Monday, July 11, 2016

'The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest' A TV DC Animated Movie

The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest

The Green Dragon Sculptor
      As an antique store is closing, Harley Quin (The so called girl friend of The Joker. Or in other words, The Joker's main squeeze. She was a therapist at Arkham. A prison for insane villains. Technically all of them in the Batman universe. She treated Joker. But ended up, some how, falling in love with him and becoming more crazy than he is) dressed in street clothes, is able to get into the store. As the owner tries to tell her they are closed. She makes the excuse of "Just look at what I'm selling. You'll go plots". She shows him a box that looks like one of those pop goes the weasel toys. When the music is done a joker face springs out of the box spraying a type of pink gas. The man coughs. Then begins to uncontrollably laugh really hard. You hear a voice say "Good work Harley girl" As an arm takes off the hat Harley is wearing revealing her jester suit. Joker Walks into the shop "Now what will be a suitable trade for our joke in the box". As the shop owner continues to laugh. Joker grabs him throwing him to the ground. Seemingly because the man was in Joker's way of looking at what the shop has. The Joker notices a green Asian dragon sculptor. He claims the sculptor speaks to him while looking at it. Joker asks Harley what she thinks, with her response being "It's you puddin". As she brings over a box to put the sculptor in. Joker struggles at first but is able to get the sculptor off of the table it was stuck to. He puts it in the box Harley is holding. She struggles at first realizing how heavy it is. As they walk out Joker jokes to the shop owner, who is now on the floor motionless with a big smile on his face, "Awfully nice doing business with you, ta. What a pleasant fellow." As Harley struggles carrying the box.  
     Gotham police, now at the scene in the antique store. Detective Harvey Bullock, questions "It's weird, all this junk and Joker takes only one lousy statue". Commissioner Jim Gordon replies "Especially word on the streets says he's desperate for cash these days". A voice explains "Things are never what they seem with the Joker". The voice being Batman, revealing himself from the shadows. Bullock condemns "I guess the night brings out all the wackos". (Bullock isn't really a big fan of Batman) Batman looks at the green remnants from the sculptor. Takes a peace of it putting it in a small bag, as Gordon explains "It was made of jade. Worth maybe 100 grand". Batman "I'd like a closer look". As he walks off. Bullock complains "Hey, he can't leave a crime scene with evidence." Gordon "You want to stop him. Be my guest." Bullock turns looking for Batman. But is surprised Batman is no longer in eye sight.
     In the Batcave, Batman is doing some tests on the green rock. Alfred Pennyworth, Batman's butler, walks up to Batman "According to this, the laughing dragon has earned quite a bold reputation". Showing him a book with a picture of the dragon, mentioning "Ever since it was carved in China nearly 30 years ago. It has passed through several owners. All of whom died of prematurely". Batman explains "And I can tell you why. This so called jade is emitting low level radiation. Alfred, isn't Bruce Wayne about do for a trip to Matropolis?' Alfred questioning "Yes, but do you think this is an appropriate time?" Batman "I'd say the timing couldn't be better".

Superman and Lois Lane

      In a plane titled, United States Of America (Air Force One), Lois Lane (A news reporter) writing in her note book, gets a shock. Along with everyone else on the plane. When 2 security officers get beaten up by a couple of armed men. One of the men says to the passengers "Ladies and gentlemen of the press. If you stay calm. You may actually be able to write about this." He pulls out a phone asking "Is the President secured?. A woman, holding the President hostage reply's "Copy. We've already informed him of our change in flight plans." Lois tries to get to the plane phone. The armed man shoots it then throws her back into her seat. Titans the seat belt on her then says to the passengers "Lets make an example of this hero. A very tragic example I'm afraid miss..." Lois replies "Lane" The man fearfully realizes this is the same Lois Lane Superman always saves. After Lois confirms his suspicions about who she is the plane begins to shake. The man slams into the side of the plane looking out a window. He sees Superman messing with the wings flap. Superman pushes down on the wing making the plane go upside down. The gunmen hit the ceiling of the plane, Lois sarcastically remarks "Thanks for strapping me in. awh". After flipping the plane right side up again, Superman rips the door open. Things are flying everywhere. The gunmen fall towards Superman as he punches them.
    After the plane lands Superman thanks the President "Happy I could help out, Mr. President." then the President rides off in his limo. Superman turns to Lois apologizing "I hope I didn't shake you and the others too baldy." Lois "I hate to say, I've gotten used to it." As Superman is about to fly off, Lois calls to him getting his attention "Umm how can I put this? I was just thinking, it might be nice to see each other when I wasn't. I don't know, falling out a widow or something. Not that I'm not grateful for all the times you've helped me. You understand." Superman "I understand." Lois "You do?" Suddenly an explosion happens in the distance. Superman mentions in concern "It's the First National Bank." Lois reluctantly tells him "You better go. People might..." Superman fly's off "...Get hurt." She lowers her head feeling like a failure. Walks off talking to herself "I understand, Lois. Really. You do. Yes. Yep you're a complete moron. Why, thank you, Superman. I think I'm a total looser to. Jeez."

Joker Makes a Proposition to Lex Luthor

      Lex Luthor, is reading a newspaper inside one of his buildings "A grateful President bestows heartfelt thanks on Metropolis's favorite son, Superman." He gets angry continuing "Favorite son, my!!!" Slams the newspaper on the ground then picks up his phone. He calls his assistant, Mercy, demanding she gets the limo ready for him. Mercy, responds with "Right away Lex." Just then a punching gun (a gun that has a spring loaded boxing glove) comes from the other side of the limo, punching her against the wall knocking her out. A jester clothed woman stands over to Mercy.
     Lex comes out of the building to get into his limo. After he gets in the limo, he tells whom he thinks is Mercy "The office. Now." The woman impersonating Mercy says "Swell, Mr. L." Lex, suddenly being confused tells himself "Mr. L?" (Mercy, has always called Lex, Lex or Mr, Luthor) Lex, calls out to Mercy to see what is going on out of concern. Harley, reveals herself to Lex after she gets in the drivers seat saying what happened to Mercy "Yeah, she had a little accident." Then locks the doors so Lex can't get out of the limo. Harley, Speeds off driving a crazy person. With Lex being angry saying she will pay dearly for this. Not knowing what her game might be Lex tells her, in anger, she is dead. Harley just ignores him saying to herself "Blah ,blah ,blah." Not caring about his threats. She notices Joker sticking out his leg like a lady hitchhiker on the side of the road. Excitedly she says "whoa, mama! Check out the cute hitchhiker." She picks up Joker whiling going "Eh" excitedly. As Joker gets into the back seat where Lex is. Lex, realizes it's Joker and things make sense now. Joker, happily propositions Lex with "Lexy, old kid. Do I have a deal for you." Harley continues to drive like a crazy person. Joker, admires Lex's limo. (technically Joker and Lex should be bumping all over the place with Harley's driving because I never noticed them wearing seat belts) Lex, asks, while being annoyed "What do you want?" Joker, explaining "I sense we are kindred spirits, you and I. Oh, there are differences, to be sure. Like hair, heehee. But underneath it all, we're both entrepreneurs, men of vision. We see an opportunity, we grab it. Am I right?" A moment's pause. Joker, continues "...Right. But in the past few weeks, I've had a run of bad luck." Angrily Joker, continues "Bad luck that wears a cape. Thanks to that miserable, pointy-eared rodent, Batman. All my operations in Gotham City have been shut down." In his anger Joker, accidentally grabs a flower off the inner wall of the limo. Putting the flower behind his back Joker, continues "But you, too, have an overgrown bully in long underwear." Joker, leans closer to Lex "Which brings me to my little proposition." Lex, a little intrigued "I'm listening." Joker, leans back towards his end of the seat proposing "Pay me $1 million, and I'll kill Superman." Showing confidence in himself. Lex laughs "Haha, what makes you think you can kill Superman when you can't even handle a mere mortal in a Halloween costume?" Joker, grabs Lex, by his suit jacket in anger "There's nothing mere about that mortal!" He lets go calming down mentioning "Besides, I've read up on your flyboy. I know his weakness." Opening up a glove compartment in the back where they are at. Showing the box the dragon is in. Joker opens the box and holds up the dragon for Lex to see saying "See, solid Kryptonite." (How Joker knows it's Kryptonite I have no idea. Batman hinted towards it earlier, but that's Batman) Lex, comments in concern "You know I can't be connected to this in any way." Joker "Oh, you'll be Mr. Clean, I promise. Deal?" Lex, smiles a little shaking Joker's hand sealing the deal.

Bruce Wayne Meets Clark Kent and Lois Lane

     At LexCorp Air Field, reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane, await the arrival of industrialists Bruce Wayne. Clark, mentions to Lois "I hear Wayne's deal with LexCorp could run into the billions. He's a high roller." Lois, putting Bruce down "I hear he's nothing but Gotham Trash. Rich, spoiled....and absolutely gorgeous." As she sees Bruce get off his private jet. (With all the things people hear about Bruce. Not a bad cover up for being Batman) As the press try to get questions out of him. Bruce just ignores all of them and walks strait towards Lois Lane. Lois notices and bashfully asks Clark "Quick, is my hair strait." As she pulls out a small mirror, trying to hide a little. You can see Bruce through the mirror, but Lois doesn't notice. Bruce, asking "Excuse me. Aren't you the famous Lois Lane?" surprising Lois. Being surprised, she drops her mirror, note book, and purse falling somewhat into Bruce's arms. In her shock she pushes herself away from him bashfully saying "Me? Famous? Well, hardly. I mean this is Clark Kent." Who is standing next to her. Clark reaches out his hand to greet Mr. Wayne. But Bruce ignores him to help Lois pick up her things. Bruce mentions to Lois "I read all about your adventure on Air Force One. You're quite the news maker." Lois responds "Know more than you. Which brings up the question of why you're in town." A head injured Mercy, interrupts them calling over to Mr. Wayne. Telling him his limo is ready. Bruce, invites Lois "Maybe we can discuss it over dinner, if you're available." Lois at first says "Totally" then being bashful quickly says "I mean, I think so. I have to check my cal.... Yes." Bruce "Great. I'll pick you up at 8:00." After Bruce goes to his limo. Clark just looks at the two of them feeling like he doesn't like what just happened.

The Joker Takes Over a Gang

     In a run down area of Metropolis, at a diner, some gang members are enjoying a meal. The Joker bursts in saying "Ceasar Carlini, my old pal. Why I haven't seen you since...wait, I've never seen you have I? You need to get out more." One of the members asks "Who is this clown?" Joker responds pulling out a joker card "Not clown. joker." As he flicks the card on the table like a knife. It lands on their dinner table sticking up by it's corner like a knife. The men gasp. Joker says "I'm in town on business, and I need a place to hang my hat." Carlini (Who appears to be the leader) suggests, not liking his dinner interrupted "Try the Motel 9." Joker, defending "But it'll be so much cozier at your place, like a sleepover. Heeheeheehy" Carlini, asks "Are you nuts. Kill him!" The men get up from their table pulling out their guns. A voice yells "Ooh, Can I play too." Being Harley, coming down form above on a Pogo stick. She bounces on of them men. Then bounces on the table breaking it while saying "Boingy." Each time she bounces. The men shoot at her, but some how miss. As she bounces around, the men get scared. Carlini, who is on the chubby side, runs into Joker. Joker grabs him saying "Carlini, all that spicy food. You look a little gassy." Joker, squeeze the flower on his left chest that is pined to his purple suit. Pink gas spurts out making the man cough begging "No. stop." He then laughs hard uncontrollably. Joker, puts him in a trash bag, covering him up to his head. Joker, throws him out saying "Adios, Muchacho." Carlini, lands in a trash can still laughing really hard. Joker, turns to the other men mentioning like there is a problem "Holy guacamole. Looks like you need a new leader." Then being serous with an evil smug "I nominate me." Harley, gets up holding a cork gun at the men(A gun that looks like it has a boxing glove sized cork in it) mentions "I second the nomination." As the men look at each like they are questioning what is going on. Joker continues, bowing towards them like a gentlemen with a really big grin "All apposed?"
     At Metro Emergency, S.C.U. St. Dan Turpin tells Superman "They found him like this at the city dump. The lights are on but nobody's home." With the Carlini lying in a hospital bed still laughing. Superman, mentions "But we know who did it. He's telling us right now."


Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne's Project

     In a rocky mountain area, we see a small cat sized robot with six legs and a 180 movable head crawling up the mountain side. We see it being able to move around any terrain. In a small distance away there is a laboratory. Lex Luthor, tells Bruce Wayne "As you can see the, Waynelex T-7 can traverse the most difficult terrain. Never loosing sight of it's ultimate target." The Waynelex finds it's target. Being a small black box. Picking it up. A scientist with a stop watch mentions "14.8 seconds." Bruce, congratulates Lex. Lex, being modest, tells Bruce "This is your project, too, you know." Bruce, being modest "Well, I'm proud of the work both our teams have done." Bruce, mentions "These robots are going to revolutionize unmanned space travel." Being happy with what the possibilities could be. Lex, puts his hand on Bruce's shoulder mentioning with an evil smirk  "Actually, there may be a use for them closer to home." Lex, takes Bruce to an area with many big robots of the same design. Lex, tells Bruce "The joint chiefs have shown tremendous interests. It doesn't take much imagination to envision these robots on the battlefield." Bruce, being disappointed "Except I won't allow it." Lex, being surprised as Bruce continues "I don't like guns." Lex, defends "Well Bruce, I think I have something to say about this." Bruce, hits back explaining "Not according to our deal. All technological applications need my approval first." As Bruce walks into an elevator he continues "Blame me Lex. Tell you pals at the Pentagon, I just don't have the imagination." As Lex looks at him angrily.


Bruce and Lois

     On a rooftop diner, Bruce, on his date with Lois, asks "So he just appears when there's trouble? No special signal?" Lois, explaining "He's not like you're Batman, thank goodness." Bruce, still being curious "Then how do you contact him?" Lois, being bored of the subject "Committing a felony helps." Getting tiered of the subject she continues "You seem awfully interested in Superman. Do you want me to fix you two up?" Bruce, felling intrusive "Sorry" Lois, explaining "I'm sorry. It's just I was hoping to get away from the subject of the Man of Steel for one night." Feeling down on herself she confesses "I've been a little too consumed with him lately." Bruce gets up. Takes Lois's hand. Signals her to stand up saying "Maybe we could change subjects." As they walk to the dance floor, Lois, asks "No more men in tights." Bruce "Deal." They dance, as the stars shine on them.

Batman and Superman Meet

    Clark, investigating at the harbor in a bar, asks a fisherman captain "So just keep your ears open. Let me know if you hear any buzz about the Joker." Then gives the captain a few $20s. Captain "Sure thing, Mr. Kent. Uh, but uh, but which one? There's lots of jokers around here." Just then you can see through a window behind Clark, Batman, jumping on rooftops.
     Batman, gets to the roof of a club with caged dancing girls. Inside one of the men from the gang Joker took over asks a waitresses for another round for him and a girl. Batman, breaks through a window that was on the roof landing on the gang members table. Someone in the crowd fearfully asks "Who is he". Batman, stands strait up telling one of the gang members "It's been a long time, Binko." The girl Binko is with runs in fear. Batman, leans over to Binko saying "I heard your boss Carlini's been replaced." Batman, seriously tells him "We need to talk." One of the men in the club pulls out a gun and shoots at Batman. Batman, like a boss as if he does this all the time, quickly tosses a batterang at the gun making the bullet miss him hitting one of the lights. Suddenly everyone panics running away form Batman, Binko, and a couple of Binko's men. 2 of Binko's men attack Batman. But Batman easily takes them out. Another man shoots at him. Batman, swiftly run, dodging the bullets, and throws a ninja nunchuck that has a waited ball on each end of the rope tying the man up. Binko, goes for a cumbered, supposedly having more guns or weapons in it. A batterang hits the cumbered sticking to it scaring Binko. Batman grabs Binko, seriously demanding "Where's the Joker?" Binko, makes fun "Who knows? Making ha-ha with Harley Quinn." Batman, titans his grip while holding Binko a little off the ground with one hand making him squirm "I don't know. Honest! I never went back after he muscled in. I don't want nothing to do with that clown." Superman, steps in putting his hand on Batman's arm trying to stop him saying "That's enough. I think you got your answer." Batman, just takes Superman's arm throwing him. Superman, lands on a table braking it being surprised at what Batman just did to him. Binko, starts to run off. As Batman is about to run after him, Superman rams into Batman. Slamming him into a wall becoming somewhat injured. Superman walks up to him saying "I heard you were crazy. I didn't think you where stupid." Superman, X-raze Batman's cowl revealing Bruce Wayne. Which comes as a shock to Superman. Batman mentions, as he gets up form the floor "You'll be rid of me as soon as I find the Joker." Batman, gets the small back of Kryptonite form his utility belt, but still hiding it in his cloak. The 2 stand right in front of each other. Superman, in disagreement "That might not be soon enough." Batman, reveals the Kryptonite, holding the bag right in from of Superman. Superman, starts to feel sick around it. Batman, forces Superman, back with the Kryptonite and mentions "It doesn't take much, does it." He continues warning "The Joker has 20 pounds more where this came form. I thought you might like to know." Then tosses the bag by Superman landing in a glass. Superman looks at it then notices Batman has left.  
     Superman, fly's to Clark Kent/his apartment. He changes into Clark getting read for bed. Lois, calls telling Clark she will be in late to work the next day because she will be having breakfast with Bruce. Clark, mocks the idea of it by saying "Isn't that special." Lois admits she was wrong about Bruce and seems to really like him, as she smells the flowers she got from Bruce. Lois, claims you would be surprise about who Bruce really is. Clark, mocks her again  "Would I, now?" As he notices a bat tracker on his Superman cape. After Lois says goodbye to Clark, he goes up to his window he just flew in through. Clark, uses his binocular vision and sees Batman on a skyscraper in the distances using binoculars to find out Superman is really Clark Kent. Batman, realizing Clark has seen him peaking at him, just waves a peace sign at Clark then jumps away. Clark, angrily crushes the bat tracker admitting "Touche."

Joker Kidnaps Lois

     At the Daily Planet, Lois, finishes writing "Senator declined comment. Done" As Bruce sneaks in giving her a kiss on the cheek saying "And not a moment to soon." Lois, excitedly being surprised asks "Bruce! when did you..." Bruce "About 3 paragraphs ago. I didn't want to distract you. Ready to do the town." Lois, being a little flirty "Give me a moment to see the chief, then I'm all yours." She goes over to Clark telling him to keep an eye on Bruce saying she won't be gone long. Bruce waves over at them. Clark, trying to get out of it "Actually, Lois..." Lois "Don't be intimidated. Regal him madcap tales of the night life in Smallville." As she leaves. Bruce, comes over to Clark mentioning "She never does stop does she." Clark "Not that I've noticed. Any luck finding the comedian?" Bruce, being disappointed in himself "Three nights and not so much as a green hair." Clark. mocking "Of course you have the dividing of your time between work and Lois." Bruce, concerning "Is that a problem." Clark, being serous "Lets just say I'm concerned. Your reputation is dubious, in and out of costume." Bruce, trying to calm down Clark "Don't worry. I'm taking Lois quite seriously. Besides it seem to me you had your chance." Lois, runs up to Bruce "So Mr. Wayne, ready to sweep me off my feet?" As Clark looks at them disapproving. The two walk off as Bruce says to Clark "Be seeing you."
     Bruce and Lois are at another diner looking over the balcony. Lois "This city is gorgeous at night." Bruce, flirting "Is it? I wasn't looking at the city." Making Lois feel complemented and in love. Bruce, concerning "Lois, about Clark Kent. Are you and he. I mean..." Lois, interrupts "No Bruce. Your only competition few away some time ago." As they are about to kiss a voice says "My, you do live dangerously." Being Joker admiring them while sitting on a table." Joker, walks up to them continuing "Don't you realize you're moving in on Superman's main squeeze." Gang members with guns begin appearing out of know where scaring people. Bruce and Lois get backed into the balcony. Joker reaches at Lois. He uses his tayser, that's in the palm of his hand, to taze Lois on her arm. Making her faint into his arms. Bruce, angrily demands "Take your hand off her, you..." Joker's men shoot at Bruce making him dance. (Why they don't just shoot and kill him. Well this is a kids show and we can't have that) He gets to close to the ledge, trips and falls off the building. Joker tells his men "There's a flying idiot in this town that could have caught him. Make sure he's street pizza." The men look over the balcony and find Bruce landed on a window washer's work thing. They shoot at him. (Once again we can't have them actually hitting him) As the men shoot. The wood floor Bruce is standing on breaks from underneath him making him fall again. Bruce, also being Batman, is able to grab on a ledge as he falls. (Probably would have ripped his arm sockets) What is left of the window washer's work thing smashes on the ground. Bruce, struggles as he gets himself on the ledge. Joker "Well aren't we tenacious?" Joker, fires at Bruce from a joker faced sports blimp. Joker, mocks "Catch you next time Brucie, BAAAAHAHAHAHAhaaaaa." As the blimp fly's away.
     S.C.U. St. Dan Turpin and Superman are at the scene with Bruce Wayne. Turpin, being concerned "Swell. Now Gotham sends us their wackos." He continues telling Bruce "Don't worry Mr. Wayne. The S.C.U will get her back safe and sound." Bruce, being worried "Thank you, inspector." After Turpin leaves, Bruce tells Superman "You realize, she's just the bait." Superman "I'll be careful." Bruce "Careful won't cut it. With Joker, except the unexpected." Superman, being disappointed with Bruce "Maybe you should have remembered that." Superman fly's off. 

Joker Sets a Trap For Superman

     Joker and Harley take Lois to a their hideout tying her up. Joker shows her the Kryptonite dragon. Joker, explaining things to Lois "Think of it Miss. Lane. This rock is more precious than gold. One teensy chip will go for thousands on the collectors market. After it kills your flyboy. Heeh" He puts a flat head screw driver in the middle of the dragon ready to break it in half. He bounds it with a mallet breaking the dragon in half. Harley unties Lois's mouth. Lois, yells in anger "You sick, demented, murdering, freak!" Harley, gets offended and puts a cloth in Lois's mouth. Joker, picks up the front end of the dragon "Half for now and half for later. You've got a front row seat for the story of the century, my dear." Joker, continues excitedly laughing "The death of Superman. Mamaheeheeheehahahahaha."
     At LexCorp Air field, Alfred, uses a remote control to open the back end of Bruce's jet to remotely take out the Bat-Wing and sends it flying.
     At the S.C.U, Turpin and Superman wait. Turpin gets a call. Joker, pulls up on Turpin's computer screen saying "Amscray, Turpin. I want to talk to the boy in blue. " Turpin, yells "You've got something to say, clown. Say it to..." Superman gets in front of the screen saying "I'm hear, Joker. What have you done with Lois Lane?" Joker, moves out of the way in the screen showing Lois tied up and hanging by a hook and continues "She's right here, Superman. And she'd love to see you." Lois, struggles trying the say something. Joker "Want to know where here is? Don't blink." Joker brightens the screen blinding Turpin. Superman is able to see a map to where Lois is. At one of Lex's laboratories. Joker "Got the picture, Supie. Come alone. No cops or little Lois dies laughing." Turpin, being confused "Wait, what picture? What did he mean?" As Superman opens a window flying off. Batman, in the Batwing, catches Superman on his radar and fallows.
     Superman fly's into the LexCorp laboratory where Lois is in, whiling wearing a lead lined suit that covers his hole body. (lead protects Superman from Kryptonite. He also can't see through it) Superman, lands inside the building. Joker, shows himself from the shadows mocking "More powerful than a locomotive, and just about as settle." Superman, walks closer to Joker coming out of the shadows, revealing his lead lined suit. Joker, mocks "I'm flattered you put on your Sunday best." Showing off his own purple suit. Superman, angrily asks "Where is she, Joker?"  Joker "Forget about Lois." Superman walks up to Joker. Joker, acting like he is hiding something behind his back  "Feast your eyes on this!" Pulling out from behind himself the front half of the Kryptonite dragon. Superman just grins at it. Joker, being confused as to why the Kryptonite isn't working, tries to run. But Superman grabs him asking him in anger "Now I'll ask you once more!" 
     Joker, takes Superman, into a room with sealed chemicals in it with a danger sign on them and where Lois is still hanging by the hook. Joker, being confused "I just don't understand. I had it all planned all so perfectly." Superman starts to walk up to Lois. Joker, thinks to himself, then remembers something "Oh wait, that's it!" Snapping his fingers. Superman terns back towards Joker in wonder on what he is talking about. Joker, explaining "Silly me. I forgot the acid." As he leans towards Superman, squeezing the flower pined on his left chest form his purple suit. (Isn't that the one the laughing gas came out of?) Spraying green acid on the top half of Superman. Superman's lead suit begins to melt as Joker tosses the Kryptonite on Superman. Superman, acts sick around it being forced to his knees. Joker, laughs "Heeheeheeheehahahahaha. Oh, what's the matter, Supie?" Then kicks Superman in the face. Joker continues to mock "No steam left in the old locomotive?" (Now what Joker should have done beat beat Superman with the Kryptonite. Then with a sharp end of it stab Superman in the head or heart. That would either kill him or make him supposedly bleed to death. If not it would get infected) 

Batman Helps Superman Rescue Lois Lane

     Batman comes into the building the way Superman broke in. He looks around a bit. Harley notices Batman now being there while hiding. Joker continues to torcher Superman, electrocuting him with his palm tayser. Joker dances around like he just one the lottery as he torchers Superman. Joker, then turns towards Lois mocking "I hope you're are taking notes." Suddenly he gets a call. Feeling disturbed he tells in the phone "Not now." Harley, on the other end "But, Puddin. Batman's headed your way!" Joker, being surprised "Get out." Joker, feeling the need to prepare tells Lois "Pardon my hasty exit. We have a pest control problem." He walks by Superman telling him happily "Feel free to expire at any time." 
     Joker's men try to fire at Batman as he gets through the building. Batman swiftly dodges the bullets as he takes out the men. More men come firing at him. Batman swiftly throws a battaring at them disarming them. Then takes them out. Batman finds the room where Superman and Lois are in. Batman picks up the Kryptonite telling Lois he will be back in a moment. The door automatically shuts before he can get out. Suddenly, a loud voice laughs "HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA." On a security screen in the corner of the room, Batman sees Joker and Harley snuggling. Joker, loving this "Two for the price of one. I love it!" Pink gas comes from the different vents in the room as Joker says happily "And the best part is, you're all going out with a smile." Harley comments "Have a happy." As she waves goodbye to them. Batman throws the Kryptonite at the screen breaking the screen. He quickly looks around at the chemicals. He finds one labeled "Hydrochloric acid" Batman mentions in worry "It would take a week to eat through the wall." Superman, struggles "No, wait. Kryptonite." Trying to speak while feeling horrible. Batman pores the acid on the Kryptonite making it melt. As Superman gets to his feet still struggling. Batman, helps him stand telling him "Snap out of it, Kent. or Joker gets the last laugh." Superman, pulling himself together, fly's carrying Batman. Then grabs Lois warning them to keep their heads down. Then fly's breaking through the shut door.  
     Where Joker and Harley are they feel an explosion. Knocking them both to the floor, Harley gets up looking at the security monitors saying "Uh oh, their loose." Joker, being angry as he gets up from the floor "That's not fair." The two run towards the exit just as Superman breaks through the wall with Batman and Lois behind him. Superman tells Joker it's over. Joker tosses on the floor a bag of exploding marbles saying "It hasn't begun, Supie." As they make their escape. Superman, not knowing what the balls do says "He's got to be kidding."  He runs towards where Joker went but starts backing away from the exploding marbles as they explode towards him. (technically the explosion shouldn't bother Superman) Superman, shockingly says "There grenades." Batman, explains, while covering Lois with his cloak protecting her from the explosions "Expect the unexpected." Superman fly's them to the parking lot away from the exploding building. 
     After they land Batman forces Superman's arm off of him. (Apparently he doesn't like getting rescued or getting help form Superman) Superman, shows Batman, gratitude "Thank you. I couldn't have saved Lois without your help." Batman mocks "I'm aware of that." Batman then uses a remote to control the Batwing to fly his way. Batman then uses his grapple the catch the wing of the batwing, Then fly's away. Lois, just realizing and panics "Bruce. Bruce Wayne. He was with me when Joker... Is he alright? Do you know?" Superman, being jealous, calms Lois down saying "Bruce is fine. Just fine." As he sees Batman in the batwing flying away.  

Lex Re-Calibrates With Joker

     At the destroyed Laboratory, Lex, explains to the press that the explosion was non-nuclear and won't hurt the environment. Lex and Mercy walk away from the press. Lex, tells Mercy "What could have possessed me to trust that clown." Clark, being among the press, hears Lex say that to Mercy with his super hearing. Making him feel a little angry. 
     At Joker's hideout, Harley is trying to make Joker feel better by trying to feed him Batman shaped cookies. Joker, at first being calm "I know you're trying to cheer me up, Harley. But you see, anytime I blow a billion-dollar deal." He yells in anger at her "IT REALLY KILLS MY APATITE!" Suddenly shots get fired at them. They hide behind a chair. Then anything else they can find to try to hide behind. The firing stops and Joker looks from where he is hiding. Mercy, holding a machine gun, and Lex, walk in through the destroyed entrance. Joker, walking over to Lex trying to explain "Honestly, Lex, don't you think I feel bad enough already." Lex, grabs Joker by his purple suit, yelling "YOU MANIAC! YOU IDIOT! HOW DARE YOU USE ONE OF MY LABORATORIES FOR YOUR..." Joker, interrupts called for Harley. Harley jumps out of her hiding place, does a front flip, and lands looking serous in a weird ninja stance, yelling "PUT HIM DOWN, BOLDY!" Lex, calls for Mercy. Mercy, surprising Harley, double kicks her. Mercy, getting revenge from before tells Harley "Here's for that punch in the face." Joker, asks Lex "Can't we discuss this like gentlemen?" Lex, angrily lets go of Joker, as Harley says to Mercy while they fight "Listen to little Miss. Can't-take-a-joke." Joker, tells Lex "Thank you, have a seat, please." The two sit down, while Harley and Mercy still fight. Lex, tells Joker "You owe me an explanation." Joker, explaining "The lab was a perfect setup. How did I know old bat-breath would show up." Lex, being stunned "Batman? He fallowed you to Metropolis?" Joker, being sarcastic "Oh, right. Like it's my fault. Look, I've still got half the Kryptonite. I can still finish the job." The two ladies still fighting around the two men. But not intervening. Joker, continues "But, if I have to cope with two men in tights." Joker, smiles "The price goes up." Lex, looking really angry stands up claiming that, that's unacceptable. Lex, continues "If you can't handle a mental case in a fright mask, our deal is off." Making Joker angry. Lex, calls for Mercy, that it's time to go. As she is pounding Harley's head in the floor. Lex, warns Joker this is his last chance. Lex, walks off. As Mercy struggles to walk but fallows. Harley, stumbles over to Joker barley able to stand up. Joker, smiles at Harley asking "How you doing, slugger?" Harley, acting half drunk "A-okay, Mr. J." Joker, pats her on the back for doing a good job. She calms down when she is patted. But collapses form exhaustion.

You can see Clark Kent in the back of the crowd


Clark Suspects Lex

     Clark, knocks on Lois's door. Lois answers the door happily to him "Hey Smallville! Come in. Wait's up?" Clark, mentions as he walks in "I see you're holding up after last night. I've been wa...oh." He sees Bruce sitting on Lois's couch. Bruce, smiles at Clark. Clark, being shocked and trying to make an excuse to leave "I didn't realize you company." Lois, stopping Clark form leaving "Wow, you might at least tell me why you stopped by." Clark, explaining for his visit "I've been nosing around. I think I may know why the Joker is suddenly after Superman." Bruce, interrupts, being concerned and curious "Well, don't keep us in suspense." Clark, still not liking Bruce, tells Lois "I think he's in cahoots with your boyfriend's business partner." Lois, questioning "With Lex? Are you sure?" Clark "I can't prove it, yet." Bruce, interrupting "I suppose I could as him." (Haha as Batman)

Batman Interrogates Lex 

    Lex, sleeping in his bed. Batman, swings in forcing Lex's balcony doors open. Lex, being stunned as he wakes up "What? Who?" Batman, walks over to Lex, in a scary walk. Lex, being a little scared asks "What do you want?" Batman asking "Information regarding a mutual acquaintance?" Lex, being confused "What are you talking about? I don't know any..." As Mercy tries to pull a gun on Batman. Batman just back fists her knocking her away and unconscious. Batman, demanding "You know exactly who I mean! Where is he.?" As Lex is shocked that Mercy got knocked out so easily. Batman, continues "What kind of deal have you made with him?" Lex, stumbling over his words "I don't... I...." Lex's body guards start pounding on his bedroom door in concern with what might be going on in the room asking about him. As Lex's guards are talking to each other. Batman subtlety leaves. As he is about to escape through the balcony Batman, tells Lex "Think about it. I'll be back." The guards finally break the door down. Lex, angrily tells them to get out of his room. Mercy, wakes up struggling to get off the floor. Lex, tells her "Contact the clown immediately. It appears we'll have to deal with his friend after all." (What a boss. Showing no concern for your employer after they get hurt.)   

Lois Transferring

     At the Daily Planet, Clark, is shocked when he hears Lois, mentioning she is transferring as they get coffee. Lois, explains "Just to the Plants Gotham City Bureau." Clark, asking with a little sadness "Does this mean you and Bruce..." Lois "We haven't made a formal commitment or anything, but, yeah, it's that serious." Making Clark, fell more sad. The two walk into the news room. Lois, trying to make things not as bad as they seem "Hey chin up, Smallville. With me out of the picture, you might get a shot at stardom." Parry White, editor and chief at The Daily Planet, yells at Lois and Clark, getting their attention "I just got word the cruise ship SS Atlantis is sending a distress call 200 miles off shore." Lois, getting excited "Wow" Then runs for her desk. Parry, responding to her reaction "Exactly. Call the coastguard to confirm and the cruise line for a statement. Your not out of here yet, Lane." As Clark sneaks off to turn into Superman then fly's off to see what the distress call is all about.

Joker Sets a Trap For Batman

     Bruce, is using an exercise machine. After he's done with his reps. Bruce, notices through a winder the same joker faced blimp from before flying by playing circus music. He notices the blimp has something written on it "Laff Night At Hobbs Bay" Bruce, questions "What the devil his he up to now?" Alfred, walks up to Bruce, carrying the Batman suit saying "A change of attire, sire?" Bruce, takes the Bat-suit asking "How fast can we get to Hobbs Bay?" Alfred, opens a coffined sized case revealing a Batman jet pack. Alfred, remarks "If I may I be so bold. When in Rome, Sire..." Batman fly's off to Hobbs Bay.
       Superman, gets to the SS Atlantis. He asks the Captain "What's the problem, Captain?" Captain, not knowing what is going on "What do you mean?" Superman, explaining "You sent out a distress call, didn't you?" Captain "Not on my authorization." Superman looks away hearing a beeping noise. Superman, points to a toy sized ship that is making the beeping sound saying "There's the culprit. It's broadcasting an electronic beacon." Captain "If one of my crew is responsible for the prank they...." The toy sized ship explodes making a hole in the side of the ship. Captain, panicking "What is it? What's happening?" Superman  "Whoever sent that distress signal. Just provided the distress."   
     As Batman, gets close to Hobbs Bay. He notices Joker, waiting for him there. Joker, smiles at Batman. happy to see him. As Batman lands, Joker, mocks "Copy-bat! Copy-bat! Suffering form propulsion envy, Batboy?" (making fun of him flying like Superman) In the distance we get the view point of a computer looking at them and locking onto Batman. A bus sized Waynelex appears. As Batman notices it. Joker, says "Think of it as a welcome wagon, Bats." Joker, continues like he is having evil fun "Welcoming you to the nearest mortuary. Mmmheeheeheehahahahaha."
    Back at the cruise ship, people are panicking. People start getting into life boats as Superman takes a life boat and shoves it into the hole the explosion made. He uses his heat vision to seal it. As the ship starts to steady it's self. People are calming down.  
     Batman, fly's, trying to avoid the Waynelex's laser. Batman, fires rockets at the machine. The explosion doesn't really do much to it. Joker, hiding in an ally excitedly says "Ooh this could be a fair fight after all" then mocks "And who wants to see that?" Then makes his escape. Batman, still trying to fire rockets at the machine. The Waynelex's laser hits Batman's jet pack. Batman crashes, with his jet pack breaking off of him. Batman runs. He uses his grapple to try to escape. Batman, came prepared with two grapples to try to help him escape. He lands on a moving bus. The Waynelex, notices Batman is now moving to fast and pulls out it's own wheels to continue chasing him. While on a bridge, still on the bus, try's to think, Batman, suddenly notices The Daily Planet in the distance.
     At The Daily Planet, a custodian asks Lois "Evening, Miss. Lane. Where's Mr. Kent?" Lois, mocking Clark "Probably husking some corn." The coastguard, still on the phone with Lois "Miss. Lane?" Lois "Yeah, I'm still here." While listening to the coastguard, she writes in her note pad "Superman's towing the ship to the harbor?" She asks "Can you find out how close he is? Yeah I'll hold." While she is holding, she sees through the windows laser fire going up in the air. Batman swings and breaks through the class. After he gets his footing. Batman, tells Lois "Let me guess. You're the only one here." Lois, nods yes. As she fearfully wonders what is going on. Batman, runs and picks her up like a lady. Then continues to run. The Waynelex, fallows them. Batman kicks open a door leading to a stair well. He then ties the door shut as Lois asks in concern "Is there something I should know?" As the Waynelex try's to break through the door. Batman, grabs Lois. He uses his grapple to get down a stair well quickly. While swinging down the stairs, he asks Lois with desperation "How do I contact Superman?" (That's a first) Lois, explaining "He's out at sea." Batman, complaining "He's never around when you need him." 
     They open a door to the room where they make the newspapers. Batman, takes Lois, to a corner and tells her to stay there. He's the one it's after. The Waynelex break through the door and looks for Batman. Batman throws an exploding nunckuck at it. Damaging it's head making it look as if it's been shut down. (So an exploding nunchuck will damage it but not his rockets) Batman, slowly walks up to it. The Waynelex comes back to life and attacks Batman. Batman dodges. He gets backed into one of the newspaper machines while the Waynelex attacks him. Batman, struggles to try to keep the Waynelex at bay. His cape gets caught in the newspaper machine pulling Batman into it. Batman takes off his cowl to get released form the machine. Bruce, now revealed, still struggling against the Waynelex. Lois, trying to help, throws a fire extinguisher at it. The Waynelex looks at her. As she surprisingly notices Batman is really, Bruce Wayne. With the concern for Lois, Bruce takes one of the Waynelex's legs and puts in into the newspaper machine. The machine gets destroyed with the Waynelex, supposedly, destroyed as well. Bruce, grabs the Batman cowl and puts it back on. Lois, asks in disappointment and anger ""So when where you going to tell me? The honeymoon?" Batman, turns towards her. Suddenly the Waynelex comes back to life again. As Batman, prepares to protect Lois with the Waynelex running towards them. Superman, suddenly appears and uses his strength to land on and crush the Waynelex finally destroying it. Superman, jokes "Did I miss anything?" Batman, looks at Superman, disappointed in himself. Like he actually needed his help and couldn't do it himself.

One last Meeting

     At Lex Luthor's office, Lex, sitting at his desk, receives word form a phone call "Reports indicate target acquisition negative, Mr. Luthor. Sorry" Lex, laughs at this news, being humored by it saying "Hmmhmmhmmhmm. He, survived. He lasted long enough for Superman to save him." Mercy, mentions "Then they have the robot." Lex "I know." Mercy, being concerned "But, Lex, they'll trace it back to you." Lex, yells "I KNOW." Lex, stands up telling Mercy "Call the clown. I need one last meeting."

A Partnership

     At Lois Lane's apartment, Lois is putting medicine one Bruce's back wounds. She angrily tells him "How could you have lied to me like that?" Bruce, explaining "Now I never actually said I wasn't Batman." She slaps him on one of his wounds making Bruce scream "OUCH" Lois, "You want to know what really galls me. I mean, besides the fact the new man in my life is really two men. It's that I'm sitting on the hottest story of the year." She gets frustrated and raises her voice "BATMAN UNMASKED, and there's not a blasted thing I can do about it." Bruce, being a little heart felt "Then you really do love me." Lois "I'll get some iodine for that scrape." As she leaves the room to get the iodine she tells Bruce with anger and frustration "Burning, stinging iodine." Superman, is suddenly at Lois's balcony looking amused, telling Bruce "I see she's taking it well." Bruce, walking over then tells him "It's ironic, you know." Bruce, gets a little heart felt down on the two of them continuing "She likes Bruce Wayne and she likes Superman. It's the other two guys she's not crazy about." Superman, joking "To back we can't mix and match." Bruce, thanking Superman "I'm not used to being rescued. Thanks." Superman, being modest "I owed you one." Bruce "That robot tonight, it came from Lexcorp. I can prove it." Superman "That's why I'm here. I figured you'd want to help me bring Luthor in." Bruce "A partner ship. You're joking." Superman, explaining "Actually, I'm having trouble finding Luthor, and I thought you might have some ideas." Bruce, agreeing "I might.  She's not going to like this, me leaving so soon for another fight." Superman, saying like he's been there before "Tell me about it." Lois, coming back in with a try of iodine and a med kit saying "That cut on your shoulder looked pretty nasty, Bruce. I know a good doctor who..." She sees Bruce, back in the Batman uniform and never noticed Superman was even there. Lois, says with concern "Oh, no." Batman, explaining "It has to be done." Lois, attempting to stop him "I don't suppose a lecture on unnecessary risk-taking is going to sway you." (She's one to talk) Batman, not letting anything stop him "Sorry." Lois, looking down and being worried about him "I didn't think so. careful." As Batman does his classic disappearing act.   

Lex Betrays Joker

      At the laboratory where all the Waynelex's are. Lex, show's Joker, the Waynelex's. Joker, marvels at them saying "Look at all the toys! Santa's been good to you, Lex." Lex. tells Joker, with concern "Joker, we've got serious problems." Joker, not paying attention notices a really big flying ship Lex has there. Excitedly Joker marvels at it "Ooooh, a flying wing. Twenty times bigger than Batman's. And knowing you, 100 times as lethal." Lex, Yells at Joker "JOKER! Did you bring the rest of the Kryptonite?" Harley, answering while showing Lex a bag "Right here, chrome dome. What's the plan?" Mercy, who is standing next to Lex, points at them with a machine gun saying vengefully "Payback." Joker, laughs "Heeheeheeheehee HAAAAHAHAhahaha." Harley, being confused asks Joker "What's so funny?" Joker "Heehee, don't you get it, Harl. We're being set up to take the fall." Harley, being angry "He can't do that." Lex, explaining, while taking the bag from Harley "Oh no? How does this sound? When I heard that one of my robots had been commandeered to kill Batman. I personally came here to investigate. And much to my surprise, I found you two." Harley, trying to defend "It'll be your word against Puddin's. I... I mean Mr. J's." Joker, being sarcastic "Somehow, Pooh, I don't think we're going to get to say much." Harley, being scared "You, you mean he's going to kill us?" Lex, explaining "No, she is. I abhor violence." Indicating Mercy. Lex, opens the bag and gets supersized when clown toy snakes jump out at him. Joker, uses a yoyo to hit Mercy and knock the gun out of her hand. Harley, rushes to pick up the gun still concerned saying "Now, this is fun, Mr. J. Except for we are never going to collect our $1 billion now." Joker, having an idea "True, but I see a delightful consolations prize." Indicating the flying wing.  
      Harley, in a painters suit, has spray painted the flying wing to make it look like it's smiling. (Realistically, that would have taken multiple cans if not all day to do) After shes finished spray painting it. Feeling accomplished says "Ta-da! Nothing like a nice big smile." She tells Joker she is all done. Joker, speaking to a now tied up Lex, "I love to personalize all my stuff. Laaahahahahahah" Lex, asking "Very amusing. So, how much is it going to cost me to get out of this?" Joker, answering "I'm not a material guy, Lexy. No, what I want now is for you to know what it feels like to loose everything you have. Everything you've ever built, like I lost everything to old Batboy." Lex, looks at joker in shock. The flying wing's radar goes off showing two incoming." Joker, says off the speaker to Harley "We have incoming. Bats and Flyboy!" Harley, responding "I'll be right in." We see Mercy tied up to one of the robots as Harley says bu-bye to her and blows her a kiss.

Batman and Superman Take On the Waynelex's

     Superman and the batwing come flying in and landing outside the building. Batman asks "See anything." Superman, answering "Luthor's been lining his buildings with lead. It blocks my X-ray vision." Batman, suggesting "Well there's always the direct approach." Superman, punches the steel door in. Then signals Batman politely "after you". Batman, giving Superman a complement "You're learning." They walk in and see the giant Waynelex's. Twice the size of the one that attacked Batman before. Joker, sees them on the security monitor mentioning "A little distraction would be useful right now, wouldn't you say, Lexy?" Joker pushes a button that activates the Waynelex's. (How would he know which one to push)
     Batman and Superman get surrounded by the robots. Joker, mentions to Lex "I think you're toys can handle this by themselves. Besides, I'd hate to spoil my new paint job. Heehee. Now lets see here. Ignition." Joker, seemingly guess which button to push and the engines happen start. The flying wing loudly and speedily fly's off. As the flying wing get air, Joker, laughs, enjoying himself "Hahahahawoohahahahaaa" Batman dodges the lasers the robots are firing. Making one of them hit and destroy another robot. Superman, picks one up and throws it at two more. But another shoots him with a laser knocking him back. It seemed as if Superman felt that one. The robot continues by whacking Superman. Superman, gets his footing. Then takes out one robot with his heat vision. Another starts firing at him. He grabs another one smashing it into the one firing at him taking both of them out. Which in turn shoots at one more taking it out. Batman, jumps over two more and throws two electrical batterangs at them short circulating them. After they are all destroyed, Superman, comes over to Batman, complimenting him "I couldn't have done it better myself." Batman "It helps if you're prepared."    

Stop the Joker

     Suddenly, one more appears. The one Mercy was tied up to. Superman, runs to the other side of it to punch it. But the robot just turns it's body showing Mercy. Superman, stops his punch before he hits Mercy. (Superman should just use his super speed to get at it.) Superman try's again. But the robot avoids Superman's punch by using Mercy again. The robot starts shooting at Superman, knocking him down. Batman, uses his grapple, shoots it at the robot, tying around it's neck. Batman, then uses pulley, with the grapple tied on to both now, and lifts up the robot. Superman, is now able to punch the robot and destroys it saving Mercy. Batman, asks Mercy, demanding where Luthor is. Mercy, answering  "Joker took him in the Lexwing. He said he'd make him loose everything he ever built." Superman, comments in concern "Luthor's built half of Metropolis." Suddenly one more robot comes crashing through the roof. (Is there no end to these things) Superman, tells Batman "Go after the Joker. I shouldn't be long." Batman and Mercy run off in separate directions.
     Superman, fly's up to attack. But this robot has the Kryptonite attached to it. The robot smacks Superman. Making him smack into a wall. We see in Metropolis the Lexwing firing missiles destroying Lexcorp buildings. Joker, having fun "Heeheehee. How does it feel, Lexy boy? Everything with your name on it is going to be rubble." Lex, just looks at Joker with fierce anger. Joker "Aaaaahahahahaaa" still firing missiles. Batman, in the Batwing, comes at the Lexwing firing missiles at it. Joker, being annoyed "Batman! it's always Batman!" Joker, turns to Lex asking "What you got in the way of anti-air missiles, Lex?" Lex, being surprised and annoyed "You're asking me for help?" Joker, explaining "If I go down you go down." Lex "It's a red switch." Joker, notices there's a lot of red switches. Joker, not sure which switch "Which red....Oh the heck with it." And pushes them all. Air-missiles fire at the Batwing. One hits it. Batman escapes his now crashing Batming, and uses built in Batclaws that come out of his fingers to latch onto the Lexwing. (I had no idea he had Batclaws) Batman, is able to use a discharge to blow open a hole on top of the Lexwing. 
     Meanwhile Superman, is getting beaten by the robot with the Kryptonite. The robot sees the door Superman broke to get into the building earlier. The robot picks it up and smashes Superman with it. Being lead lined the Kryptonite no long hurts Superman. Superman, lifts the door up telling himself "Lead-Lind door. I'll have to thank Luthor." Superman, uses the door to smash the robot through a wall, and outside smashing it against a mountain destroying it. Along with shattering the rest of the Kryptonite. Superman, fly's off to Metropolis to help stop the Lexwing.
     The Lexwing still firing missiles. Joker, gets surprised when Batman grabs him putting him in headlock. This makes the steering wheel turn making them both hit against a wall. Harley, as she takes the seat asking "Who's flying this thing?" Lex, demands Harley "Do something for Gods sake!" Harley, feeling pressured pushes a random button making the Lexwing go straight down. Superman, fly's in catching it and pushes it up before it crashes into anything. Joker, takes out his bag of exploding marbles. But Batman whacks it out of his hand before Joker could do anything. The Marbles begin to explode. Superman, fly's in ripping through the floor. Batman, tells Superman with concern "It's going to blow! I'll get Quinn, you take Luthor." Superman, rips the chair Luthor is tied up to off the floor, as Batman grabs Harley then carries her and jumps through the hole Superman came in through. As they fall Batman, pulls out his parachute. Joker, still in the Lexwing, try's to put on a parachute. The exploding marbles make the ship rock knocking Joker to the floor. Joker, notices the exploding marbles coming towards him. He gasps, then laughs out of the possibility he might die wanting to go out with a smile 'HeeheeheeheehahahahahaHAAAhahahahaaaa." Harley, fearing Joker might now be gone cry's "Pudden." Batman, being sarcastic "At this point he probably is." The Lexwing crashes into the harbor exploding. Superman, carrying the chair Lex is still tied to, grabs Batman's shut then fly's them all to safety.

A Good Team

     On the Metropolis channel 3 new that Alfred is watching as he loads up the bat gear. The News anchor tells the story as the search for Joker's body continues The coast guard claims that Gothams most notorious criminal didn't service the crash. The news anchor continues "In related news, billionaire Lex Luthor was again rigorously grilled by the D.A.'s office over his alleged connection to the Joker's rampage. His statements have been questioned both by local law officers and industrialists Bruce Wayne, announced the immediate termination of his partnership with Lexcorp. And on a lighter note Joker accomplice Harley Quinn was returned to Arkham Asylum for another round of rehabilitation." Harley, being on the news screams in frustration and struggle "I want a lawyer! I want a doctor! I want a cheese sandwich" As she gets forced into a police transport truck back to Arkham. At Lexcorp, Mercy, is watching the news as well. She comments on Harley going back to Arkham "Now that's funny." She laughs 'Heeheeheehee, awe." But it hurts to laugh with her injury's.  
     At Lexcorp Air Space, Bruce talks to Lois "I still wish you'd change you mind about Gotham." Lois, explaining "I adore you, Bruce, but now there's a lot about you I don't know and I'm not sure I want to know." Bruce, being modest "I understand." Lois, saying goodbye "Take care of yourself." as she kisses him on the cheek then walks off.
      As Bruce is about to bored his jet, He gets surprised when Clark walks up to him. Bruce, being suspicious "Come to make sure I'm leaving?" Clark, explaining with a smile "Actually, I though we worked pretty well together. Not that I want to make it a regular event." Bruce, being somewhat sad "She's all yours now, if you can handle that." Bruce, gets closer to Clark continuing being sarcastic "But you better be good to you, because I know where you live." Then gets on his jet. Clark, smiling, and watches Bruce's jet fly off.


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