Trevor, a war pilot in the comics and Diana’s love interest.) Connie Nielsen (Queen Hippolyta, Diana’s mother and ruler of the Amazons.)
       When we first meet Wonder Woman in "Batman v Superman" she’ll be 5,000 years old. She’ll come in to help the other two battle Doomsday. Galot Says  “she’s seen it all, she has seen what humans can do, so it was very hard for her to come back and fight.”
     Here is a link to the Collider article

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The Flash: S2 E14, Arrow: S4 E14, DC's LOT: S1 E5

The contains spoilers for these episodes



      From the last episode Flash, is in the clutches of Zoom, in a glass cage. While imprisoned, Flash and Jesse talk. Flash tells Jesse, all her father could talk about is rescuing her. There is one other person in a cage, just he is wearing a metal mask and tries to communicate with the other two in mores code by tapping on the glass. Jesse just get annoyed with it and asks him to stop. Flash, on the other hand, get the idea the metal masked man in trying to communicate with them and asks for Jesse's help. They end up figuring out he is saying "Jay". Flash then says "Jay Garrick" is alive on his Earth. The metal masked man, then just gets frustrated (probably because it's hard to communicate). Zoom, shows up, tells the metal masked man to not talk to the other prisoners. Then fazes through the glass Flash is behind and beats him. Zoom then says once he has the Flash's speed he will kill Jesse in front of her father. After Zoom leaves Flash tries to faze through the glass but isn't able to.

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     Meanwhile, Before Zoom went back to where he has his prisoners, Wells and Cisco release Earth-2 Barry and tell him to leave. Barry wants to know what is going on. Wells knows Zoom in now after him and they need to leave. Zoom get to STAR. Labs, but Wells, Cisco and Barry are able to trick him and not get found. Later they run into Barry's wife Iris, and they all decide they need to find Killer Frost, in order to find where Zooms is hiding his prisoners. Through Barry's computer tracking expertise, they were able to find where Killer Frost, hiding in the woods.
     When they get to the woods and find Killer Frost they all, except Barry who is tagging along trying to be brave, point some kind of gun to her. She attacks, they all scatter. Cisco is able to convince her to lead them to where Zoom is by telling her how their Earth's Caitlin is and how she was when her boyfriend died, just like her's. She leads them to where Zooms is holding his prisoners captive and unless you can fly, only Zoom could get there because it's in the side of a cliff. Frost helps them more by making an icy way to reach where the prisoners are at. They free Jesse but aren't able to free Flash for some reason. After Flash is able to get free, Zoom arrives. While Zoom is in the act to kill Jesse, Frost, frost blasts Zoom, making way for the rest to escape. But before they leave Flash tells the metal masked man, he will be back for him.

Image result for the flash season 2 episode 14

     On Earth-1, Jay is able to fix the Speed Cannon. Felicity is able to back velocity 9. Jay uses it to save some people from a collapsing building that Geomancer attacked. Velocity 9 may be better than the last one but it only lasts so long. After he gets back to Star Labs he decides to take a nap. While he is napping Geomancer, finds Star Labs and threatens Caitlin and Iris and attacks, using his tremors. Caitlin is able to sneak a shot from a device that knocks him out. After Detective West, takes Geomancer, away they find out the Speed Cannon was damaged in the tremors. Jay, uses velocity 9, with Joe's help, to use the speed to remake the breach. Not to long after they recreated the breach Cisco and Jesse come through it fallowed by Flash and Wells. Zoom was right behind them and Wells almost didn't make it. After they are all through Jay, stops the breach and while he is waiting for the breach to collapse Zoom is able to faze his arm through Jay and take him back to Earth-2.
Collider rating: 4 stars very good

Link to Collider review


     This episode starts out with Oliver Queen and his opponent Ruve Adams (Mrs. Damian Darhk) is a political debate on who will be the new Star City Mayor. (Politics, so fun.) After their debate Ruve, leaves and is tailed by team Arrow, in order to try to find Damian. The team ends up getting caught and ambushed by the Ghosts. Ruve says her husband doesn't appreciate them stalking her. The team ends up getting attacked by the Demolition Team. Things don't go so well for Team Arrow in the fight as they are able to escape the building collapsing on them by the Demolition Team.
     Quentin Lance ends up finding himself in H.I.V.E.'s crossfire again. When he finds himself in a near death experience in a collapsing building. Lance, distances himself from Donna Smoke trying to protect her.
    While Thea is trying to find any dirt on Oliver to prepare for the upcoming campaign. She finds out about Oliver's son. He comes clean with Thea about his son after she finds a check that never got cashed from one of his old girlfriends.      
      During the last debate between Oliver and Ruve to determine who will be the next Mayor. Demolition Team attacks again. Aiming to kill everyone in the building except Ruve. Team Arrow are able to stop Demotion Team's explosives. Oliver ends up wining the debate. At Oliver and Felicity's pre wedding party Curtis Holt shows up giving Felicity her wedding present a spinal bio-stimulant implant that may be able to help her walk again in time for her to walk down the aisle. Lance also makes up with Donna, by telling her the truth about his activities with H.I.V.E.
      The episode ends with Damian at his house with his daughter introducing to her Oliver's son William. He claims William's mother Samantha asked him to look after her son for a while.
      In the past on Lian Yu, Reiter is forcing the prisoners to dig. One of the prisoners confronts Oliver about the murder of Vlad (Taiana's brother.) Taiana protects Oliver about the issue (seemingly she is over Oliver killing him.) The prisoners want proof of Oliver's loyalty. Reiter ends up talking to Oliver about the McGiffin. He needs be "granted passage by the Gods" in order to find the item for "untold power". While Reiter isn't in the room Oliver, end up attacking and killing Conklin (the one who originally tricked Vlad into attacking Oliver in the first place which forced Oliver kill him) in a knife fight. He is then warned by Reiter to never do anything like that again even if Oliver claims it was in self deference.

Collider rating: 2 stars fair

Link to Collider review



     From the last episode Professor Stein, Mick Rory and Ray Palmer are captive at Gulag by Vandal Savage. Stein, is in a dream sequence where Valentina is trying get information about how to make Firestorm. But Stein sees through the dream. After he wakes up he refuses to give Valentina the formula. Savage then comes in and tells Stein about his interrogation methods that he learned over his life time. Stein just continues to say he will never give them the formula.
    Rip and Sara view a hologram of 2016 Star City under attacked by a munch of Russian Firestorms. In order to get a lead on where Stein is being held at Rip, Snart (Heat-Wave) and Sara (White Canary) go to a Russian Spa in order to try to get some Bratva mobsters to tell them where the Gulag is. Jax and Kendra, want to go rather than just sitting in the ship doing nothing. But Rip tells them he won't hand deliver them to Savage. They are the 2 people Savage want most. (Kendra to kill and Jax to complete Firestorm.) While at the Russian spa rip tries to just talk to a Bratva mobster but as expected a fight starts. Sara takes care of all the Bratva mobster's back up. Rip then ends up convincing the Bratva mobster to tell them where the Gulag is by saying they will destroy Savage's operation there.
     At the Gulag Mick and Ray, attempt to blend in. Mick tries to be friendly in order to find where Stein is held at. He ends up getting beat up and left for dead. Ray, tried to warn him not to talk to anyone but Mick wouldn't listen.
     Savage, decides to bring in Mick and, a beaten but alive Ray, to torture them to see if that will convince Stein. During their torture Ray, ends up taking a beating for Mick. Stein ends up telling Savage he will cooperate if they stopped torturing his comrades.
      Before Rim, Sara and Snart break into the Gulag, Rip tells Sara to take out Stein as a last resort. In the Gulag Rip goes after Savage, while the other 2 go after Stein. After Snart and Sara are able to make it past the guards Sara continues after Stein while Snart decides to rescue Mick. When Snart opens the cell Mick and Ray are in, Mick decides to carry, an unconscious Ray out, despite Mick's disapproval, in order to pay him back for taking his beating. Sara, hiding a way like a sniper, has her sights on Stein. But Mick, convinces her she in no longer an assassin, convincing Sara not to take the shot.
    Back at the ship Jax and Kendra decide they have had enough waiting around and go to the Gulag. Hawk Girl flies Jax into the grounds of the prison. Jax makes a mad dash to a circuit breaker, but gets shot in the leg in the process. But he is able to make it and turn off the power. During this time Rip finds Savage after setting explosives. After they talk Rip, just blows up the area as he walks away form the explosion.
     Valentina ends up figuring out the secret to Firestorm and merges with Stein to become Firehawk. Firehawk goes out to the grounds and starts attack people. Jax is able to split the 2 up with some encouraging words to Stein and tackles them. Valentina, still Firehawk, goes unstable and blows up. Rip picks them all up in the ship and they all leave 1986.
     The episode ends with the team celebrating their successful mission while in the time stream. Unexpectedly they get attacked by the Time Master's bounty hunger Kronos. After they loose Kronos and sustaining damage they crash land in a 2046 Star City that looks like it's seen better days. The team run into a Green Arrow look figure. Sara and Ray try to talk to him, thinking he is Oliver Queen. They find out this Green Arrow isn't Oliver and he attacks.      

Collider rating: 3 stars good

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Supergirl: S1 E13, The Flash: S2 E13, Arrow: S4 E13, DC's LOT: S1 E4 Recap

This contains spoilers for these episodes

"Supergirl" Season 1 Episode 13: "For the Girl Who Has Everything"

Image result for supergirl episode 13Image result for supergirl episode 13                                                                             

     The episode starts out with Kara waking up in her bed on Krypton. She is confused and is suspecting this is some elision. Kara thinks all of the things she is seeing is projected from her memory of Krypton when her mother comes in talking to her and points out different things to try to convince her this is real. Kara eventually starts to forget her new home is called Earth.  
     Back at Cat Co, Cat is being impatient and is still up set with Kara for breaking up with her son when Kara hasn't shown up for work. James and Winn try to cover for her absents and are quickly running out of excuses for her. They call Kara's sister Alex, go to Kara's apartment and find Kara lying down with the parasitic alien on her. They quickly take her to the DEO. Hank gets mad at Alex for bringing James and Winn to the secret base. But Alex convinces him they are family to Kara and should be there when Kara wakes up. When they try to take the alien off of Kara, they find out Kara needs to get it of her herself or else it will kill her if they force it. Alex ends up having Hank use his martian shape shifting powers to cover for Kara at Cat Co. When he does this Cat, thinks Kara has shown her true self and says she is watching her. Hanks, just says to himself he would rather be in the martian prison over dealing with Cat. 
    Back in Kara's dream, Kara is seeing her family alive again and meets her cousin Cal-El, as a boy instead of Superman. She still thinks this is an elision, but is starting to forget about Earth all together.         
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     Alex ends up getting a visit from Astra (Kara's Aunt). She convinces Alex that Kara is under the influence of a Black Mercy. We find out Non (Astra's husband) is responsible for the Black Mercy. Non and Astra have a plan to take over Earth and end humanity. But Astra still cares for her niece. Astra tells Alex, the only way to get rid of the Black Mercy is to have Kara believe her elision isn't real. Back at the DEO they end up recruiting Maxwell's help to create a device so Alex, can go into Kara's head and convince her the elision isn't real. After Alex, is successful and Kara, almost being lost forever, Kara is very angry and wants to know who did this to her. Alex and J'onn (Hank) go fight Astra, while Supergirl takes her rage on Non. Supergirl tells Non, he made her loose her family all over again and is able to beat him out of anger. Astra almost kills J'onn, but Alex stabs her with a kryptonite sword. After Astra says goodbye to Supergirl, she dies.      
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       I think the reason why this episode is call "For the Girl Who Has Everything" is because it is based off the episode, in the animated series "Justice League" that I talked about last time, called "For the Man That Has Everything". In the episode Batman and Wonder Woman, are on their way to Superman's Fortress of Solitude. A place in the arctic where he can go to be alone and where he keeps all of his trinkets. On their way there Wonder Woman asks Batman "what do you give someone for their birthday that has everything they need". Thus the title "For the Man Who Has Everything". At the end of the episode, after they finally take care of the Black Mercy, Wonder Woman, gives Superman a rare flower and Batman, gives him cash. Now in this Supergirl episode the title doesn't have the same meaning. The meaning probably is how she lost her old family and has gained a new one.

"The Flash" Season 2 Episode 13: "Welcome to Earth-2"

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      The episode starts out with Flash racing to close all the breaches using the implosion device. After he has closed all the breaches, except the one they will be going through, they prepare to go to Earth-2. Iris is afraid Barry is going to Earth-2 to try to escape an empty and fulfilling life. Barry convinces her he has everything he needs in Earth-1 and is only going to Earth-2 to save Wells daughter. He also gets warned by Jay (Earth-2 Flash) to not get caught up in Earth-2 by it's people and problems. 
     After Barry, Cisco and Wells go through the breach, the speed cannon they used to go through the breach, brakes. They find themselves in Earth-2 S.T.A.R. Labs and run into a doppelganger of an old foe, who in Earth-2 is just a regular guy that just says hi to Wells. After they make their way to a room where they can seclude themselves, they see Barry's doppelganger on TV still working for the CSI. Barry gets an idea, then speeds his way to get his doppelganger then brings him where they are at S.T.A.R Labs. The doppelganger is confused at first when he sees Barry. Then when he notices Wells, he nerds out. Barry then stuns his doppelganger, knocking him out. He then puts on his doppelgangers cloths to try to find out information while Cisco tries to find Zoom. 
      After he gets to the police station, he finds out his doppelganger is married to Earth-2's Iris (who is the police captain) and Floyd Lawton (Dead Shot) is her partner. Except in this world Floyd, got the nick name Dead Shot, for being a lousy shot instead of never missing. Barry and E-2 Iris, go to their home and Iris tells Barry, he has a message form his mother. While he returns her call, he can't help but be emotional, hearing his mothers voice for the first time since his mother died in E-1. After he finishes the call they go to a club where E-2 Joe (Joseph) is a lounge singer and dislikes Barry (Bartholomew). While there, E-2 Caitlin (Killer Frost) and E-2 Ronnie (Death Storm) show up looking for any doppelgangers, that Zoom warned them might come. Barry, tries to talk to Killer Frost, saying this isn't who she is. The 2 villains attack, Joseph gets hit a badly injured. Barry then uses his speed to take the 2 villains to a secluded area. He ends up tricking Death Storm into hitting Killer Frost and the 2 retreat.                  
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     Back on Earth-1, a meta-human, who calls himself Geo-Mancer, is wreaking havoc to get Flash's attention. This causes Jay, to confess he didn't loose his speed to Zoom. But rather he got greedy to gain more speed. Which caused him to create velocity 6, that ended up robbing his speed. Caitlin ends with convincing Jay to help her create velocity 7, to get his speed back in order to battle Geo-Mancer. Jay then suits up as Earth-2 Flash. With the help of Joe and the police force, to go to battle Geo-Mancer. During the fight, velocity 7 wears off. But with some cooperation they end up chasing off Geo-Mancer.
      Back on Earth-2, Iris and Barry are at the hospital with Joseph, who ends up dieing in his hospital bed. Barry then gets Cisco to help him, Iris and Floyd get Killer Frost and Death Storm and smoke out Zoom. After they find the villains, Cisco meets his doppelganger, who calls himself Reverb, who is Killer Frost and Death Storm's boss. Reverb shows himself to be more powerful than Cisco (Vibe) and offers a partnership and to train Vibe to be more powerful, but Vibe refuses. In a small battle between Flash, Death Storm and Reverb, Zoom shows up and kills Death Storm and Reverb for disobeying him by injuring Flash. He told them if they come across a speedster to not injure them. Zoom then just passes out Killer Frost, by chocking her, to remind her who's boss and for obeying him. The episode ends with Zoom taking an injured Flash to a cell where Wells's daughter is held up at, along with another mysterious figure in a metal mask, who taps on the glass cage wall in mores code.  
     I was right when I thought Killer Frost would be in Earth-2 and Caitlin wouldn't turn least for now.

Collider rating: 4 starts very good
Link for Collider recap
"Arrow" Season 4 Episode 13: "Sins of the Father"    
 Image result for arrow season 4

     From the ending of the last episode Nyssa, told Oliver, the lotuc can cure Thea, in exchange for him killing Malcolm. Oliver tries to do this exchange with no blood shed. After talking with Malcolm, he claims he would give Nyssa, the serpents head ring (the ring of Ru's al Ghul) in exchange for his daughter's life. While Laurel tells Nyssa about the trade, which she agrees to. During the trade Malcolm attacks Nyssa. While Nyssa is escaping, because of Malcolms greater numers, Diggle, Oliver and Laurel block his path. Malcolm, claims if he gives the ring to Nyssa, she will become like her father. He claims saving all those people she would kill is worth more than his daughters life. That is why he needs to kill her so that wouldn't happen and save his daughter as well. Oliver doesn't believe she Nyssa would do that, but can't convince Malcolm of it. Malcolm is convinced "sins of the father".
     Meanwhile Felicity, ends up having coffee with her father. During coffee her father reveals to Felicity that he is Calculator and that he knows she is Over Watch. (I was mistaken that her nick name was Watch but Over Watch). After this reveal she tries to leave, but he stops her claiming he has changed and wants to get to know her. Later Felicity talks to her mother about her fathers appearance. Donna, then claims people don't change and not to trust him. Later at Palmer Tech, Felicity gets a visit from her father. She then claims the only thing she can believe from what he says is he is wanted by the police. Then Detective Lance comes in with a couple of officers to take him away.
      On the streets of Star City, Nyssa and Malcolm are at war with each other and civilians are in to cross fire. Team Arrow, are able to get Nyssa, then lock her up at their base. Oliver tries to talk to Malcolm again. Malcolm, reveals he know Oliver, has a son. He then decides the only way to save his daughter is to challenge Nyssa to a duel. On a root top right before Nyssa and Malcolm fight, Oliver takes her place as her husband (according to the League of Assassins). Oliver is able to beat Malcolm then cuts off his hand then knocks him out then gives Nyssa the ring. After the lotus has cured Thea Oliver and Malcolm are summoned to Nanda Parbat by Nyssa. She then tells them she has disband the League of Assassins then destroys the ring. By all of the these events "Malcolm is very angry with Oliver and reveals to Damien Darhk, Oliver has a son.    
     In the past in prisoned on Lian Yu, Taiana is morning over Oliver, confessing killing her brother. She tries to exchange Oliver's glyph-carved stone for her freedom. Reiter just takes it. He finds it's the last piece he needs for McGuffin. But Oliver is still needed. Reiter tells Taiana, if Oliver, who is sick, dies of his illness her fate will be the same. Taiana is forced to take care of Oliver, despite how angry she is with him, or else if he dies so will she.
Collider rating: 3 stars good
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"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Season 1 Episode 4: "Black Night"


     From the last episode, the team has arrived in 1986. They find out there are some classified files in the Pentagon about Vandel Savage's where about. The mission starts out successful, but then Jax, gets irritated with Stein, telling him what to do as they are fused as Firestorm. He then accidentally triggers an alarm, while messing with some electrical equipment so an alarm wouldn't go off during their mission. Meanwhile Kendra, during a fight with the guards after the alarm goes off, turns Hawkgirl with a blood lust and starts clawing at a guards face. Fortunately Rip, calls Firestorm back and to bring Kendra back before she kills someone.
     After they have the files and are back on the ship (Waverider), they find out Vandal Savage is helping the Soviet Union build the ultimate weapon. On their way, in Soviet air space, another ship detects them. It's the bounty hunter, Kronos. A Soviet air fighter, is there as well and Rip, tricks the figher into shooting down Kronos. After they land the team discovers a Soviet scientist, named Valentina, is working on a project for Savage. Ray Palmer (Atom) and Lenard Snart (Captain Cold) take an ingestible translator pill so they can speak fluent Russian. They meet Valentina at a Ballet. Ray tries first, talking to her scientist to scientist. She just brushes him off. Snart tries and she shows interest. Snart, ends up denying her request to go to her place and says he has other plans for the night, after he steals her ID card and wallet.
     Back at Waverider, Sara (White Canary) is told by Rip, to try to help Kendra, control her blood lust. They end up sparing Kendra, goes blood lust, then Sara counters with her own blood lust but is able to get control of herself before killing Kendra.
     Rip, meanwhile takes  Rory (Heat Wave) to go investigate the crash site of Kronos. They end up running into Rip's old mentor, one of the Time Masters. The Time Master, tells Rip, Kronos was killed in the crash. He wants Rip to turn himself in. They will return the team to their time line.Then after a few 100 years they might be able to fix what Rip has so far done to the time line. Rip just says he needs to talk to his team about it. Rory, recommends not to trust the Time Master and he plans to kill Rip. Later Rip and Rory are engaged by Time Master, Just as Rory predicted. Rip then surprises Time Master by bringing Firestorm. In the fight Time Master, hits Firestorm with something that separates him. They make it back to Waverider. Jax, just blames Stein for back seat driving. Stein, emotionally attacks Jax for being so stubborn.
      Snart, Ray and Stein go to the Soviet base and find out Savage, is trying to create his own Fire Storm. While Stein, gets into the area where the orb is (the thing creating a Fire Storm) to contain an steal it. Ray is at the controls trying to help Stein contain the orb. Meanwhile Snart, is confronted by Valentina. Valentina forces Ray to turn the power back on that is powering the orb, by threatening to kill Snart. After Ray and Stein are captured, Snart is able to escape with a no longer powered orb. The episode ends with Ray and Stein in a cage, and Rip and Snart figuring out how to rescue their comrades.                             

Collider Rating: 4 stars very good