Saturday, January 30, 2016

Supergirl S1 E11, The Flash S2 E11, Arrow S4 E11, Legends S1 E2 Recao/Review

This contains spoilers about these episodes

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     Kara and Winn are taking it one day at a time with Winn's feeling now at the surface. The two only say a hi during a pass by and Kara hates this. She just wants her best friend back. Senator Miranda Crane has come out publicly saying how evil aliens are, even the ones wearing a red cape. Cat hates this and wants to get something to be able to humiliate the Senator. Cat ends up sending Jimmy to the Senator's rally to take pictures and get something good on the Senator. Hank and Alex go to the rally as well to make sure nothing bad happens. During the rally the Senator is attacked by a white Martian. Supergirl goes in to try to save the Senator and the Martian seemingly flees. Hank and Alex take the Senator to their base to make sure she is kept safe. During this time Cat's son Adam, who she hasn't seen in 25 years, gives her a surprise visit because of a letter he got from her that Kara secretly sent. Cat is very angry with Kara about this but really wants to get to know her son. Cat and Adam have dinner but Cat talks to much about herself and leads Adam to believe she hasn't changed then walks out. It is revealed that Senator Crane is actually the white Martian and has the real Senator captive somewhere. This makes John Jones, aka Hank, remember how his race of green Martians where destroyed by the white Martians and how he lost his family. This makes him want to take on the white Martian by himself and just sacrifice himself because this is his war and not Earths. Supergirl and Alex convince him otherwise, are able to save the real Senator and Supergirl, John Jones and the white Martian have a fight. At the end of the fight John Jones puts Supergirl in kryptonite restraints so she couldn't stop him from killing their foe. Supergirl ends up taking Hank into sparing the Martian and put it in a cell. The Martian, back in the Senators form, tells Supergirl that it's race with him for it. At the end of the episode Kara helps Cat and Adam come to terms then while at Alex's place they see on the news a Supergirl grabbing a distressed car and throwing it. This really confuses Kara and Alex.
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      I personally think the Supergirl they saw on the news in the clown from the episode before. In the animated series Supergirl is clowned and the clown does the apostate of what Supergirl does. Even tries to kill the real one. I do hope that when the White Martian's people comes for we will get some kind of Justice League type of thing. Doubtful, but it would be cool. I hope at least bring in cameos from the Flash or some something.


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     From the end of the last episode, Reverse-Flash has made his way to this time period before he takes the form of Dr. Wells and kills Barry's mother. Cisco vibes about Reverse-Flash doing some crimes and sends Flash to stop him, but each time Reverse-Flash gets away. We find out that the Turtle from the last episode in now dead. Wells and Cisco develop a way to help control Cisco's vibe power or visions. When Cisco more or less controls his visions he vibes about Eobard Thowne (Reverse-Flash) making Dr. McGee help him with a machine to send him back home and kills her right before he goes. Barry wants to stop him and finish him once and for all so he can save his mom. Wells tells Barry because Eabard has already killed his mother, It has already happened in history. But Eabard will still be born in the future to come back in time. So there is no saving Barry's mom. Flash goes and saves Dr. McGee and is able to take down Reverse-Flash. While Eobard is captive at Star Labs, Barry, hiding in the shadows talks with him and finds out that Eobard, in his future, wanted to be like Flash. He recreated the Flash accident and gets the Flash powers. But then he realized he can't be like Flash and becomes Flash's nemesis Reverse-Flash. While Eobard is captive Cisco is in the medical bed having a panic attack. When his panic attack leaves he starts to fade away. Wells tells Barry that they need to send Eobard through time and let time take its course or Cisco will die, and that this is the Reverse-Flash's origin story.      
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     Some miner things that happened was Caitlin is continually trying to help Jay (Earth 2 Flash) get his powers back. One way to do that is by using this Earths, Jay Garrick's, cells. But is it seems as if Jay Garrick of this Earth doesn't exist. Also after Patty finds continual stories of the Flash on Barry's desk, at the Police Department,  and confronting Harrison about the photos. She is convinced that Barry is the Flash, despite Detective West trying to lie about it. Patty then confronts Barry about it and says she will stay in Central City if he is the Flash. In order to protect her he denies being the Flash. Detective West tells Iris that he has said goodbye to her dying mother, his ex-wife, that she should do the same. After she says goodbye, Iris convinces Wally to say goodbye as well, despite his grudge he has against her for not telling him about his father and that he has a sister. At the end of the episode, after sending Eobard through time, Jay shows Caitlin why she hasn't been able to find Jay Garrick of this Earth, and they decide the only way to get his powers back is to stop Zoom and use his cells. Barry gets a call from Patty say something something bad is going to happen on the train. He quickly rushes on the train as Flash to make sure everyone is ok. After he realized there is nothing wrong and talks with Patty a little he rushes back and Patty says to herself goodbye to Barry now knowing he is the Flash.  

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     During a walk Diggle and his wife Lyla get approached by a agent that use to work with Lyla. While trying to tell Lyla something to tell to Amanda Waller, the agent gets captured and then murdered by Shadowspire. Diggle then approaches his brother Andy about Shadowspire, who claims he is no longer apart of that organization. Diggle and Lyla then take Andy to A.R.G.U.S to hold him for further questioning while they Lyla talks with Amanda. Team Arrow attempts to help stop Shadowspire with their gun crimes, but to no avail. During the episode it shows in the past John and Andy Diggle's old army days and how Andy gets involved in Shadowspire. Andy, while being captive at A.R.G.U.S, trys to tell John that Shadowspire is just doing gun crimes as a distraction. Shadowspire then infiltrates A.R,G.U.S, kills a few agents, trys to get information out of Amanda and the leader says he will kill an agent every 20 minutes Amanda doesn't cooperate. During this time Andy tells John how he was right by having John look at the tv monitor that Shadowspire has Lyla and Amanda at gun point. John then uses the signal from the monitor to get service for his phone to get a hold of Team Arrow, a trick he learned for Felicity. After 20 minutes are over the leader of Shadowspire trys again but Lyla says Amanda will risk every agents life to secure the information and that is why Lyla left Amanda's employment. After learning this Amanda gets killed and now the attention is on Lyla. During this time Felicity is in a wheelchair and is being hunted by her past self, when she used to only depend on herself, her bad girl side. After John is able to get a hold of Team Arrow, Arrow gets a hold of Felicity for her tech help. This snaps Felicity for doubting herself for not being of use in a wheelchair and gets the nick name Watch. Arrow says she needs a nick name now and thought of using Oracle, but that was already taken, a pun from Barbara Gordon becoming Oracle in Batman comics. I kind of like Watch because it kinda references Watch Tower. Watch Tower is a space station where the Justice League head quarters is at. After Andy convinces John to trust him and they stop Shadowspire, John brings Andy to his home and introduces Andy to his niece.  At the end Felicity explains to Oliver about her bad girl days, then shows him a picture of her during those days before she destroys the picture. We then find out the real leader of Shadowspire is the one in charge of the organization when we last saw Oliver's past.
    From my last post about these episodes I ended up being right about what Felicity becomes. They just gave her a different name. Just makes me wonder if they will go further into the Justice League. The did the same thing in Smallville when they nick named Chloe Watch Tower.  

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      Continuing for the last episode Rip, uses Carter Hall (Hawkman) and Kendra Sanders (Hawkgirl)'s son's journal to find where Vandal Savage is in 1975. After finding out Savage is at a weapons sell in the Black Market. Mick Roy (Heat Wave), Lenard Snart (Captain Cold), Sara Lance (White Canary), Dr. Martin Stein and Ray Polmer (Atom), after Rip lied to them about being legends, getting Carter and Kendra's son killed and the last mission not going as planned, the team no longer trusts him. They decide to take matters into their own hands to take down Savage. After Snart isn't being successful about getting them into the sell Stein, steps in, pretending to be a crime lord of some sort, is able to convince the bouncer to let them in. During this time Carter, Kendra and Jax are awaiting on the roof for the opportunity to attack Savage. After Stein gets them in they realize Savage isn't a buyer but selling a nuke. You also notice Damien, the current villain in "Arrow" is there. You also notice there might be more to Damien's powers than what he uses in "Arrow" because he looks exactly the same age in 1975 as he does in 2016. After the bidding begins for the nuke Stein, tells them to bid for it right after Damien does. They end up winning the bid and Damien comes over to them asking who they are because he knows everyone. Since none of the characters except Sara are for the "Arrow" series and Sara hasn't seen Damien before, none of them recognize him. While Damien and Stein talk, Savage can feel Carter and Kendra's presence near their location. Savage can tell the group that is arguing with Damien is causing a stir and possibly with Carter and Kendra. He then tells all the buyers that whoever brings him the heads of the group talking with Damien gets a 25% off the nuke. The fight starts. As Stein is working his way toward the exit to get ready to fuse with Jax to make Firestorm. He gets blocked by a thug, then tells Atom it's time. Atom flys out of Stein's pocket and starts helping out with the fight. Hawkman and Hawkgirl swoop in to attack Savage while Jax fuses with Stein. After Hawkman and Hawkgirl get knocked away Sara steps in. Savage, tells them they can either get him or try to stop the nuke. Firestorm then takes the nuke to an area away form the team. After the nuke goes off Firestorm absorbs the explosion, which leaves a football field sized are destroyed. Back at the fight Atom, unknowingly, gets a small piece of his suite broken off. They regroup at the ship. Rip, angrily, tells them what a good job they just did. Then he shows the team a hologram of 2016 Central city up in flames. They then realize the small piece that broke off of Ray's Atom suit Savage got a hold of and became more powerful than ever with the future tech. They are also able to find out a dagger that can kill Savage is accessible at a private collectors residence. Stein, Jax and Sara say they are going after the part from Atom's suit, but need to get a device that can track the part from Stein's younger self, while Snart, Roy and Ray go steal the dagger. Stein, Jax and Sara go to a University where they find Stein's younger self. When they find him Stein mentions how he forget how hansom he used to be. After Sara flirts with younger Stein they go to his lab. Older Stein tells them they need to distract his younger self while he looks for the device. After older Stein finds the devise, younger Stein realizes what has been done, gets made at them, then Sara knocks him out. Older Stein sets a timer for younger Stein to wake up so he can make it to a convention where he will meet his wife. Meanwhile Snart, Roy and Ray brake into the residence that may have the dagger. They end up getting caught by the owner who happens to be Savage. Savage has them call the rest of their to so he can kill Carter and Kendra. Stein, Jax and Sara find the missing part at Savage's science lab. Sara jumps in, takes out a few people, then takes the part. When Stein, Jax and Sara make it back to the ship, Stein realizes something is wrong when his wedding ring vanishes from his finger right before his eyes. Younger Stein followed them to their ship instead of going to convention. Carter and Kendra make it to Savage's place and Carter stabs Savage with the dagger. Savage takes the knife out, then stabs Carter with it and says it has to be Kendra that does it because it was her's. Kendra attacks Savage, gets badly injured then taken away by the team back to the ship. After older Stein convinces younger Stein to leave the ship, Rip ends up convincing younger Stein to go to the convention and older Stein's wedding wring reappears again. While Kendra is in the ships medical bed the team decides they are going to continue to go after Savage even though they fixed 2016 Central city from being destroyed. They all want justice for Carter's death, he was one of the crew.               

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Flash, Arrow, Legends and Supergirl recap/review

There are spoilers for these episodes.     

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     To me this last episode of Flash was just another typical episode. A new villain is introduced, but not much of a threat. Sisco named him the Turtle, because he slows down time to make himself seem fast in order to steel peoples most prized possessions. We find out that the reason why he only steels peoples most prized possessions is because his wife threatened to leave him. So he puts her in a box and slows down time around her to make her like a collectible. Because his most prized possession wanted to leave him he wants other to loose theirs. To me these types of villains aren't that great. Their cause isn't that realistic and the writers were just pulling something out of a hat.
     The main reason why the Turtle got introduced is because Sisco said they can use his power to slow down Zoon. Dr. Wells made a deal with Zoom to steel Flash's speed in order to get his daughter back. I mean, what parent wouldn't do anything to get their child back. But when this Turtle comes into play Wells seen an opportunity. By the end of the episode when Turtle is captured, Wells seemingly takes Turtles blood and knocks him out.  
     Some minder things that happened where Caitlin and Earth 2 Flash's relationship seems to grow and Caitlin finds out that Earth 2 Flash is dying unless they find a way to get his speed back. Recently we were introduced to Wally West, who becomes a Flash in comics and is the Flash in the animated series Justice League. We find out that Wally and his father, Joe's, relationship is rocky. Joe discovers Wally's a street racer and the only reason why he's in town is to race in order to get money for his mom's medical needs. He doesn't seem to care for his and Joe's relationship. Which makes me wonder why Wally introduced himself to Joe in the first place. Barry finds out that Patty is moving to go to school for the FBI. Recently she got her revenge on her fathers killer and no longer needs to be in Central City.
   In trailers for Flash season 2 it makes me wonder how Caitlin becomes Killer Frost and why she goes bad. I have heard speculations that Killer Frost might be Caitlin from Earth 2.

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     The last episode we saw Oliver propose to Felicity and on a drive home they get attacked. The driver gets killed and Felicity gets shot. In desperation Oliver is now more determined then ever to kill Damian. Oliver then frees a criminal that has a grudge against Damian in order to find and kill him. Diggle tries to beat information about Damian's whereabouts out of his brother. After it doesn't work he feels guilty for beating him. Diggle ends up playing cards with him after his brother gives him information for feeling guilty after beating him to pay him back to feel guilty as well. The criminal ends up holding Damian's wife and daughter who gets saved by the Arrow team. After a small fight between Arrow and Damian, Damian finds out team Arrow saved his family. Damian tells Arrow for saving his family he will give him 2 weeks to say good bye to his loved ones then he will kill him. 
     In the past Oliver and the girl are captured. The capturer gets permission to whip Oliver because death is to quick. Then after Oliver puts a gun to his head saying they need him alive and that he will help them just as long as the girl is safe and they are both put into a jail cell. The episode ends with Oliver sitting next to Felicity in the hospital who is paralyzed from the waist down and Thea's relationship with her new guy is progressing. In the comics Batgirl, out of costume, being Barbara Gordan, has an accident involving the Joker. She becomes paralyzed form the waist down then becomes like what Felicity does with computers. Barbara then gets the code name Oracle. So Felicity may get that name as well. Speculating, at the end of the episode when Oliver is at a grave then gets in a limo where Felicity is. They both say that the one who killed their friend is going to die. I think the person in the grave is Diggle. Just because Diggle is the only one among the Arrow team who isn't in the comics.


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     The episode begins in the year 2166 where Vandal Savage has taken over the world. It shows him murdering a mother and child that show him guts. Then it shows Rip Hunter, a Time Master, trying convince the Time Masters to let him go to the past and stop Vandal Savage from ever becoming this powerful and taking over the world. They decline his request and kick him off the Time Masters for doing it anyway. He then comes to 2016, finds different people that have abilities and skills, shoots them unconscious with some kind of gun. After he has collected his team Fire Store (Dr. Martin Stein and Jay Jackson), Hawk Man, Hawk Girl, White Canary, Captain Cold, Heat Wave and the Atom, side characters form Flash and Arrow, he tells them about what happens in the future and tells them they aren't heroes, but Legends. To convince them more about his story he shows them a hologram of the future then tells them if they are in to meet him at an address he gives them. After time thinking about it they all decide to join his crusade except Jay. Martin, being thrilled with the idea of being able to go through time and geeking out about physics, drugs Jay to bring Fire Storm anyway. The team goes to the year 1975, while being tracked down by a bounty hunter. After they get to 1975 they leave Jay, White Canary, Captain Cold and Heat Wave on the ship because they don't need anyone assassinated or robed, to go find a man that knows all about Vandal Saveage. The man turns out to be Hawk Man and Hawk Girl's son in their last life. During the time they are talking the others on the ship decide to go get a drink except they make Jay stay saying he's to young for it. On the teams way back with the man, by Hawk Man and Hawk Girl's request, and in the middle of a fight that the trio started in a bar, their ship gets attacked by the bounty hunter. By the time everyone gets back Captain Cold says "We were only gone for 30 seconds and you are fighting Boba Fett". I thought that was the funniest line in the hole episode. After they are able to escape, Rip ends up telling them that they aren't legends and they have no significant to the future. That was the reason why they were chosen. Rip gives them time to decide what they want to do while he repairs damages done to the ship. The episode ends with the team deciding to stay and showing Vandal Savage in WW2. 
     So far Legends seem alright. hopefully in future episodes it will get more exciting and funny. I also wonder how Flash and Arrow will fit into this or get involved.

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    At the beginning of the episode Toyman breaks out of prison, another Superman villain that they have introduced to the Supergirl series. We find out that his son is Winn. Winn is afraid with how similar he is with his father. That he might get to angry enough someday and crack like his father did. In meeting with his father, Toyman explains that the one who stole his toy idea stole Winn's childhood and stole Toyman's experience to see his son grow up. To me that is a more probable villain, when something reasonable happened to them to make them a criminal, unlike the Turtle in Flash. In Win's first meeting with his father the Police Special Forces tried to take down Toyman but he was a hologram. They all almost died by poison gas but fortunately Supergirl was there to save them. In a talk with Lucy Lain, Cat offers her a job, which causes miner troubles between Lucy and Jimmy, because this will cause them to work for the same company and might put a damper in their relationship. After a second meeting Toyman forces Winn to attempt to kill the man that put him in prison so they can be in prison together. After Winn fails, Toyman is sent back to Prison. During the episode Alex and Hank infiltrates Maxwell's company. Hank, using his Martian powers, discovers a clone of Supergirl. Also Winn kisses Kara and at the end of the episode he talks to Kara telling her he's in love with her and doesn't know if he can just be friends. After Kara, still in supergirl costume, goes to Alex's place and tells her about what happened with the kiss and is troubled with how Winn and her relationship with be now. Meanwhile Maxwell has a camera in Alex's apartment and finds out that Supergirl and Alex are sisters.
     I have heard that Flash may appear in Supergirl. I can't wait for that episode.  

DC and Marvel Cinematic Movies continued

     This may contain spoilers for the movies I'm going to talk about.


     In the upcoming movie Suicide Squad, this version of the Joker, played by Jared Leto, will be based on the animated movie "Dark Knight Return's", how much is debatable. A comparison I would like to point out is in "Dark Knight Returns" the Joker is back in Arkham and has taken on a therapist.  He seems to act as though he has nothing to live for since batman is retired, but when Batman is mentioned on the news about coming out of retirement, something clicks in his head and he leads his therapist to believe he is fit for outside interaction again. He is then put on a talk show and proceeds to kill everyone there after starting his interview. The Joker is somewhat mentioned in Batman v Superman Trailer when Bruce Wane is talking to Clark Kent and says, in my own words, that he doesn't like people going out and dressing up as clowns. But we don't seem to see the Joker until the upcoming movie "Suicide Squad". Perhaps the same concept is there as from "Dark Knight Returns".  

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      This version that Jared Leto is playing has supposedly killed Robin from a scene shown in the "Batman v Superman" trailer.The image shown below is Robin's suit. The suit seems to be holding his staff and has the classic Robin R on the upper left hand of the suit.

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Image result for batman v superman robin suit

    According to Entertainment weekly which interviewed Will Smith said that he "never met Jared Leto off screen." I know this is Jared Leto's first time playing in a role like this and so I wont judge until I see him in action. He has a lot to compete against since Heath Ledgers role has been a favorite for movie goers so far. Jared Leto knows this and from a "Collider Movie Talk" series they say that he practices on and off set as this character as much as he can.    
     Killer Crock, I think, can be compared to what Juggernaut was in X-Men: Last Stand with no CGI. Juggernaut is much bigger than how he is portrayed in the comics and animated series. Usually people say that CGI isn't better than puppets or makeup. Personally I can't tell bad acting or much difference between CGI than the other, but I really have to pay attention. John Campea producer of "Collider Movie Talk" has said that in this case of Killer Crock makeup is not better that CGI. To me in Juggernauts case I didn't mind it to much. Probably because in the Movie he's a mutant and doesn't need to look extremely big to have the powers of Juggernaut. I'm not sure about Killer Crock. I don't know his origin but he seems to be a human that got mutated into a humanoid crocodile and in the comics, animated series and video games he is much bigger. But I'll have to wait to see the movie to put a real judgment.       

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     In "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" relieved the first trailer for the Suicide Squad. A new catch phrase for these unlikely heroes "worst heroes ever". Especially since during the trailer Harley Quin, played by Margot Robbie, brakes a shop window and steals a necklace. Then Rick Flag, played by Joel Kinnaman, asks "what is with you people" Harley responds with "because we're bad guys". The Suicide Squad team (image below) will consist of from the left Slipnot (played by Adam Beach), Captain Boomerang (played by Jai Courtney), Enchantress (played by Cara Delevingne), Rick Flag, Harley Quin, Dead Shot (played by Will Smith), Killer Crock (played bay Adewale-Akinnuoye-Agbaje), El Diablo (played by Ray Henderson) and kneeling below them is Katana (played by Karen Fukuhara).
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   Warner Brothers Hopefully knows what they are doing with "Wonder Woman". Because they have been putting forth the "Wonder Woman" movie. Personally I am looking forward to it and hoping it will be at least an 8/10 or really good depending on how you judge movies. The image they released with her wearing a clock a lot of people aren't a fan of. I think it's fine. Because it looks as if she is sneaking off the island. If not it still looks fine to me. 
     "Wonder Woman" is going to be a prequel to "Batman v Superman". The "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" showed trailer like footage for the "Wonder Woman" movie. The movie looks as if Steve Trevor ,played by Chris Pine, is captured by Amazon Princes Diana Prince ,Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot, Ends up going to man's world with Steve, because she feels like Amazon Warriors should help protect the world of man. In the "Wonder Woman" animated movie Steve Trevor is a WW2 pilot that crash lands on the Amazon Island and captured by the Amazons. After debate it is decided to return him back to where he came from.
     According to Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus and Hyppolyta, play by Connie Nielsen, queen of the Amazons. Which is how she is portrayed is in the New 52 comic. Whereas Wonder Woman, before was sculpted out of clay by the Hyppolyta. Then brought to life by Hera Queen of the Greek Gods. Thus in the animated series "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" whenever Wonder Woman is struggling in battle she says "Hera give me strength". She subtle prays to Hera by saying Hero help that person Hera be with you, and Hera have mercy on your soul.

Wonder Woman (2017) Poster

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     In "Batman v Superman" Aquaman ,play by Jason Momoa, will make an appearance. It has been comforted by Arther Curry ,Aquaman,'s love interest, Mera, is in negotiations to be played by Amber Heard. 
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      Personally my favorite version of the Justice League is from the picture shown above, the animated series "Justice League". From the left John Jones (Martian Man Hunter, a martian) John Stewart (Green Lantern), Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Flash and Hawk Girl.
     In the movie, from the image below, the left Aquaman, Cyborg (played by Ray Fisher), Batman (played by Ben Affleck), Superman (played by Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman, and Flash (played by Ezra Miller). Typically the Justice League has 7 members. It has been confirmed by "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" that Green Lantern will be apart of it. Green Lantern, could be Hal Jordan, the first Green Lantern. But because the Green Lantern movie featuring Hal was a flop, even though I enjoyed it, could be John Stewart. There will be a Green Lantern movie call "Green Lantern Corps". Which from what I understand, talked about on "Collider Movie Talk" will not focus on a single character, unlike the last Green Lantern movie. It will be more like a space copes movie. Which makes sense because Green Lanterns are basically a galactic police force with power rings.

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 SHAZAM 2019    
     Not shown in the picture above but might be apart of the team is Shazam. It has been comforted that Dwayne Johnson will play Black Atom, the villain in the "Shazam" movie coming 2019. It is speculations that Shazam my be his own movie and not apart of the "Justice League".
      Shazam also known as Captain Marvel, in the DC universe, is a powerful hero like unto Superman. He is a boy named Billy Batson, who is dubbed worthy by the wizard Shazam. By speaking the wizard's name "Shazam" the boy gets hit my a magical lightning bolt and transforms into a costume adult that has strength like unto Superman, super speed and magical abilities.
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     According to, Because of Ben Affleck's positive reaction of his performance in the face off he will get at least 1 stand alone movie. One of which is in the works. Rummer has it the movie will be based off the comic and animated movie "Under the Red Hood". "Under the Red Hood" is based off the second Robin, Jason Todd, who gets beaten and kill by the Joker. Before Jason Todd, the first Robin Dick Grayson, decided that he disagrees with Batman's ways of doing things. Decides to quit being Robin to go solo and becomes Nightwing. According to Nightwing will be referenced in "Batman v Superman". In "Under The Red Hood" Batman, with help of Nightwing, faces off against Red Hood, who is a resurrected Jason Todd, and the Joker.
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     According to, from an industry source that remained anonymous, a cut of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" screening for the movies crew and Warner Brothers bosses. The screening was told a "glowing success". As far as Warner Brothers in concerned Ben Affleck, is the "definitive Batman". Warner Brother is now working their movie universe around this Batman. This has not been confirmed, but even if this, about the screening, is not true it's still really cool. In an interview by USA Today Ben Affleck might be directing the movie as well.    

    Doctor Strange is another origin story even though Kevin Fiege, president of Marvel Studios, said he no long wants to do origin stories. I think the reason why he is doing "Doctor Strange" as an origin story is because it's a really good one. 
     Not many people who don't read comics, like myself, know who Doctor Strange is. I have watched an animated movie call "Doctor Strange". Dr. Stephen Strange is a surgeon, one of the best, who is stuck up and only cares about money. He gets into a car accident which severely damages his hands and is unable to work with them anymore, after he sees a mystical monster of some kind being chased after by some people using magic. After the accident he desperately tries to go to whoever he can to get his hands fixed with no results. He ends up meeting someone called The Ancient One and finds out that he is one of the chosen to be taught how to use magic and protect our realm from mystical threats. But he doesn't find this out tell after he is told if he wants the use of his hands again he needs to climb a mountain in a far away place where their temple is located at. Being desperate Stephen is able to make the clime, go through hard trials, is humbled, becomes the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange and is able to banish a powerful villain to another dimension. In the movie It will be interesting to see what his role with be in "Avengers Infinity War". It has been confirmed that Wong, Doctor Strange's assistant, will be play by Benedict Wong.  

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    It is speculation in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" Peter Quill/Star Lord's father is actually Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel is a powered being from the Kree Empire. Yondu, from the first movie, said that Peter Quill's father is a jerk. The Captain Marvel I know of is kind hearted and wants to protect Earth from the Kree Empire, making them think that Earth isn't worth their time. So we will see how the MCU portrays him in the movie. 
     This could be how Marvel will get into the "Captain Marvel" movie in 2019. What I know from the animated series "Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes" Captain Marvel was disguised as a human male who works with a woman named Carol Danvers. After an accident, and while Captain Marvel was holding Carol in order to protect her, his Kree cells fused into her cells and gave her super powers, becoming Ms Marvel. She can fly, super strength and able to shoot energy blasts. She was originally called Captain Marvel but her name changed to Ms Marvel

Image result for captain marvelImage result for marvel captain marvel kree                         
    Thanos one of the most power villains in the Marvel universe (image below). An interview I saw on YouTube with Anthony Russo and Joe Russo the directors of "Captain America: The Winter Solder" "Captain America: Civil War" and "Avengers: Infinity War" part 1 and 2. They were interviewed in Japan. The questions were in Japanese so I couldn't understand them but the brothers replied in English and they said that Thanos, will not be in "Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2" but the next time we see him he will be doing some serious stuff. According to Cinamablend Josh Brolin, who voices Thanos, said that he will spend some time in 2016 and 2017 playing Thanos. Which suggests he will at least have a part in the sequel.   

Thanos Guardians of the Galaxy

     Ragnarock means the end of all things in Nors mythology. One thing that really excites me is that Hulk will be in "Thor: Ragarock". According to Entertainment weekly, Kevin Figie said it will be a major gamechanger for the the character. Bruce Banner/The Hulk will be on a planet that we understand is neither Asgard nore Earth... Speculations is that the planet will be Planet Hulk or setting up for a Planet Hulk movie. Highly unlikely for a Planet Hulk movie because Universal has the rights to a stand alone Hulk movie. "Planet Hulk" is a comic and animated movie where Hulk becomes banished by superhero leaders, to a planet with no intelligent life so he won't hurt anyone and can be alone. Enraged by being banished the Hulk trashes his ship putting it off course and lands on another planet, Hulk gets captured, becomes a gladiator and ends up freeing the planet from a warlord. "Thor 3" supposedly will show what the Hulk will being doing in future Marvel movies. 
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      Cate Blanchett has been confirmed to be in "Thor 3" as the new baddy according to Mark Ruffalo in an interview. She has also been confirmed to be Hella by Hella is the daugher of Loki and the ruler of the Nors underworld or Hell.
Image result for marvel hela

        According to the same video with the directors of "Avengers: Infinity War" the "Black Panther" being right before "Infinity war" will lead directly into the movie. It has been comforted that Ryan Coogler, who also directed "Creed" which was a great movie, will direct "Black Panther". So hopefully "Black Panther" will be great as well. Also Black Panther's suit is made out of vibranium, same as Cap's shield.
     Black Panther, also know as T'Challa, is the Prince of an African nation call "Wakanda". He becomes king after his father is murdered. When he eats a special herb that should only be consumed by the family blood line, grants him increased agility, strength and enhance his senses. "Wakanda" is were vibranium is mined from. "Wakanda" in animated movies and series is a highly advanced civilization. But seemingly from the "Civil War" trailer it might not be that advanced.
 Image result for black panther movie

Avengers: Infinity War 2018/2019
     According to Pastemagazine directors, the Russo brothers, at "Wizard World New Orleans Comic Con" announced there will be 67 featured characters in the 2 part movie. The Russos did clarify that that number is more of all the Marvel characters that have been shown so far will at least have some kind of appearance.
 <i>Avengers: Infinity War</i> Will Feature 67 Marvel Characters
     I speculate and hope that Ant-Man will become Giant-Man in "Captain America: Civil War". According to their lego toys (image below) I might be right. Giant-Man being the big lego character on the left side of the picture.
Image result for lego captain america civil war giant man