Saturday, January 23, 2016

DC and Marvel Cinematic Movies continued

     This may contain spoilers for the movies I'm going to talk about.


     In the upcoming movie Suicide Squad, this version of the Joker, played by Jared Leto, will be based on the animated movie "Dark Knight Return's", how much is debatable. A comparison I would like to point out is in "Dark Knight Returns" the Joker is back in Arkham and has taken on a therapist.  He seems to act as though he has nothing to live for since batman is retired, but when Batman is mentioned on the news about coming out of retirement, something clicks in his head and he leads his therapist to believe he is fit for outside interaction again. He is then put on a talk show and proceeds to kill everyone there after starting his interview. The Joker is somewhat mentioned in Batman v Superman Trailer when Bruce Wane is talking to Clark Kent and says, in my own words, that he doesn't like people going out and dressing up as clowns. But we don't seem to see the Joker until the upcoming movie "Suicide Squad". Perhaps the same concept is there as from "Dark Knight Returns".  

Image result for batman v superman clark kent talking to bruce wayneImage result for batman on top of joker's car                                                        
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      This version that Jared Leto is playing has supposedly killed Robin from a scene shown in the "Batman v Superman" trailer.The image shown below is Robin's suit. The suit seems to be holding his staff and has the classic Robin R on the upper left hand of the suit.

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Image result for batman v superman robin suit

    According to Entertainment weekly which interviewed Will Smith said that he "never met Jared Leto off screen." I know this is Jared Leto's first time playing in a role like this and so I wont judge until I see him in action. He has a lot to compete against since Heath Ledgers role has been a favorite for movie goers so far. Jared Leto knows this and from a "Collider Movie Talk" series they say that he practices on and off set as this character as much as he can.    
     Killer Crock, I think, can be compared to what Juggernaut was in X-Men: Last Stand with no CGI. Juggernaut is much bigger than how he is portrayed in the comics and animated series. Usually people say that CGI isn't better than puppets or makeup. Personally I can't tell bad acting or much difference between CGI than the other, but I really have to pay attention. John Campea producer of "Collider Movie Talk" has said that in this case of Killer Crock makeup is not better that CGI. To me in Juggernauts case I didn't mind it to much. Probably because in the Movie he's a mutant and doesn't need to look extremely big to have the powers of Juggernaut. I'm not sure about Killer Crock. I don't know his origin but he seems to be a human that got mutated into a humanoid crocodile and in the comics, animated series and video games he is much bigger. But I'll have to wait to see the movie to put a real judgment.       

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     In "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" relieved the first trailer for the Suicide Squad. A new catch phrase for these unlikely heroes "worst heroes ever". Especially since during the trailer Harley Quin, played by Margot Robbie, brakes a shop window and steals a necklace. Then Rick Flag, played by Joel Kinnaman, asks "what is with you people" Harley responds with "because we're bad guys". The Suicide Squad team (image below) will consist of from the left Slipnot (played by Adam Beach), Captain Boomerang (played by Jai Courtney), Enchantress (played by Cara Delevingne), Rick Flag, Harley Quin, Dead Shot (played by Will Smith), Killer Crock (played bay Adewale-Akinnuoye-Agbaje), El Diablo (played by Ray Henderson) and kneeling below them is Katana (played by Karen Fukuhara).
Image result for suicide squad 2016 joker
   Warner Brothers Hopefully knows what they are doing with "Wonder Woman". Because they have been putting forth the "Wonder Woman" movie. Personally I am looking forward to it and hoping it will be at least an 8/10 or really good depending on how you judge movies. The image they released with her wearing a clock a lot of people aren't a fan of. I think it's fine. Because it looks as if she is sneaking off the island. If not it still looks fine to me. 
     "Wonder Woman" is going to be a prequel to "Batman v Superman". The "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" showed trailer like footage for the "Wonder Woman" movie. The movie looks as if Steve Trevor ,played by Chris Pine, is captured by Amazon Princes Diana Prince ,Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot, Ends up going to man's world with Steve, because she feels like Amazon Warriors should help protect the world of man. In the "Wonder Woman" animated movie Steve Trevor is a WW2 pilot that crash lands on the Amazon Island and captured by the Amazons. After debate it is decided to return him back to where he came from.
     According to Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus and Hyppolyta, play by Connie Nielsen, queen of the Amazons. Which is how she is portrayed is in the New 52 comic. Whereas Wonder Woman, before was sculpted out of clay by the Hyppolyta. Then brought to life by Hera Queen of the Greek Gods. Thus in the animated series "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" whenever Wonder Woman is struggling in battle she says "Hera give me strength". She subtle prays to Hera by saying Hero help that person Hera be with you, and Hera have mercy on your soul.

Wonder Woman (2017) Poster

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     In "Batman v Superman" Aquaman ,play by Jason Momoa, will make an appearance. It has been comforted by Arther Curry ,Aquaman,'s love interest, Mera, is in negotiations to be played by Amber Heard. 
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      Personally my favorite version of the Justice League is from the picture shown above, the animated series "Justice League". From the left John Jones (Martian Man Hunter, a martian) John Stewart (Green Lantern), Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Flash and Hawk Girl.
     In the movie, from the image below, the left Aquaman, Cyborg (played by Ray Fisher), Batman (played by Ben Affleck), Superman (played by Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman, and Flash (played by Ezra Miller). Typically the Justice League has 7 members. It has been confirmed by "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" that Green Lantern will be apart of it. Green Lantern, could be Hal Jordan, the first Green Lantern. But because the Green Lantern movie featuring Hal was a flop, even though I enjoyed it, could be John Stewart. There will be a Green Lantern movie call "Green Lantern Corps". Which from what I understand, talked about on "Collider Movie Talk" will not focus on a single character, unlike the last Green Lantern movie. It will be more like a space copes movie. Which makes sense because Green Lanterns are basically a galactic police force with power rings.

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 SHAZAM 2019    
     Not shown in the picture above but might be apart of the team is Shazam. It has been comforted that Dwayne Johnson will play Black Atom, the villain in the "Shazam" movie coming 2019. It is speculations that Shazam my be his own movie and not apart of the "Justice League".
      Shazam also known as Captain Marvel, in the DC universe, is a powerful hero like unto Superman. He is a boy named Billy Batson, who is dubbed worthy by the wizard Shazam. By speaking the wizard's name "Shazam" the boy gets hit my a magical lightning bolt and transforms into a costume adult that has strength like unto Superman, super speed and magical abilities.
Image result for dc shazam

     According to, Because of Ben Affleck's positive reaction of his performance in the face off he will get at least 1 stand alone movie. One of which is in the works. Rummer has it the movie will be based off the comic and animated movie "Under the Red Hood". "Under the Red Hood" is based off the second Robin, Jason Todd, who gets beaten and kill by the Joker. Before Jason Todd, the first Robin Dick Grayson, decided that he disagrees with Batman's ways of doing things. Decides to quit being Robin to go solo and becomes Nightwing. According to Nightwing will be referenced in "Batman v Superman". In "Under The Red Hood" Batman, with help of Nightwing, faces off against Red Hood, who is a resurrected Jason Todd, and the Joker.
 Image result for red hoodImage result for nightwing                                                            
     According to, from an industry source that remained anonymous, a cut of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" screening for the movies crew and Warner Brothers bosses. The screening was told a "glowing success". As far as Warner Brothers in concerned Ben Affleck, is the "definitive Batman". Warner Brother is now working their movie universe around this Batman. This has not been confirmed, but even if this, about the screening, is not true it's still really cool. In an interview by USA Today Ben Affleck might be directing the movie as well.    

    Doctor Strange is another origin story even though Kevin Fiege, president of Marvel Studios, said he no long wants to do origin stories. I think the reason why he is doing "Doctor Strange" as an origin story is because it's a really good one. 
     Not many people who don't read comics, like myself, know who Doctor Strange is. I have watched an animated movie call "Doctor Strange". Dr. Stephen Strange is a surgeon, one of the best, who is stuck up and only cares about money. He gets into a car accident which severely damages his hands and is unable to work with them anymore, after he sees a mystical monster of some kind being chased after by some people using magic. After the accident he desperately tries to go to whoever he can to get his hands fixed with no results. He ends up meeting someone called The Ancient One and finds out that he is one of the chosen to be taught how to use magic and protect our realm from mystical threats. But he doesn't find this out tell after he is told if he wants the use of his hands again he needs to climb a mountain in a far away place where their temple is located at. Being desperate Stephen is able to make the clime, go through hard trials, is humbled, becomes the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange and is able to banish a powerful villain to another dimension. In the movie It will be interesting to see what his role with be in "Avengers Infinity War". It has been confirmed that Wong, Doctor Strange's assistant, will be play by Benedict Wong.  

Image result for doctor strange movieImage result for doctor strange movie                                                
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    It is speculation in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" Peter Quill/Star Lord's father is actually Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel is a powered being from the Kree Empire. Yondu, from the first movie, said that Peter Quill's father is a jerk. The Captain Marvel I know of is kind hearted and wants to protect Earth from the Kree Empire, making them think that Earth isn't worth their time. So we will see how the MCU portrays him in the movie. 
     This could be how Marvel will get into the "Captain Marvel" movie in 2019. What I know from the animated series "Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes" Captain Marvel was disguised as a human male who works with a woman named Carol Danvers. After an accident, and while Captain Marvel was holding Carol in order to protect her, his Kree cells fused into her cells and gave her super powers, becoming Ms Marvel. She can fly, super strength and able to shoot energy blasts. She was originally called Captain Marvel but her name changed to Ms Marvel

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    Thanos one of the most power villains in the Marvel universe (image below). An interview I saw on YouTube with Anthony Russo and Joe Russo the directors of "Captain America: The Winter Solder" "Captain America: Civil War" and "Avengers: Infinity War" part 1 and 2. They were interviewed in Japan. The questions were in Japanese so I couldn't understand them but the brothers replied in English and they said that Thanos, will not be in "Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2" but the next time we see him he will be doing some serious stuff. According to Cinamablend Josh Brolin, who voices Thanos, said that he will spend some time in 2016 and 2017 playing Thanos. Which suggests he will at least have a part in the sequel.   

Thanos Guardians of the Galaxy

     Ragnarock means the end of all things in Nors mythology. One thing that really excites me is that Hulk will be in "Thor: Ragarock". According to Entertainment weekly, Kevin Figie said it will be a major gamechanger for the the character. Bruce Banner/The Hulk will be on a planet that we understand is neither Asgard nore Earth... Speculations is that the planet will be Planet Hulk or setting up for a Planet Hulk movie. Highly unlikely for a Planet Hulk movie because Universal has the rights to a stand alone Hulk movie. "Planet Hulk" is a comic and animated movie where Hulk becomes banished by superhero leaders, to a planet with no intelligent life so he won't hurt anyone and can be alone. Enraged by being banished the Hulk trashes his ship putting it off course and lands on another planet, Hulk gets captured, becomes a gladiator and ends up freeing the planet from a warlord. "Thor 3" supposedly will show what the Hulk will being doing in future Marvel movies. 
Image result for hulk in thor ragnarok
      Cate Blanchett has been confirmed to be in "Thor 3" as the new baddy according to Mark Ruffalo in an interview. She has also been confirmed to be Hella by Hella is the daugher of Loki and the ruler of the Nors underworld or Hell.
Image result for marvel hela

        According to the same video with the directors of "Avengers: Infinity War" the "Black Panther" being right before "Infinity war" will lead directly into the movie. It has been comforted that Ryan Coogler, who also directed "Creed" which was a great movie, will direct "Black Panther". So hopefully "Black Panther" will be great as well. Also Black Panther's suit is made out of vibranium, same as Cap's shield.
     Black Panther, also know as T'Challa, is the Prince of an African nation call "Wakanda". He becomes king after his father is murdered. When he eats a special herb that should only be consumed by the family blood line, grants him increased agility, strength and enhance his senses. "Wakanda" is were vibranium is mined from. "Wakanda" in animated movies and series is a highly advanced civilization. But seemingly from the "Civil War" trailer it might not be that advanced.
 Image result for black panther movie

Avengers: Infinity War 2018/2019
     According to Pastemagazine directors, the Russo brothers, at "Wizard World New Orleans Comic Con" announced there will be 67 featured characters in the 2 part movie. The Russos did clarify that that number is more of all the Marvel characters that have been shown so far will at least have some kind of appearance.
 <i>Avengers: Infinity War</i> Will Feature 67 Marvel Characters
     I speculate and hope that Ant-Man will become Giant-Man in "Captain America: Civil War". According to their lego toys (image below) I might be right. Giant-Man being the big lego character on the left side of the picture.
Image result for lego captain america civil war giant man

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the insight and information about these upcoming movies. I had no idea Marvel was coming out with so many interesting films. Great blog!
