Saturday, January 23, 2016

Flash, Arrow, Legends and Supergirl recap/review

There are spoilers for these episodes.     

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     To me this last episode of Flash was just another typical episode. A new villain is introduced, but not much of a threat. Sisco named him the Turtle, because he slows down time to make himself seem fast in order to steel peoples most prized possessions. We find out that the reason why he only steels peoples most prized possessions is because his wife threatened to leave him. So he puts her in a box and slows down time around her to make her like a collectible. Because his most prized possession wanted to leave him he wants other to loose theirs. To me these types of villains aren't that great. Their cause isn't that realistic and the writers were just pulling something out of a hat.
     The main reason why the Turtle got introduced is because Sisco said they can use his power to slow down Zoon. Dr. Wells made a deal with Zoom to steel Flash's speed in order to get his daughter back. I mean, what parent wouldn't do anything to get their child back. But when this Turtle comes into play Wells seen an opportunity. By the end of the episode when Turtle is captured, Wells seemingly takes Turtles blood and knocks him out.  
     Some minder things that happened where Caitlin and Earth 2 Flash's relationship seems to grow and Caitlin finds out that Earth 2 Flash is dying unless they find a way to get his speed back. Recently we were introduced to Wally West, who becomes a Flash in comics and is the Flash in the animated series Justice League. We find out that Wally and his father, Joe's, relationship is rocky. Joe discovers Wally's a street racer and the only reason why he's in town is to race in order to get money for his mom's medical needs. He doesn't seem to care for his and Joe's relationship. Which makes me wonder why Wally introduced himself to Joe in the first place. Barry finds out that Patty is moving to go to school for the FBI. Recently she got her revenge on her fathers killer and no longer needs to be in Central City.
   In trailers for Flash season 2 it makes me wonder how Caitlin becomes Killer Frost and why she goes bad. I have heard speculations that Killer Frost might be Caitlin from Earth 2.

Image result for arrow season 4
     The last episode we saw Oliver propose to Felicity and on a drive home they get attacked. The driver gets killed and Felicity gets shot. In desperation Oliver is now more determined then ever to kill Damian. Oliver then frees a criminal that has a grudge against Damian in order to find and kill him. Diggle tries to beat information about Damian's whereabouts out of his brother. After it doesn't work he feels guilty for beating him. Diggle ends up playing cards with him after his brother gives him information for feeling guilty after beating him to pay him back to feel guilty as well. The criminal ends up holding Damian's wife and daughter who gets saved by the Arrow team. After a small fight between Arrow and Damian, Damian finds out team Arrow saved his family. Damian tells Arrow for saving his family he will give him 2 weeks to say good bye to his loved ones then he will kill him. 
     In the past Oliver and the girl are captured. The capturer gets permission to whip Oliver because death is to quick. Then after Oliver puts a gun to his head saying they need him alive and that he will help them just as long as the girl is safe and they are both put into a jail cell. The episode ends with Oliver sitting next to Felicity in the hospital who is paralyzed from the waist down and Thea's relationship with her new guy is progressing. In the comics Batgirl, out of costume, being Barbara Gordan, has an accident involving the Joker. She becomes paralyzed form the waist down then becomes like what Felicity does with computers. Barbara then gets the code name Oracle. So Felicity may get that name as well. Speculating, at the end of the episode when Oliver is at a grave then gets in a limo where Felicity is. They both say that the one who killed their friend is going to die. I think the person in the grave is Diggle. Just because Diggle is the only one among the Arrow team who isn't in the comics.


Image result for legends of tomorrow
     The episode begins in the year 2166 where Vandal Savage has taken over the world. It shows him murdering a mother and child that show him guts. Then it shows Rip Hunter, a Time Master, trying convince the Time Masters to let him go to the past and stop Vandal Savage from ever becoming this powerful and taking over the world. They decline his request and kick him off the Time Masters for doing it anyway. He then comes to 2016, finds different people that have abilities and skills, shoots them unconscious with some kind of gun. After he has collected his team Fire Store (Dr. Martin Stein and Jay Jackson), Hawk Man, Hawk Girl, White Canary, Captain Cold, Heat Wave and the Atom, side characters form Flash and Arrow, he tells them about what happens in the future and tells them they aren't heroes, but Legends. To convince them more about his story he shows them a hologram of the future then tells them if they are in to meet him at an address he gives them. After time thinking about it they all decide to join his crusade except Jay. Martin, being thrilled with the idea of being able to go through time and geeking out about physics, drugs Jay to bring Fire Storm anyway. The team goes to the year 1975, while being tracked down by a bounty hunter. After they get to 1975 they leave Jay, White Canary, Captain Cold and Heat Wave on the ship because they don't need anyone assassinated or robed, to go find a man that knows all about Vandal Saveage. The man turns out to be Hawk Man and Hawk Girl's son in their last life. During the time they are talking the others on the ship decide to go get a drink except they make Jay stay saying he's to young for it. On the teams way back with the man, by Hawk Man and Hawk Girl's request, and in the middle of a fight that the trio started in a bar, their ship gets attacked by the bounty hunter. By the time everyone gets back Captain Cold says "We were only gone for 30 seconds and you are fighting Boba Fett". I thought that was the funniest line in the hole episode. After they are able to escape, Rip ends up telling them that they aren't legends and they have no significant to the future. That was the reason why they were chosen. Rip gives them time to decide what they want to do while he repairs damages done to the ship. The episode ends with the team deciding to stay and showing Vandal Savage in WW2. 
     So far Legends seem alright. hopefully in future episodes it will get more exciting and funny. I also wonder how Flash and Arrow will fit into this or get involved.

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    At the beginning of the episode Toyman breaks out of prison, another Superman villain that they have introduced to the Supergirl series. We find out that his son is Winn. Winn is afraid with how similar he is with his father. That he might get to angry enough someday and crack like his father did. In meeting with his father, Toyman explains that the one who stole his toy idea stole Winn's childhood and stole Toyman's experience to see his son grow up. To me that is a more probable villain, when something reasonable happened to them to make them a criminal, unlike the Turtle in Flash. In Win's first meeting with his father the Police Special Forces tried to take down Toyman but he was a hologram. They all almost died by poison gas but fortunately Supergirl was there to save them. In a talk with Lucy Lain, Cat offers her a job, which causes miner troubles between Lucy and Jimmy, because this will cause them to work for the same company and might put a damper in their relationship. After a second meeting Toyman forces Winn to attempt to kill the man that put him in prison so they can be in prison together. After Winn fails, Toyman is sent back to Prison. During the episode Alex and Hank infiltrates Maxwell's company. Hank, using his Martian powers, discovers a clone of Supergirl. Also Winn kisses Kara and at the end of the episode he talks to Kara telling her he's in love with her and doesn't know if he can just be friends. After Kara, still in supergirl costume, goes to Alex's place and tells her about what happened with the kiss and is troubled with how Winn and her relationship with be now. Meanwhile Maxwell has a camera in Alex's apartment and finds out that Supergirl and Alex are sisters.
     I have heard that Flash may appear in Supergirl. I can't wait for that episode.  

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