Monday, April 17, 2017

"Wonder Woman" An Incarnation of the Origin of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

A Raging Battle and the Birth of a Child

     By a seashore in ancient Greece we see a battlefield between Amazons and men and Greek mythical monsters. The Amazons, in their Amazonian armor, attack the men and beasts with their swords and bows and arrows. Many men, beast, and Amazon fall in the battle. A group of men and
beast attack a single Amazon. She just forces them off of her with her great strength sending them flying. She wields the sacred Amazon shield, bracelets, tiara, and lasso. As she gets on her horse she rushes through the battlefield slaughtering men and beast. She rushes to what looks like the top of a Greek temple towards an armored man at the top. The man just stairs at her with a grin. Suddenly a armored winged beast grams her lifting her up then dropping her from a high distance. She uses the lasso and is able to throw it and tie the beasts legs while it fly's. As the beast fly's with the Amazon being poled behind holding onto her lasso, she throws her tiara at the beasts head, cutting it off. She is able to land near the man on top of the temple. The man, mocks the Amazon "You seem as eager to meet me on the battlefield as you once did in the bedroom, Hippolyta." Hippolyta "I only hope you prove more skilled in this arena, Ares." As she goes for an attack, Ares says "You need not worry for me. This carnage feeds my soul. Every arrow shot and life wasted strengthens me. So that not even a woman scorned will save mankind from my wrath." Hippolyta, yells in anger "RRRRRAAAAHHHH" as she attacks him again. Ares, continues with a smile "For you may be the
queen of the Amazons, but I am the god of war." Ares, punches Hippolyta, sending her flying into a pillar. He jumps and lashes down at her. She dodges and the pillar is cut down. She goes for another attack.
      We see a blond Amazon taking out different men. Another Amazon joins in. The blond says to the other "You are most greedy on the battlefield, Artemis." Artemis "My sword is thirsty, Persephone. I intend she gets her fill." As she jumps and stabs a cyclops in the head killing it. The two continue to slaughter men and beast.
     A red headed Amazon is attacked by a minotaur. She tries to block with her shield in fear. The minotaur knocks her down and goes for the kill. She is able to evade, but still afraid. She finds a hiding spot and prays "As a rock on the seashore he standeth firm. The dashing of the waves disturbeth him not. In danger, the courage of his heart sustaineth him. And the steadiness of his mind beareth him out." Artemis, kills the minotaur and grabs the red head's arm saying "I assure you, Alexa, a sharp blade and a strong arm will do more good than a quote from some philosopher." As she forces Alexa up. Alexa, please "I do not belong on the killing field, sister. I am no warrior." As
she struggles to get away. Artemis, argues "That you are not. But if you cannot fight like an Amazon, you will at least die like one." As she forces Alexa into a man. As the man is about to kill Alexa, Persephone blocks the man's attack telling Alexa "You truly are hopeless, aren't you little one?" Persephone kicks the man in the groin with a smile. Alexa sees a man run at them and jumps out of the way. But the man was able to catch Persephone by surprise cutting at her eye knocking her out. Artemis kills the man as Alexa runs towards Persephone's unconscious body. Artemis "She now wears her courage. Where is yours, Alexa?"
     On another part of the battlefield a man that looks similar to Ares is slaughtering Amazons. Ares, still battling Hippolyta "Listen to the song of death Thrax plays. Is he not a virtuoso? I will forever be grateful to you for this child you gave me." Hippolyta, in rage "I gave you nothing. You forced him upon me like a curse." She throws Ares down and whistles for her Pegasus. Ares, orders "Stay away from him, Hippolyta. Stay away. He is your flesh and blood too." As she fly's away on Pegasus. Ares
runs after her garbing onto a winged demon chasing her. She fly's down towards Thrax. She jumps landing on the ground decapitating him. Ares lands and picks up Thrax's head. In rage he runs towards Hippolyta. Hippolyta is able to catch Ares in a mind state full of rage and punches him in the stomach forcing him to his knees. She puts her sword to Ares neck saying "Allow me to reunite you with your son in Tartarus." As she is about to slay him a voice from the heavens orders "Yield, Hippolyta." Hippolyta rages towards the voice "Stay out of this, Zeus."  Zeus "You will spare my son's life." Hippolyta in rage "How dare you ask such a thing? Look on this battlefield stained red with the blood of my sisters whom he enslaved for decades. Women who have long been loyal servants to you." She grabs Ares by his hair and puts her sword on his neck continuing "I am only carrying out the death sentence he signed the day he betrayed me." Zeus, ordering "Do not challenge me, child." and causes a mild earth quake forcing Hippolyta to let go of Ares. Another voice from the havens comes, but this time a sweet and kind one, a voice of a woman "My dear Hippolyta. Do not let my husband anger you. He can be a stubborn fool sometimes. Even so, we must respect his wishes. Ares will be allowed to live. Yet shall not go unpunished. You will keep him as your prisoner." A lightning bolt from the area of Hera's voice strikes Ares wrists. She continues "These bands will prevent him from drawing upon the psychic energies of war that give him his power. Rendering him, in effect, mortal. They can
only be removed by another god." Hippolyta, please "But my people, Hera, they have lost so much. Our men, our homes and now our chance for retribution." Hera "Yes, but as I gave you the strength to deliver yourselves from slavery I shall now give you a new beginning. A new home on an island paradise. Where your people will be shielded from the chaotic world of man. There, you will be protected from the ravages of time. And allowed to create a utopia. That you might reclaim your purity of spirit. And then the time will come when your ancient prayer for a child. One not created through unholy union, will finally be answered.
      On the seashore of the island, Hippolyta forms a baby from the sand (originally it was out of clay) She cuts a little blood from her thumb and places it on the babies head. She lifts the child up as thunder strikes it bringing it to life. The baby cries.

Wickedness of Man.

     We see on the island the Amazons have built a Greek looking city. A very beautiful black haired Amazon is sparing with a bow staff against Artemis Who we now see is a red head without
her armor. The black haired Amazon seems to show some skill against Artemis. She mocks Artemis "You know, Artemis, I found myself saying a prayer for you last night." Artemis "Did you, Diana? How kind?" Diana "Yes, I prayed that Apollo would inspire you with a strategy that might end your rather long string of defeats at my hand." Artemis attacks. As they spare again Diana kicks Artemis's bow breaking it in half. But that doesn't stop Artemis. She is able to distract Diana and is able to pin her. Artemis mocks "Praise Apollo." But while Artemis is distracting herself Diana grabs Artemis's hair and forces her to the ground pining her by putting her foot on Artemis's neck. Diana mocking "Obviously I'm not praying hard enough." Artemis threatening "If you were not the queen's daughter." Queen Hippolyta enters the area praising Diana "Well done, Diana. But be kind to Artemis. Believe it or not, there was a time when she was the fiercest warrior among us." Artemis gets up complaining "And still would be given the chance in a real battle." Hippolyta "Then forgive
me, Artemis, if I am grateful that you will never be afforded that chance." Diana questioning "If that is indeed true, mother, then what is the point of all this training? That is, other than to humble Artemis form time to time." Hippolyta "We train because we must always remain vigilant, Diana. I once let my guard down and paid a terrible price." We hear another voice joining the conversation "But, my queen." We see Alexa holding a book she was reading continuing "Letting down our guard is precisely what we must do. And now, before yet another century passes. Is the time to reengage ourselves with the old world. Even if only to add some new material to our library." Diana "Perhaps Alexa's right. Is it not possible man's world has changed for the better?" Hippolyta just gives her a look of doubt. She starts to walk away telling Diana "Follow me, child."
     They go to an area where an armored Amazon is standing guard and to locked door in a hill side. As they get to the door Hippolyta tells Diana "It is only within this prison, Diana, that you can glimpse the true darkness that lurks in the hearts of all men. The guard opens the door and we see Persephone sitting on a bench with a scared eye looking shameful. She just looks at them as Diana looks through the upper bars of a steal door and sees a man. Hippolyta comments "Ares, the god of war." Diana gets a little shaken and steps back a little. Hippolyta comforts "Do not fear" Ares comments "She is right to be scared, Hippolyta. You are a fool if you think you can hold me forever. I am more than a god. I am a force of nature." Hippolyta mocks Ares "You are but breath and shadow." She turns towards Diana "This, Diana, is why we can never reunite with the outside world. It is better you can accept the nature of man as it is. Wicked, disloyal and above all, untrustworthy."

Intruder on the Island

We see some jets in the air. One of the pilots says "so we ever decide what this mission's pucker factor was?" Over the pilot's radio we hear the other pilot 2 saying "Well, We're in the air space of an unfriendly. Who'd love the press that would come with shooting Yankees. I'd say we're dealing with pucker factor of eight. Maybe eight and a half." A woman pilot (pilot 3) questions "Pucker factor?" The first pilot, pilot 1, comments "PF measures the severity of sphincter constriction in times of peril." Pilot 3 comments "Charming" Pilot 1 "Now, and further schooling you might need, I'm happy to take you under my wing." Pilot 2 "Don't fall for it, rook. Zipper here is the kind of guy mothers warn their daughter about." Pilot 2 suddenly get something on his radar. He mentions "Bandit, 6 o'clock." Pilot 1 comments "You sure picked a hell of a first mission, rook, Fangs up." A fire fight begins.
     Hippolyta and Artemis see the planes in action through a magical mirror. Artemis, comments "There appears to be some activity in the skies above us." Hippolyta "It's strange, Artemis. This silver mirror forged by Hephaestus has kept us hidden away from outside world for centuries
now. And yet it's only when I gaze through its frame that I feel any connection to our past lives. As if once again that world is close enough to touch." She touches the mirror and suddenly the island appears then disappears as the jets fight in the air. Artemis grabs Hippolyta's arm away form the mirror in anger "For Gaea's sake, my queen, have you lost your mind." Hippolyta just turns and walks away.
     Pilot 1 jets gets hit. He asks Pilot 3 "Hey, rook, it would be appreciated if you could help me pick this tail. Rook, you copy? Do you copy?" Suddenly, Pilot 3's jet, which was hit earlier, crashes into the jet chasing Pilot 1. Pilot 1, in frustration "Damn it." Pilot 2 "PF just hit 10."
     We see Diana at the stables trying to handle a horse. Alexa comes in asking "Perhaps you'd be better served by a less restless mare, princess." Diana "She'll be fine once I run it out of her. She's just been cooped up in the stable to long." Alexa, speaking to the horse "I know just how you feel. We comb you. feed you till you're full. Give you everything you could possibly need, and yet all you want is to run free, isn't it?" As Diana puts a saddle on the horse. Alexa, asks "Off to explore?" Diana "I doubt there's an inch of this island left for me to explore. Care to join me?" Alexa "Thank you but you know I prefer the excitement of a good book." Diana goes off with the horse.
    We go back to the jets in the air. From the incident earlier, Pilot 1, is more serious and is nervous. He is able to take down jets with great skill. But pilot 2 gets destroyed by missiles. As he gets revenge for pilot 2, debris hits his windshield. Pilot 1 "Radio command, this is Zipper, do you read. I'm experiencing catastrophic engine failure, punching out." As his jet is falling out of the sky, he pulls the emergency lever, but it doesn't work. Pilot 1 "Not good." We see the magic mirror and someone punches it. Pilot 1, suddenly sees the island appear "What the...? Where did the landing strip come from?" The jet flies close to the Amazon city where Amazons can see the jet. He flies through a canyon where Diana is and notices. She rushes to investigate.
      Pilot 1, is able to land in a pond close to a water fall. He gets out and explores his surroundings. He finds another water fall with a spa and some naked Amazons enjoying the spa. He, hides behind a tree, marvels at them with lustful eyes "Oh, man. This is too good to be true." Suddenly a spear hits
the tree surprising him. He, comments to himself "And it is." Some Amazon's, lead by Artemis, try to attack him as he runs away. Diana, soon fallows on her horse. She asks Artemis "Is it true, Artemis? A man on the island?" Artemis, orders "Go home, princess. That is an order." Diana "I'll take it under advisement." and speeds ahead. Pilot 1, trips and falls into a river. He is able to get out but runs into Diana. He looks at her with the sun glaring behind her. She is kind of hard to see but with what he can make out he calls out "An angel." Diana, ordering "Surrender. you cannot escape." He gets up and rushes off saying "Oh, I don't know about that, angel. I've made a hobby out of fleeing chasing women." As he tries to flee she jumps off her horse tackling him. They fight in hand to hand combat. He is able to kick her away in her back. They stand off. He complements "Wow...I think I like you." lowering his guard and staring at her but. She kicks him in the groin and upper cuts him making him fly and slam on his back knocking him out.

Interrogate the Intruder 

      We find Pilot 1, waking up tied to a chair surrounded by the Amazons in a building. He looks up at them saying "Wow, haven't had this dream since I was 13." Artemis, back hands him in the face "You will speak only when spoken to." Hippolyta "That's enough, Artemis." She then speaks
to him "Welcome to Themyscira. We are the Amazons. We live simple lives, and we wish to keep it that way. There are a few questions we'd like to ask you." Pilot 1 "Sorry, ma'am, soldiers don't talk. Hey, I'm into the kinky stuff too, but if you think that's gonna make me more cooperative" As she puts the lasso around him and says "Identify yourself." The lasso glows as he is compelled to say "United States Air Force, Colonel Steven Rockwell Trevor." He then gives a look of, I hate this. Hippolyta "This lasso was designed to bypass the untrustworthy nature of man. You cannot resist its powers. What interest does your government have in our island?" Steven "My government is unaware of the existence of your island. I'm only here because my plane was damaged." Steven, gets angry "Rrrrr! I don't have to put up with this crap!" The Amazons look at each other a little confused. Hippolyta "We are unfamiliar with this particular idiom. What does crap mean?" Steven "No, forget I even said it." While looking down not wanting to be tortured anymore. Hippolyta, pulls at the lasso making him speak again. Steven "It's another word for excrement." He looks at her in anger "You happy now, lady?" The Amazons start to look at each other in surprise. Some of them say "What did he say? Oh, my goodness. I can't believe this." Hippolyta, speaks to Diana "See, my child? Is it not as I've always said? Here the true nature of man is laid bare." She speaks to Steven again "What other depraved thoughts must you be thinking?" Steven "God, your daughter's got a nice rack." As he looks at her in a little lust. Diana, gets embarrassed. Artemis, asks Hippolyta "Shall I kill him now, my queen?" Steven looks at Hippolyta in worry. Hippolyta, takes the lasso off of Steven saying "This pilot poses no threat to our people. Therefore, it is our duty to see him safely returned to the outside world." Diana, speaks out "I wanna be the one to take him back, Mother." Steven, agreeing "Seconded." Hippolyta, speaking to Diana "You do not have the experience necessary to lead such an expedition," Diana looks down with shame. Hippolyta, to the Amazons "As in ancient times a contest will determine our emissary to the outside world." She turns towards Artemis "Artemis, make the arrangements." Then she walks out of the room. Diana runs towards Hippolyta in anger "This is not fair, Mother. I will always lack necessary experience unless given the opportunity." Hippolyta "Diana, you may resent my decisions but there are evils in this world that I, as a mother, am compelled to protect you against." Diana arguing "I am a woman now. I no longer need your protection." Persephone, interrupts "If the princess will not be participating in the contest perhaps she can join me on guard duty." Hippolyta "It appears you are going to be busy." Then walks away. Diana, looks at Persephone in rage as Persephone asks "What?" Diana then storms off.

The Contest

     While Diana, dressed in armor, is sitting on hill close to the prison. She notices Alexa coming with a pile of books. Diana jumps off the hill and walks up to Alexa asking " Alexa, are you covering Persephone's guard duty?" Alexa "I am covering yours. Now, Go, the contest will begin shortly." Diana, looking down on herself says "I appreciate the gesture but you know that's the last place my
mother will allow me to show my face." Alexa, pulling down Diana's helmet over her face saying "Then perhaps you should hide it under a combat helmet." Diana lifts the helmet back up with a smile and gives Alexa a hug, while saying "You are my heart, sister." Then gleefully heads towards the arena. After she's gone, Alexa heads into the dungeon where Persephone is. Persephone, asks Alexa "Where is the princes?" Alexa just heads in and sits down as Persephone complains "Why does she not understand her mother knows what is best for her?" Alexa, replies while grabbing a book "The heart wants what the heart wants, even that which is worst for it." Persephone just stares at her.
     At the arena we hear cheering. Hippolyta raises her left hand to demand attention and says "This contest will determine the most capable among you to be hour emissary to the outside world." We pan and see multiple Amazons ready to battle in the contest. She then raises her right hand holding her scepter encouraging "Fight with honor." Trumpets sound. The Amazons grab spears and throw them. The one that throw it the farthest raises her hands and smiles with victory as the crowd cheers her on. Next is an archery contest. The same victor is the only one to hit a bowls eye. She smiles again in her victory. Next is chariot racing. She wins again. We pan to Hippolyta, Trevor and Artemis as they watch. Next is fencing. A different victor claims the win. Steve asks "So the queen's kid, you know, the hot chick?" Artemis, in anger "Princess Diana." Steve "Yeah, her. So. what's her deal?" Artemis, replies in anger "Her deal is that I will personally castrate you, if you come within five yards of her." Steve just looks back at the fighters with fear in his eyes. We now just see two fighters. They sward fight each other with swards and shields. One of them gets smacked in the face and falls to the ground, but she gets right back up. They fight more but one is able to flip the other to the ground and puts her sword to the other's neck.
   We pan to Alexa standing outside the prison as she hears cheering from the stadium. She smiles then walks back inside the prison and mentions happily "Perhaps the arrival of this man will bring forth a new era for the Amazons." Persephone, mentions while sharpening her sward "And perhaps it will only bring a return to darker times." As Alexa walks towards her books facing away for from Persephone and mentions "That is fear talking sister. There is a quote which I find the courage to face the unknown. "As a rock on the seashore, he standeth firm. And the danish god the waves disturbeth him not. In the instant"...ahhhh." Persephone, stabs Alexa in the back going through her stomach. Persephone "Yes I know the quote well. It has aided me much in recent days." Blood comes out of Alexa's mouth as she is shocked with the betrayal. Persephone asks "Shall I finish it? In the instant of
danger, the courage of his heart sustaineth him and the steadiness of his mind beareth him out." as she lowers Alexa to the ground. She asks "Forgive me." She walks towards the cell saying "It's as you said." Alexa, looks at Persephone in shock and fear as she opens the cell door as Persephone continues "The heart wants what the heart wants, even that which is worst for it." Ares, walks out of the cell in his raged cloths with a devious smile. Persephone, snuggles up to Ares and the two kiss. After the kiss, Ares says "A centuries-long courtship, finally culminated in a kiss." Ares, walks over to the dying Alexa saying "I find my joy is only tempered by the fact that Diana lives." He puts his hand over Alexa's mouth to suffocate her continuing "Still, our destruction has worked. Come." Alexa passes out.
     Back at the arena two Amazons receive bracelets. Artemis, mentions "We have a tie which must be broken. She who is left standing after this final event will be the victor." Steve, questions "Left standing?" Two archers fire at the two victors. Both deflect the arrow with the bracelets. Two more archers approach making four in total. One of the victors looks at them with confidence. They fire the arrows. The arrows get deflected again. Two more approach making six. The same victor looks at them in confidence again. The arrows get fired, but one of the victors gets hit by the third arrow in her shoulder. Making her fly back onto her back. Hippolyta, stands up from her chair. Artemis puts her hand on Steve's back to signal that they should stand up as well. The victor walks up towards Hippolyta, as Hippolyta says "You fought with honor and intelligence." The victor kneels towards Hippolyta. Hippolyta signals towards two Amazons baring a breast plate and bracelets. She continues "The Gods go with you with the gifts I'm about to bestow. As is the custom our emissary will don the
colors of the foreign nation as a sign of respect and peace." Steve looks at his American flag patch on his shoulder with a grin. "Amazon bracelets, formed from shards of Zeus shield by Hephaestus himself. Finally, the Lasso of Truth, bequeathed to us by the goddess Hestia, sent here by Eros from Mount Olympus. Now reveal yourself, warrior, so that we may fully honor you." She takes her helpmate off and is revealed to be Diana. She looks at her mother with pride and stands up in front of her. Hippolyta takes off her tiara and says "I have no doubt you will serve us well, my daughter." While putting her tiara on Diana. Diana briefly gives a big smile, but notices an Amazon whispering to Artemis.
     We see them running to the dungeon. Artemis opens the door and sees Alexa lying on the floor
dead, then says, while Diana goes to go Alexa's body "Ares has escaped. My sister has failed in her duties to the Amazons." Diana cries on Alexa's body. Hippolyta says "It is Persephone who has failed us. It seems, daughter, your journey will have a second purpose." Diana, looks at Alexa with vengeance.

Man's World

     Diana rushes to get into her new armor. Then she meets her farewell party in an area where an invisible jet lands. Steve, whistles at how stunning she looks. All the Amazons around him look at
him in disapproval. Diana, speaks to Hippolyta "I am ready, Mother." Hippolyta "Then go now. Follow the path of misery, of death and destruction. and you will find Ares. May Gaea be with you, Diana. All of Themyscira, all of the world depends on you." We then see the jet take lift off and fly away. Artemis, mentions to Hippolyta "We should not have let her go." Hippolyta "I don't see how we could've stopped her." Artemis "I could have shot her in the leg. Not near an artery, of course." Hippolyta, smiles "You are the soul of thoughtfulness, Artemis."
     We see the jet fly through the air. We see a city emerge through the clouds by the ocean. Steve, comments "Welcome to New York, angel. I think you're gonna like it." Diana, looks at the city in wonder up in the night sky as the jet comes down for a landing in Central Park. A hobo, sitting on a bench drinking, says to himself in a drunk voice as he feels a gust of wind as the invisible jet lands
"Hey, wait a minute." Diana and Steve get out of the jet and the hobo continues talking to himself "What is going..? Look at that lady. What is it..?" Then takes another swig. The big city lights all around Diana make her marvel again. She notices 3 boys playing near by with wooden swords. One boy says "You can't catch me." Diana, mentions happily "Children. Steve, I've never seen children before. I'm..." Then she notices a girl crying nearby on a bench. She goes over to the girl and asks with a smile "What's wrong, little one?" Girl "They won't let me play pirates with them." As she wipes away her tears. Diana, asks "And why not?" Diana sits next to the girl on the bench as the girl explains in a sad tone "Because I'm the girl, and they need someone to save." Diana, looks at her in complete shock. Girl, continues not feeling so sad anymore "It's ok. I don't even know how to sword fight." As they look at the boys, Diana, mentions "Neither do they. In battle, they'd be slaughtered instantly." Girl, just looks down in self pity as Diana asks her with a smile "Would you like me to teach you how to sword fight?" Girl, just looks at her with excitement. Diana, looks around and grabs a small branch from the ground. Diana, explains while observing the boys "They're using the horizontal cut, but close like they are, the thrust is a better move as it's more likely to cause real injury and less likely to be blocked by your opponent." Showing her visually with the stick, continuing "Do you understand?" Girl, wiping away her tears again "Uh-huh." Diana, gives girl the stick while saying "Now go, Unleash hell." As the girl rushes towards the boys yelling, Steve, walks up to Diana saying "That was sweet. Teaching her to disembowel her playmates like that." Diana, turns to Steve saying "Now we part ways, Steve Trevor. I have work to do" Steve, gives a look of surprise. As Diana starts to walk away, Steve tries to stop her by saying with a smile "Hold on, maybe I can help. My job allows me access to sophisticated surveillance technology. It might help your search." Diana, looks away for a second to think, then says "I will see what your technology has to offer." People, then start to notice what Diana is wearing. A woman says "What is she wearing?" A man "Wow." Steve, responds to the reaction of the people by telling Diana "First, lets get you into something That won't get me arrested for solicitation." As he grabs Diana by the shoulders to directs her into a different direction as Diana gives a look of confusion and weary.

Diana Believes Women Are Brain Washed

     We see a place called "UNITED STATES AIR FORCE". Inside we see a business dressed short haired blond typing at a desk in an office. She reaches for her pen, but knocks it over. She bends over to feel for the pen. We see in a short distance Steve and a business dressed Diana enter into the area. The blond woman, sits up in her desk to take a little break from feeling for her pen. She notices Steve and says with excitement "Stevie." She gets up from her desk and walks out of her office saying "Everyone said you were dead. I even took a long lunch to buy this cute little number for your
funeral. Now, when am I gonna get to wear it?" As she walks up to them, Steve says with a smile "I hear General Cookmeyer's health is failing." He introduces the two girls to each other saying "Etta Candy, this is Diana. She's part of the team that, uh, rescued me." Etta, looks at Diana with jealousy saying "Pleasure." Then she grabs Steve's arm pulling him while saying with a smile "I'm so glad you're here, Stevie." Diana looks at them wondering what is going on. Etta takes Steve back to her office and says "Would you mind moving this heavy table for little old me? It's holding my favorite pen hostage." They smile at each other. Diana, interrupts by saying with a demining look "I'm sorry Etta Candy, but what's wrong with you?" They both look at Diana, Etta with rage in her eyes and Steve looking like, oh no. Etta, replies "Excuse me?" Diana, continues "You appear to be strong and in good health, yet you can't move that table by yourself. I was wondering if there was something wrong with you." Etta, clutches to Steve's arm "Well, no one's complained yet." Diana, looks at her a little surprised, then just goes over to the desk, grabs an edge with her fingers and lifts up the table with ease. She picks up the pen, then puts the desk back down saying "Is this what you were looking for?" Etta, looks shocked. Steve, tells Etta "We have some work to do on the computers." He takes the pen out of Diana's hand and puts his arm around her to escort her out while saying "I'll see you later, Etta." and hands her back the pen. Etta, looks at her pen with jealousy going, "Hmph."
     Diana and Steve enter into a room with different computer screens and one big one on the wall in front of the others. Diana, complains "Remarkable. The advanced brainwashing that has been perpetuated upon the females of you culture. Raised from birth to believe they're not strong enough to compete with the boys." Steve, just gives Diana a sad and guilty look. She continues "And then as adults' taught to trade on their very femininity." Steve, suggests "How about we stay focused on that other social evil for now? God of war, remember." As he sits in one of the chairs. He asks "Tell me, what exactly are we up against with this guy?" He starts typing things. Diana, leans into the screen saying "Imagine a god whose sole mission is to propagate terror to incite eternal war and fan the flames of hate. A god who won't stop until the Earth's populous Amazon and outsider alike, lies murdered in a battlefield grave." Steve, notices something and tells Diana "You smell good." Diana, replies "Must you flirt?" Steve "It's only natural." Diana "Suppress it." Steve gets back to work and says "Now, this is interesting." On the bigger screen we see the Earth, then about where Themyscira is located at. Steve continues "Right around the time of his escape the number of violent incidents increased dramatically in the area. A car bomb in Turkey, a workplace shooting in Greece. A farmer kills his family in Crete." Diana, stands up saying "Proximity to Ares literally inspires acts of rage in those gripped by fear and anger." Steve, mentions "This might be the break we need. Eventually a pattern will form that will allow us to pinpoint his exact location." Diana, says "So for now, we wait." Steve, says "You know, since this could be the last time you get to see the outside world, maybe you should take in sights before you return to Chastity Belt Island." Diana, corrects "Themyscira." Then asks "What did you have in mind?"

    Troule Around Every Corner 

     Diana and Trevor walk into a place called "THE RUSTY NAIL". We see a bar scene. The two sit at the bar and take off their jackets. Trevor, asks "I hope this is okay. What do you think about man in the outside world so far? I mean I'm not so bad am I?" Steve, says with a smile. Diana, asks with a smile "So now it's my turn to be interrogated? Well, I'll never tell." Steve "You will, because while the Amazons have the truth lasso. I've got Tequila." He hold up two fingers. Then the bar tender
brings by two shot glasses, fills them, Steve takes them gives one to Diana. They hit each others glasses while Steve says "A toast to different cultures finding common ground." He drinks his shot and puts his glass face down at the bar. Diana, responds "A most noble endeavor." Then sips her drink as Steve replies holding up two fingers again "That's me angle. Noble." She finishes hers then puts hers in the same position as Steve's. Three glasses later for the both of them, Steve replies "Your mother and Ares? Really?" The bar tender brings them two more glasses, Steve continues "The whole god of war thing didn't raise any red flags?" Diana, just shrugs at the question. Steve, adds "That's not surprising. Women always go for the bad boy. If the god of dependability was trying to get with her she'd be like, "You're really sweet, but I just think of you as a friend." God of war hits on her, it's all, "Whoo. you're cute."" He drinks his drink as Diana replies with a chuckle, "You think that's bad? Zeus seduced one of my mom's friends by turning into a swan. A swan. True Story." She drinks hers. We now see Diana had drank five shots and Steve has drank six. Diana, says "As long as I can remember, I've had dreams of being the one who reunited Themyscira with the outside world." As the Bar tender brings two more drinks. She takes one of the drinks as she continues "Of being that bridge. It just feels like so much depends on me right now." She gives a looks of uncertainty. Steve, just looks like he's getting drunk and says "Uh-huh. Right, I get that. Totally." Diana drinks her drink as  Steve asks "How are you feeling?" Diana "Fine." Steve "Yeah?" As he drinks his. A little later they are both holding drinks, Steve is drunk, and Diana says "Which is why the concept of hubris is such a staple of the Greek tragedies. Steve, comments in a drunk voice " Ever read Edipus Raxberg? Pretty messed up, huh?" He drinks his drink. A little later, Diana is holding her drink, while Steve is leaning on the bar. The two just look at each other. Diana, just looks at him, but Steve just looks at her with lust. Diana, looks away for a second then looks back at him. Steve, compliments "God, you're pretty." He tries to go in for a kiss. But Diana pulls back and gets up as Steve falls to the floor. Diana, looks at him in disgust saying "Men." She grabs her jacket and storms off.
     She walks out of the bar as Steve goes after her saying "Hey, hey, what did I do?" Diana, asks in anger " It's all true, isn't it, Steve?" She turns to him continuing "Everything my mother warned me about man's world is true. She even told me you'd try to seduce me and I, like a fool, told her, "For now, let us only expect the best from the pilot." You tried to get me drunk." She walks away and
turns into a dark ally. Steve fallows. Diana, continues "As if you could outdrink an Amazon, you pathetic lightweight." As she turns back to Steve. Steve, notices in the distance trouble and says "Oh, crap." Diana, thinking he knows he's in trouble now says while some thugs come up from behind her 'Oh yes, I knew exactly what you were trying to do. And please don't use that language around me." Some other thugs come up from behind Steve acknowledging themselves with one of them saying "Evening, folks. Sorry to bother you, but we're collecting stupidity fines. Well, bring your date into a neighborhood this dangerous this late? Pretty fricking stupid." The thug says with a smile. Diana, asks "Is this man robbing us, Steve?" Steve, tells the thug, while handing him his wallet "Here, there's a gift certificate to the Blue Crab in there too. Enjoy" Diana, angrily smacks Steve's arm down taking his wallet, while ordering "Give him nothing." The thug pulls out a gun while demanding "The wallet." Diana, gives Steve his wallet back, while saying "No, We're going to hold onto that. But there is something I want from you. An apology. For contributing to my present disillusionment with men in general." The thug questions, while looking at one of the other four thugs "Can you believe this crazy chick?" The other thug pulls out a knife, while the first gets angry demanding "I'm not gonna ask again. The wallet." Steve, whispers to Diana "Diana, He's got a gun. Someone could get hurt." Diana, replies "Maybe I want someone to get hurt." The thug fires at Diana. She easily deflects the bullet with her bracelet. The thug fires again, multiple times. Diana, deflects them easily as well. The other thugs back away from her. Steve braces himself from Diana's deflecting. One of the shots gets deflected and hits the thug with a knife, knocking him to the ground. One thug with a bat charges
at her. But she easily strikes back with a hi kick and hits him in his chest with her leg smacking him known. Another tries to attack her. But she uses his momentum against him and tosses him to the other side of her as he flies into a near by dumpster. She walks up to the thug with the gun. He tries to smack her with his gun. But she grabs his wrist then twists it braking his wrist. She grabs him by the neck lifting him, demanding "Well?" He, responds with fear "Uh huh...I'm sorry." She, politely responds "Apology accepted." Drops the thug, then all of the thugs run off in terror. Steve, responds flirting "That was kind of hot."
     They hear something in the distance. Steve, hands Diana his wallet saying "I got it this time." He walks a little closer to a figure in some mist saying "Buddy, go home..." Suddenly a none human large arm grabs Steve by the neck. Lifts him a little in the air. Comes out of the mist and revels himself to be a monster wearing Greek armor and snakes for a beard. Diana, response, while putting on her tiara "An agent of Ares, I presume." Steve, struggles to say "I don't think he's from the Lower East Side." The beast says "I am Deimos." Tosses Steve to the side continuing and walking towards Diana "I was sent to kill the Amazon who returned the pilot. Ares will be most pleased when I bring back your remains." He smashes his fists towards Diana as she jumps back bracing herself. Deimos, punches at her punching the wall behind her as she ducks and rolls to dodge him. He punches at her again as she tries to blocks it but gets smacked into the wall. He punches her again but she dodges. He quickly punches her face making her go off balance and falls into the outside wall of a dumpster. He punches at her again. She lifts up the dumpster to use as a shield. But she and it gets smacked flying into a near by street. He rushes at her to puncher again. She jumps and double kicks him in the chest and face. Making him fly and smash into a car. She rushes and rams into him braking through the class windows of a near by building. From the inside we see the building is a mall. He punches at her multiple times, but is sloppy as she dodges them easily. His snake beard snaps at her. She grabs two of the snakes and slams him into the
ground. She grabs some near by broken glass and slices off the snakes heads she was holding. Deimos, gets up growling in rage. She tries to stab him with the class, but he catches it, lifts her up smacking her into the sealing then back to the ground. He tries to slam his foot into her face but she catches it with her arms. She flips up forcing him off with her feat. She rushes towards him, finds a stick, then starts smacking him around with it. He sees an opening, punches her into a pillar. He rushes at her, cloths lines her and throws her into the distance. As she lands into a fountain, pieces of her ripped dress show her red, white, and blue Amazon armor. She rips off her dress reveling her whole armor giving him a glare of she's had enough. He rushes at her but she jumps over him, grabs him with the ripped dress, slamming him into the grown. She starts throwing punches and kicks at him. He tries to counter but fails. She throws him into the distance landing in a store. She walks over towards where he landed near but is no where to be seen. He surprise attacks her sending her
stumping into a table. As he rushes at her, she tries to use the table as a shield. But gets rammed into a wall. As she struggles, she stabs him in the eye with something. He gets back covering his eyes in pain. She reveals she stabbed him with near by hi heals form the store. She uses both her feet to kick him to the distance. She does a flip to use both her feet again to kick him in the face and breaks trough the wall behind him. He lands on a car. She jumps on him and smacks him with her foot. He grabs her foot and tosses her to the distance. As he rushes towards her on the street. She uses her lasso to rap his neck as he stumbles to the ground. She uses her lasso to quickly pull him towards her as she lands a hard kick to his face and smacks him to the ground. He sits up trying to get the lasso off of him as she struggles to keep it on. She tosses the middle of the lasso to tie around him a few times. Diana, asks "Save your energy. You're not going to break the lasso." As Steve comes towards them, she continues asking "So wanna tell me where Ares is?" Deimos, struggles to say "No, no, I will not betray my master." Steve, responds "Trust me, buddy, you don't have a choice. Might as well answer the question." Deimos, responds in anger "I answer only to Ares." One of his snakes bites his hand as Diana yells "NO!" The demon disintegrates. leaving only his helmet behind. Steve investigates the ashes and finds a medallion. He shows Diana the medallion and asks about a symbol on it "What's this?" Diana responds "The symbol of Tartarus. The Greek underworld."

The Doors to Hades

     We see the jet flying to a mountain area. They land near a military base. They sneak and get close to a fence that goes around the base. They look at some men talking. Diana, mentions "The cult of Ares. They existed in ancient times and it seems they've been waiting patiently for his return." We see a guard standing at his post with his back facing the fence. Diana grabs the guard, covering his mouth and knocks him out. Steve, asks "So, what happens after this? After you take down Ares?" Diana, responds "I return to Themyscira. For good I suppose." The two run up to two other guards with their backs facing them. Steve, grabs the head of one and twists it making it crack. Diana, karate chops the other knocking him out. As the two pull the guards bodies away, Steve, asks "What about all that stuff about bringing our two worlds together?" Diana, responds "Dreams of a naïve girl." She suddenly throws her tiara like a boomerang at a guard who has caught them and points a gun a Steve. The tiara knocks the guard out. Suddenly, Steve, takes out a knight ant throws it at a guard behind Diana, stabbing him knocking him down. More guards are alerted and run at them. The two are able to take out the guards with ease. One guard tries to escape, but Diana uses her lasso and raps the guards legs making him trip to the ground. She jumps at him, using both hands as she comes down on top of him to knock him out.
     We then see Ares and Persephone walk through a lit tunnel with guards and dogs in it. As they walk by the dogs, the dogs attack each other. Persephone, tells Ares "Soon, my love, these bands will be but a memory. And you will be free again to summon the dark army that will allow us to rule over this world together." Along with the dogs, the men they pass by attack each other as well. She continues "You must thank your uncle for agreeing to make this all possible." They walk into a more open area. Ares walks up to an alter, commenting "My uncle has agreed to nothing. In fact, I'd be quite surprised if that miserable fool helps us at all." Persephone, argues "But there is no one else to turn to. What if he does not remove the bands?" Ares "I can be very persuasive when I need to be." He says with a smile. "I convinced you to turn your back on your people, didn't I?" Persephone, looks down on herself with shame.
      We seen Diana's tiara boomeranging a couple of guards close by. Diana and Steve sneak close by. Steve, responds to the room with the alter, a really big door and two clocked devilish looking statues on each side of it "Holy crap." Diana, give him a dirty look. Steve, just says "Get over it. what's he waiting for?" Diana "The gates are sealed. He planned his escape to coinside with the Blood Moon. The one night of the year the gates can be opened. But to do that, a sacrifice must be made to Hades." Hades, tells Persephone "Now, Persephone, I must call upon your aid once again." Persephone "How is it I can serve you?" Ares "Your dagger, please." Persephone "Of course, my king." She give her dagger to Ares. There are three guards standing by them. Ares nodes at them. The two on the sides grab the one in the middle as the one please in fear. They strap him to the alter. Ares looks at him, then the door. Something about the door suddenly looks brighter. Ares "It is time." The strapped guard please "No, no, please, no." Ares raises the dagger to make the sacrifice wile saying something in Latin "septimolanos" Suddenly the dagger is smacked out he Ares's hands. Diana, catches her crown then says "It's over, Ares. I'm taking you back to Themyscira." We see Steve pointing his gun at them. Diana continues "On the bright side, you'll have the company of a new cellmate." Ares "Surely you don't think a god can be so easily defeated, do you?" He speaks more Latin "Themoslemosharpios" Diana, runs at Ares and tackles him. As she has her arm to his neck on the ground, he says "It's already done." The room shakes. In her distraction Persephone grabs her and throws her. Suddenly the clocked demons come to life, sprout wings and fly at the remaining guards. Steve, shoots at them as Diana says "Whatever happens, stop Ares from opening the gates." Steve, says, as he runs out of bullets "No problem, angel. Leave it to me." The two run towards the demons. Diana, slides under one as she gets her lasso out, throws it and ties it around the demons neck. She hurls it and slams it to the ground. She jumps on it and does something to make it squirm in pain. Steve, runs at the dagger Ares had. But Ares gets in the way an punches Steve knocking him to the ground. Ares, picks up the dagger. But suddenly, Diana, whips it out of his hands with her lasso and ties it around his arm. They struggle with each other. Steve, gets up and sees Persephone running at them and tackles her. Ares, is able to get free, runs and grabs the dagger as Diana jumps at him from behind. He braces for the attack and strikes behind himself. But only to see no one there. He turns around and Diana slugs him in the face with a strong kick sending him flying. She picks up the dagger and jumps at him. He struggles to keep her from stabbing him. Suddenly, the other demon flies at Diana and takes her away. Steve, screams "DIANA!" Ares, goes back over to the alter to stab the man. Steve looks at one of the guards on the ground and takes his grenade. Diana, struggles in the demon's claws, then passes out. Steve, runs, then jumps at the demon grabbing it's tail as he gets carried away holding onto it. He works his way to the demons head, smacks the head with the grenade. As the demon opens it's mouth in a little pain Steve tosses the now unpinned grenade in the demon's mouth. He quickly grabs the tail again. The grenade goes off and Steve holds Diana in his arms as they make a hard landing. Ares, gets ready to stab the guard again, speaking in Latin again "Septhemoloudos" Finally, Ares is able to make the sacrifice. Blood pours from the man, feeling in crevices that are around the alter, making it's way to the door. The door opens. Ares and Persephone walk in as the door closes in on them.

God of War Restored

     We see a helicopter starting up. Steve takes the steering handle and takes off, with an unconscious Diana strapped in the copilot's seat. They take off as Steve tells himself "God help us all."
     Ares and Persephone walk into the underworld. Persephone is holding a type of scythe. They run into Hades three headed dog. Persephone, braces herself. Ares, signals to Persephone that things are ok as he tells the dog "Easy, Cerberus, You remember me, don't you? I'm here to see your master."
As he pets one of the dog's heads. The dogs growl at Persephone as she backs away a little afraid. Ares, walks away saying "Fine, She can stay here." We see Ares, walk down some stairs with flames coming up from the background. Ares stops by some lava and sees Hates in the distance lounging on a Greek sofa. Some ground is formed above the lava for Ares to walk on. Hades, asks "You're early nephew?" Ares "Not that I don't cherish your company, my dear uncle, but I'm afraid I'm only visiting today." Hades, drinks a kind of red drink, then says "You are here for a favor." Ares "I am." Hades "Perhaps then you can enlighten me as to why you think I would remove your bands. Is it because I've longed for a return of your power-crazed ways? Or maybe, I wish to see you act again without regard for your divine brother and sisters. Or is it simply because I am so easily manipulated AND LIKE A DOG, WILL OBEY ANY COMMAND?" Ares "It is simplicity itself.
Once these bands at removed, I will wage a war against humanity the likes of which this world has never seen. It's populace will choke on death. And you will be flooded with more servants to glorify you than you will possibly know what to do with." Hates, glares at Ares, then says "Very well. I will accommodate your request." He smiles, continuing "But I must confess. Upon your escape from Themyscira, your father came to me. He asked...Nay, begged me not to help you." Ares "Did he." Hates "Among his fears was that your revitalized presence might threaten the delicate power balance on Olympus." Ares "I'm not surprised that he who sanctioned his own son's unjust bondage would put politics above family." Hates, interrupts "Excuse me one moment. Slave!" Ares "That a father would treat his own son in such a way, fills me with sadness." We see the corps of Ares son come baring a dish of fruit. Ares, is a little shocked saying "Thrax, my son." Hates, takes and eats some of the fruit then says "Is everything all right, dear nephew? The blood seems to have rushed from your face." Ares, calms down saying "Yes. of course." Hates "Where are my manners?" Smacks Thrax to the ground, ordering  "Don't just stand there, you pathetic twit. Attend to our guest." Ares "No." Ares looks down on himself as Thrax brings the dish of fruit. As Thrax offers the fruit, Ares says "No further hospitality on your part is required. You've been a most magnanimous host." Hates "And you've waited too long for this moment. Lets not extend it another second." Ares, walks up to Hates saying "I shall never be able to repay your gesture, dear uncle." Ares, raises his wrists to show Hates his braces. Hates, grabs the braces saying "And you will never need to. Like you, I cherish family. So to assist you in this way, Well, it brings me unconscionable amounts of joy." Hates, uses his power and the braces come off. Ares gets field with flame of his power returning to him.

Men Aren't All That Bad

      We see a Greek styled hospital called "OSPEDALE" We then see Steve, sitting next to Diana in a hospital bed. Diana, begins to wake up. Steve, gets up and goes over to her. She tries to speak, but he puts his finger in her lips saying "Easy. You're lucky to be alive, So just conserve your energy and rest." She takes his wrist to remove his finger then says "Did you...? Did you stop Ares?" Steve, just looks at her, then says, while looking down on himself "No, I didn't. I couldn't." Diana, in surprise "What?" She sits up "Why not?" Steve, while putting his hand on her cheek "I had to save you."
Diana smacks him in rage "I didn't need you to save me!" Steve, defending himself  "Hey, If it weren't for me, You wouldn't be here right now!" Diana, still angry "I'm an Amazon, Steve. We're prepared from birth to give our lives in battle. I knew what the consequences were going in to this mission. I bet you would've acted differently if I were a man." Steven, being angered "OH, play the sex card again, are you? You know what? I've had just about enough of listening to you go on about how terrible men are!" Diana, arguing  "Does the truth hurt, Steve?" Steve "News flash: the Amazons ain't perfect either. You act brave, but cutting yourselves off from the outside world was cowardly! Not to mention Stupid! Like less communication between men and women is what the world needed!" Diana, in anger "How dare you?" Steve "NO! I'm not done! You met your first man, what, like 15 minutes ago! and you think you have us all figured out! Well, I'm sorry! But not everything a man does is to further some misogynistic agenda! We don't hold doors open or pull out chairs for women because we're trying to keep you down! And I didn't save you because I thought you were some damsel in distress! I saved you because...." He sits on her bed side calming down, continuing "Because I car about you, Diana. And I'm not gonna abandon a friend in need, man or woman." Diana, just looks at him with shock, like she might actually be wrong about at least him, then argues again "You should have saved the world instead of me." Steve, defending "Maybe I figured the world's not worth saving if you're not in it." Steve, goes in for a kiss. Diana, slaps him. Steve, yells in pain "AW. You crazy Amazonian dragon lady!" Diana gets out of bed. She goes behinds a dressing curtain, while saying "There's work to be done." Then comes out with just her armor on, continuing "By the way, you're starting to sound like a woman."

Ares Begins His War

     We see Washington D.C. Ares, while standing in from of the Lincoln memorial with Persephone by his side, addresses his warriors "You've waited patiently, my friends, but the time has come once again to spread my gospel of death. Now, let the natural state of mistrust and betrayal run through the soul of every man until I may walk across the earth on the backs of 5 billion corpses." His army rages with excitement. Off in the distance we see the military ready to attack. As they think they're being sneaky about it, Ares's warriors and monsters attack them.
     We see the invisible jet flying in. Diana, apologizes to Steve "Sorry I reacted the way I did at the hospital." Steve "I'm sorry too. Since we've met, I don't think I've done the best job of representing the masculine ideal. Truth is, I'm really not such a pig. No, that's not the truth. I am a pig. A womanizer. Been one for a long time now. Sometimes I think it's all because I don't wanna be hurt. But then again. This macho bravado, it's all a façade. Wait, why am I telling you this?" He realize his foot is in the lasso. He continues "God, I hop you Amazons can't mass produce this thing." They fly in towards the battle. After they land, Diana immediately starts attacking the monsters. Steve notices some monsters broke off Lincoln's head. He, Rages "They're missing with Lincoln. Nobody messes with Lincoln."
    We see on a door "THE PRESIDENT FO THE UNITED STATES" the door opens. A well dressed looking woman tells the president "Mr. President, we still don't know what those things on our front lawn are. Every government we have relations with has called to assure us they aren't behind this." President "Well, someone has to pay for this."
     We see Diana's tiara flying past Ares's army strait for him. Persephone, hits it out of the way with her knife. Diana, jumps, catches it and lands close to Persephone holding a sword saying. "Shall we? Mother tells me you're a terrific dancer." Different monsters attack her. Ares "Darn. Apparently someone wants to cut in." As Diana is able to defeat different monsters, she continues "You're not going to conquer man, Ares. The Amazons will never let you." Ares "Now, who said I was trying to conquer man?" Persephone, proceeds to take on Diana, as Ares continues "War is only the vehicle that allows my soul to feed on the psychic energy of fear, discord and hat. And already this modern world has given me the kind of power I've never known." Persephone, attacks Diana, and is able to kick her into some monsters that hold her as Ares continues "Power that will allow me to conquer not man, but the very gods of Olympus." He takes out his sword saying "Now hold still. I wish to repay the kindness your mother once showed my son." He raises his sword to slay Diana. A gun fire knocks his sword out of his hand. Ares looks to the distance and sees a body of water with ships of the Amazons coming to battle. They fire, fire arrows at the monsters. The ships port and the Amazons run out to face the monsters. In the sky multiple Pegasus carry Amazons to join the fight. On one of the ships, yet to port, Artemis, tells Hippolyta "I must confess, my queen. It feels like the first day of school." Hippolyta, comments "And yet you could not find a bigger sword, Artemis?" Artemis, questions "Sword? This is but my dagger." We see Artemis holding a sword almost as long as her body. Ares "Hippolyta." with a grin. He orders his army "Tear them apart." The army rushes to battle, Persephone whistles for a flying monster. The battle is fierce, with monsters and Amazons falling on both sides. Ares, grabs his sword back, as Diana takes care of the monsters that were holding her down. Ares, says "Looks like we'll have that dance after all." He rushes towards her striking. Diana blocks with the lasso. She jumps, knees him in the face, then kicks him into a pillar. She raps his ankle with the lasso and slams him into another pillar.
     A woman, tells the president "Sir, we have intelligence that an island has appeared out of nowhere in the Aegean Sea. If we're dealing with mystical forces. This could be where they're from. Our military advisers are suggesting we strike, and strike hard before they have a chance to unleash who knows what else on us." President "Do it."
     On the battle field, Diana rushes towards Ares and uppercuts him sending him flying. He lands on top of the White House. Diana jumps and lands near him asking "How do you expect to defeat Zeus, if you can't even beat a girl?" Ares "You're being optimistic, if you think I've reached the height of my power. You see, since I've been gone, man has created a weapon of such awesome destructive
force, that they're use of only one of these weapons feeds me with the psychic energy of a thousand wars." Ares, is blazed with fire and starts to grow. His hair gets longer and his armor changes. He, jumps at Diana. She tells herself "Oh, crap." He smashes into her.
     We see the missile heading towards it's destination. Steve, notices it and goes to the invisible jet and takes off after it while dodging fire breathing flying monsters.
     We see Diana, getting knocked around by Ares. He says "How will you stop me now that my powers rival that of any god?" She jumps at him as he continues "I am as strong as Hercules." He uppercuts her smacking her away. He rushes towards where she will land with great speed, continuing "As fast as Hermes." Smacking her on top of the White House making her break through the roof and onto the yard. He stands still on top of the White House, blazing fire surrounds him with his power. "And now, like Hades, I wield dominion over the dead. Which allows me to unleash my own worst curse upon your people. Amazon dead, I command you to come to your lord." Creases of the ground blaze open with the Amazon dead. the Amazons back away with fear. Ares, commands "Slaughter your sisters." The Amazons, living and dead fight each other. Diana, smacks a few around making her way back up to Ares and punches him a few times in the face. We see an Amazon stabbing a dead one and it does nothing as it kills her. We see her dead body turn more corps like then comes back as a minion.
     We then see Artemis fighting. She is about to attack another dead, but notices it's Alexa, raised from the dead and a minion now "Alexa, you bring yet more disgrace to our family. This time I will ensure that you stay dead." As Artemis, attacks Alexa, Alexa proves more a warrior as a minion than when she was alive. Artemis, struggles in this fight saying "Now you fight without fear." Artemis, is able to stab Alexa through the heart. Alexa, hesitates, then head bunts Artemis to
the ground. Takes out the sword Artemis stabbed her with and now fights with 2. Artemis sees a sword in the distance, quickly grabs it and faces Alexa again. Alexa, speaks in Latin "megoarcharmes". Artemis, asks "What demon language are you babbling?" As they fight, Alexa continues "megoarchares" Artemis, realizes something "You're trying to tell me something, aren't you?" Alexa, is able to knock Artemis to the ground, disarms her and puts her foot on Artemis's chest. As Alexa is about to make the final blow, Artemis, speaks in Latin "Mego Arch Corpis." Nothing happened, Artemis, tries again with fear in her eyes "Mego Arch Corpis." Alexa, stabs the ground next to Artemis and wakes up from being controlled. We see around the battle field the other dead Amazons are waking up as well and stop attacking. Artemis realizes she's not dead, Alexa, says "An ancient incantation to release one from another's unnatural control. Only I could not administer it to myself." She reaches out her hand to held Artemis up. Artemis reaches for Alexa's hand she saying "And from where did you learn that little bit of magic?" Alexa, explains "A book of mysticism written by some dead philosopher." Artemis "You always did live in books, didn't you?" Alexa "Yes. But in death I am an Amazon." She grabs the two swords she was holding, yells in a battle cry. The rest of the dead Amazons yell as well. Then they all start running.
     Ares, holds up Diana, by her hair. He is about to punch her, but a spear pierces his hand latching it to some rubble. He sees the Amazon dead running towards him. He takes out the spear then with a hand movement he puts the dead Amazons back into their grave. Artemis was running with them. When she sees them going back she grabs Alexa saying "May we meet again in a better place, sister."
as she disappears from her arms. Ares tries to punch Diana in the face, but she deflects it and punches him multiple times in the face, breaking his helmet. Are's catches her off guard and punches her in her two sides with both his hands making her scream in pain. Kicks her, and sends her flying. She gets up from her fall as Ares jumps and lands near her. She, mentions "Your army continues to dwindle." Ares "As does yours. But the difference is I no longer need an army." We see thunder in the clouds. He unleashes a thunder bold on her. It's a struggle but she is able to deflect the thunder bold with her bracelets as rubble around her shatters.
     We see the missile out at sea with Steve still chasing after it. "Okay, one chance to shoot this guy down." As it gets closer to Themyscara, he presses the fire button, but nothing happens. He yells in frustration "Oh come on. What's wrong? Why isn't anything happening? No. No. No!" Suddenly the missile explodes in the air close to the island. He fly's past the island as Amazons look upward. Steve, mentions "Of course, invisible missiles. Hardy flipping har."
    We see Persephone riding a flying monster yelling. Amazons fire arrows at her. She jumps off the monster, lands on top of the Amazons and attack them. As she is about to kill an Amazon, her sword gets deflected. Hippolyta, asks "Have you not brought enough death and misery upon us?" Persephone "I'm sorry, my queen. I never meant to fall in love." They attack each other. Hippolyta "Love? The Amazons are warriors. You turned your back on your sisters." Persephone "No, it is you who did that when you turned your back on mankind." Hippolyta, is able to stab Persephone in the gut and continues "You were given a life of peace and beauty." Persephone "And denied one of families and children. Yes, Hippolyta, the Amazons are warriors, but we are women to." as she falls to the ground with tears in her eyes.
     Ares, sends another thunder bolt from the sky to strike Diana. He then grabs Diana, saying "Did your mother not warn you this is how it would turn out? That you would suffer at the wicked," He punches her and lifts her up by the head continuing "Cruel," Smashes her to the ground "Hands of man?" He jump and lands on top of her smashing at her. She lies on the ground struggling. As she
gets back up she says "You're no man. Not the kind I've come to know." Ares, laughs then picks her up again by the throat saying "Then you've learned nothing have you?" He punches her sending her flying into a near by body of shallow water in front of the Lincoln Memorial. She gets up spiting out blood then says "Well, I have learned on thing. It's not polite to hit a lady." Ares starts to summon a thunderbolt again. But Diana throws her lasso at him, then pulls him into the water making the thunderbolt strike him instead as she jumps out of the water. Diana picks up a near by sword as Ares is struggling in pain by the bolt. Diana jumps at him with a sword as the bolt leaves. Fearing for his life, Ares, cries out "Zeus! Zeus!" Diana comes down, and with a swift clean swipe she cuts off his head. The monsters and Amazons around all look shocked. Then the Amazons cheer for joy. The monsters, having no master around anymore, just leave.

Wonder Woman is Born

      A woman, says to the President "Mr, President." The President, starts to wake up. She calls him again "Mr. President, the threat has been neutralized." President "How?" Woman "It seems by a group of armored supermodels."
     We see the invisible jet flying up above Diana. Diana has a bloody nose. She notices the jet land near the Lincoln Memorial. Steve gets out of the jet and runs towards Diana. He at first just looks at her. She wipes away the blood from her nose. He grabs her, pulls her close, and lands a big one on her. She is shocked at first, then grabs him and kisses him back. All the Amazons around, just look at them with smiles. Then they all cheer.
     We see Hades, saying "A tragedy. A terrible, terrible, tragedy. How it weighs on my heart to see you like this. When my brother asked me not to remove your bands he said I was only dooming you" We see Ares walk up to Hades as he continues "That he could not save you from yourself yet again." Ares, walks behind Hades like a minion now looking like a corps, next to his son. Hates continues "Perhaps I should have listened."
     We see Themyscira. We then see Artemis, reading a book. Hippolyta, walks up to her asking "Are you reading, dear sister?" Artemis, says in frustration "I am trying, my queen, but it is fiercely boring." Hippolyta "So much has changed in recent days." She looks to the distance and sees Diana just sitting on a bench. Artemis, comments "She misses the outside world." Hippolyta "She misses
him." Artemis "Her task was completed. She had to return." Hippolyta, walks up to Diana giving her back the red, white, and blue armor. Diana, asks "What is this?" Hippolyta "It is your mission. It is why Hera delivered you to us in the first place. It is time again to open the lines of communication between man and women. Something I should have done a long time ago. And you, my daughter, will serve as our ambassador. But there is one condition." Diana "Yes?" Hippolyta "You must visit home often." Diana, hugs her with great joy.
     We see a bunch of American flags hung over a building. We then see a taxi pull up to Steve and Diana. He opens the door for her. She responds "I lift cars. I can lift car door handles." Steve "We talked about this angel." Diana "I know sorry." She puts on an acting polite voice "Oh, thank you Stevie. You're such a gentlemen." Suddenly sirens go off with police cars going to a near by building. We see a swat team ready to attack whatever is inside the building. An officer gets thrown out of a window as a humanoid woman chaeta jumps out of the window. She starts attacking the swat team.
Diana, while handing over groceries to Steve, tells him "I guess I'll see you at your apartment." He yells as she rushes towards the action "Call if you're going to be late. I don't want dinner getting cold. She starts taking off her cloths to reveal her red, white, and blue armor. As she passes by a young girl, the girl yells "Look, it's Wonder Woman." Wonder Woman jumps on a police car, raps her lasso around Chaeta, pulls her in and punches her.

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